Good News


New Member
Originally posted by NowInc
LoL..the other good news is that this is a new thread that DOESNT mention figment!! ROCK ON!!

LOL do you realize though.. you just mentioned him! lol... Therefore this thread does now mention Figment...

Okay This is my overanalytical day :) sowwies.


New Member
Original Poster
Re: Re: Good News

Originally posted by Fantasia Boi

Now if only that were true... *sigh*

What, do you mean the paper lied? How dare they. :mad:

Seriously, have not all the hours been restored yet?

WDW Imagineer

New Member
I can vouch for that. When I went last weekend things definatly seemed like the were back to normal.

We will see if things are really back to normal come the summer when a lot of tours and international visitors come into town.


New Member
I always love good news....there was a new story on Fox News yesterday that disney park attendance is doing well and thats what is boosting the stock.

Castle Cake Apologist

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by NowInc
LoL..the other good news is that this is a new thread that DOESNT mention figment!! ROCK ON!!

I wonder what Figgy will be doing with that eye chart he's playing with... oh and what kind of smells will we smell in the smell lab? heh.... :lol:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by DisneyExpert

I wonder what Figgy will be doing with that eye chart he's playing with... oh and what kind of smells will we smell in the smell lab? heh.... :lol:

Oh can only wonder........LOL :hammer:


New Member
By marketing standards 30 hours can be considered full time empolyment.

MSNBC said that Disney went up more than a quarter on friday and the stock is expected to open at 4 points higher by opening bell monday.
Also they lowered tickets prices, marginally i believe, but they did lower them


Originally posted by Davis224
By marketing standards 30 hours can be considered full time empolyment.

MSNBC said that Disney went up more than a quarter on friday and the stock is expected to open at 4 points higher by opening bell monday.
Also they lowered tickets prices, marginally i believe, but they did lower them

WHOA WHOA WHOA....... when did they lower ticket prices?


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Davis224
By marketing standards 30 hours can be considered full time empolyment.

Full Time, yes... but it's still not the 40 hours that we used to be at. And especially with the way Disney pays... it really makes a difference.


New Member
Hours CM's are working...

I am sure that not everyone is back up to there normal work hours yet, but I also know that my CM's arent happy because they are on mandatory 6 days a week, and I know that this is going on at almost, if not every resort on property.

Just thought I would share



Well-Known Member
It just amazes me the number of cast members that complain about not getting enough hours and then turn around and complain about having to work 6 days a week.

What Disney pays is not the issue. You are told upfront when you go to casting what the starting pays are for most positions. You are even given the opportunity to walk at that time if they aren't to your liking.

The issue here is with the individual cast members. If your financial situation doesn't allow you to work at hospitality level wages then you need to reflect upon your situation. Maybe Disney isn't the best place for you. They are certainly not the only employer in town. Orlando also isn't the only city in the country. Many of the people I hear complaining relocated here from somewhere else. The highways that lead to Orlando aren't one way.

Also, don't forget that for the "low" wages, our jobs aren't that difficult. Yea you have to stand around and smile all day and be friendly. You have to occasionally deal with some of the guests who no matter what are going to have a bad time. If you want over time you get it, if you dont want over time you get it too. But even that isn't year round unless you are looking for it.

Its a matter of perspective folks, if you have never had a difficult and highly responsible job then you have no comparison. Imagine being responsible for a 50 million dollar budget that involves many locations worldwide. Imagine working 60 hours a week for the pay of 40. Imagine having to take your work home with you every night. Imagine thinking you are finished at 5 pm on a Friday only for your boss to catch you just before you leave and ask you to come in on Saturday and work on that speacial report for the VP that was supposed to be do in a week that is now due Monday.

For those of you who say that working with guests can be stressful, maybe you should consider a different career. I have met some cast members who could get into an argument with a stick on the ground. Its not that the stick that has a bad attitude its the cast member. You reap what you sow.

I should stop ranting now. I think everyone gets the picture. Life is full of choices. Its up to you to make the right ones. If you make the wrong ones for your situation, don't blame other people or your employers. Blame yourself and set about putting things right.


New Member
I agree with you 99%. There is just one item that I dont.
Dealing with the general public can be very stressful. If someone feels this way, they shouldnt find a new career. It is part of the job. They should learn to deal with it. If they cant deal with it, then, and only then should they look else where. The hospitality industry is a great place to be, and what a better job to have than helping people make "MAGICAL" memories. I would never consider going anywhere else. This profession is the true test of life. Dealing with people, trying harder everyday to exceed the guests expectation....... Who would not want a job to where you are paid to simply make other people smile and laugh.

To me, this is as good as it Gets.......

Thank you Walt


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
really WDWManager? Most CM's are on 6th day?

I'm lucky to get ANY hours right now.

That's why I have my second job over at Universal (no conflict of interest. I never signed the paperwork in traditions, since I never took traditions. I went to WDW via a jobs posting from Disney Regional Entertainment, where you don't sign that paperwork. Plus, my local area management is cool with it.. some of them are even my coworkers.. kinda funny I think)


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
Originally posted by niteobsrvr
Also, don't forget that for the "low" wages, our jobs aren't that difficult. Yea you have to stand around and smile all day and be friendly. You have to occasionally deal with some of the guests who no matter what are going to have a bad time. If you want over time you get it, if you dont want over time you get it too. But even that isn't year round unless you are looking for it.

Do my job for one day. then talk to me. I have one of the few jobs in which I get physically attacked by guests on a day to day basis. And not once in casting, not once during my auditions, was I told that. I found out the hard way. I have been stabbed in the shin by a guest (accidentally, but still painfuil and requiring stitches), I have PERMANENT back damage from being attacked by guests on 7/4/00. I have recurring ankle damage from being tripped on grad nite and carrying the canopy in the MSEP on the Main Street Railroad tracks.

And before you blame me for "choosing my job." And before I'm notified that I should seek another job, let it be known: I have been trying to go to Guest Relations for the past 6 months. Unfortunately, I was "screwed" by a manager and denied a Union Steward at my request, due to an argument between another CM and myself, which all witnesses blamed her for. Yet, because in Disney, seniority=truth, and real truth is a joke, I was forced to take the fall for this event.

So, yes... Disney does screw people... a lot.

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