Pre-Trip Going to Disney with my Mommy and Daddy

It was July 10, 1980-something. My family had just moved to Atlanta, Ga. and my parents decided to buy Walt Disney World Annual Passes for the whole the family. That decision sparked a major turning point in our families history. During the course of that first year as Annual Pass holders, we became a Disney Family. And not just an average Disney family that visited once a year or every few years. We averaged 2-4 trips per year. As the years passed and my brother, sisters and myself have grown older, we have never stopped being a Disney Family. In the dozens and dozens of trips we have taken, there has been practically every variation of which family members went. Sometimes its the whole family, others have been me joining my sister or brothers family, sometimes just my wife and I, and many of the grandparents, (my parents) visiting with the younglings. We had done Disney every which way possible, .......or at least thats what I thought.

The course of events leading up to this trip started out a bit frustrating, but ended up being very exciting, and something I had never considered as an option. After several changes in the trip plans of who would be going and when, it ended up being my Mother, Father, and myself. In all the years of visiting, I have never had a trip with just myself and my parents. So before I get to the details of how this came about, I shall introduce the cast of the trip. Please pardon the quality of the pictures of my parents as my mom used her cell phone to take pictures of actual printed photos in her photo album. She apparently did not deem my PTR worthy of taking the time to scan the photos and email them, lol. So here is the cast:


Keith, a 30-something Disney nerd


Ok, so thats not me, but its a good example of how much I act like a child when Im in WDW.
Here is an actual photo of me which shows my other "Disney Side", which is the self proclaimed Mayor of Drunkey Town.

For my parents photos, I will post pictures of them at Disney from waaaaay back in the day in an effort to establish their street cred in the Disney fan community, hahaha. And also just because the outfits are too awesome not too!

My Mom: Debbie

Mom Disney.jpg

She is rockin' that faux snakeskin bathing suit tucked into those jorts. And yes, my baby sister was a little more daring and went with the bathing suit sans jorts.

My Father: Paul


If I could replicate that outfit (my dads), I would totally do it. This very well may be my endeavour leading up to our trip. And no, I will not make any effort to recreate the midriff and high cut shorts I am wearing in this photo, although I feel I did pull it off quite well back then.

Here is a more recent photo of my parents together at Disney. They are in the second row behind my sister and her son in the first row:


Where: 5 days at Animal Kingdom Lodge Jambo House!!!

When: Shortly after Pandora opens at AK!!!

So there you go. Some of you know me from my past trip reports and now you know my awesome parents as well!

The idea for this trip was born when my wife and her mother planned a two week trip to visit Italy this fall. Yes, the real Italy, not the pavilion at Epcot. I wont be able to join them and my wife is basically using all her vacation time for the year. Ive always talked about taking a solo trip to WDW so my wife suggested that I actually do it this year since we cant go together. If your wife gives you a free pass to travel and agrees to take care of the house and animals while you are gone, YOU TAKE IT!!! So I did. A few days into my planning, my sister calls me to tell me that she booked a Disney Cruise for her family. I told her I was planning a solo trip and within minutes the plans changed to me joining them for a few days at WDW before they set sail on the Fantasy. I checked availability, (thanks @lostpro9het for the help) went back and forth with my sister on which resort, and after several days we decided and I was all ready to book the room when my sister calls to tell me they decided to visit Cape Canaveral instead.

So back to the original plan of a solo trip. Then I had the idea that bringing my youngest nephew along might be a fun adventure (he is four years old). After my family stopped laughing hysterically at the idea of me (I dont have children) being able to handle a four year old at Disney, they convinced me that it might not be the pie in the sky dream of a perfect trip I was envisioning. After my bruised ego healed, I thought asking my parents to tag along would ease the worries of my nephew joining me. I called my Dad, pitched the idea, and he said he would think about it and call me back. A few days later I get a call with a counter offer, (my Dad is an attorney so negotiating is always a factor, lol). My parents said they would like to go to Disney, but without any young children. Just me and them. My Mom explained how they have always enjoyed the pictures and stories my wife and I have of our trips together and how we take it slow and mostly eat, drink and just soak in the atmosphere and they have never had a trip like that for themselves. It has always been with us kids, or the grand kids. I had never realized that. My parents moved Heaven and Earth for us kids to have an amazing childhood and if anybody deserves a few days to relax at WDW, it is them.

Granted, they wont exactly be alone since I am going, but we are planning to enjoy the best of both worlds. I will take a day or two to have my solo trip time while my parents do whatever their hearts desire. We will mix in random times to meet up and enjoy some time together as well. I am trying to convince my Mom to join the forums and participate in this PTR as well so hopefully she will and it will add another perspective. We are still in the early stages of planning so I will update this as we make progress. More to come soon!!!!! Have a great day!!!!!



Premium Member
Solo trips can be fun, and I'm very excited for you! It will be a different experience from your other trips, but there's plenty to do, see, and people to meet (if you enjoy striking up a conversation with others). I'm a bit on the shy side with strangers, but I've found that my most relaxed discussions were with CMs. I've had lots of laughs, and learned a lot from them. (I just make sure that they're not too busy when I politely approach them. Wouldn't want to interfere with their job.) If they're not busy, they seem to like the company. :)

As for the parks, take advantage of the single rider lines--I never do Fastpass--I just get in the single rider lines for the major attractions. :happy:

And--it's great that you'll also have some time with your parents. during part of your trip.


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Original Poster
YOUR...POOR...MOTHER!! Does she know you posted that picture!! :joyfull: That's awesome though. Got to love the 80's.
Haha, yes she is fully aware of what I intended to do with the photos. My mother proudly owns her choice of 80's clothing:cool:. Ill post some photos of myself at WDW during my skate boarder phase as a kid. My mom always encouraged us to be who we want and dress how we want (within reason). She allowed me to get away with some strange outfits, God Bless her.

My father on the other hand, was a bit more strict. His main issue was wearing baseball caps inside a building. He would wait for me to walk in somewhere if I was wearing a hat and the second my foot crossed that threshold he would thump me on the head as hard as he could. A thump may not sound painful but my dad perfected the craft and it was brutal. But I learned pretty quick.


Premium Member
Original Poster
Solo trips can be fun, and I'm very excited for you! It will be a different experience from your other trips, but there's plenty to do, see, and people to meet (if you enjoy striking up a conversation with others). I'm a bit on the shy side with strangers, but I've found that my most relaxed discussions were with CMs. I've had lots of laughs, and learned a lot from them. (I just make sure that they're not too busy when I politely approach them. Wouldn't want to interfere with their job.) If they're not busy, they seem to like the company. :)

As for the parks, take advantage of the single rider lines--I never do Fastpass--I just get in the single rider lines for the major attractions. :happy:

And--it's great that you'll also have some time with your parents. during part of your trip.
Thanks for the tips! I usually strike up conversations at the bar or in line for an attraction. Perhaps Ill try and squeeze some info from the CM's. Maybe the bus driver can give me some super secret insider info, lol. :D:D:D


Well-Known Member
Haha, yes she is fully aware of what I intended to do with the photos. My mother proudly owns her choice of 80's clothing:cool:. Ill post some photos of myself at WDW during my skate boarder phase as a kid. My mom always encouraged us to be who we want and dress how we want (within reason). She allowed me to get away with some strange outfits, God Bless her.

My father on the other hand, was a bit more strict. His main issue was wearing baseball caps inside a building. He would wait for me to walk in somewhere if I was wearing a hat and the second my foot crossed that threshold he would thump me on the head as hard as he could. A thump may not sound painful but my dad perfected the craft and it was brutal. But I learned pretty quick.

Ahh, the 1980's. Best decade EVER! Didn't Scott Baio wear shirts like that back then? You were totally in style.;)

Your parents seem great. Cannot wait to hear how your trip goes.


Premium Member
Original Poster
Most of my allotted time on these forums is spent clashing with the ridiculous brand advocates in the News and Rumors section. It is like a never ending battle with a hydra. But here, in the Trip Reports forums, it is so peaceful and calm, like a quiet morning stroll around your Disney resort with a good cup of coffee and birds are chirping with the faint sound of leaf blowers from the landscapers in the distance as the sun rises. The News and Rumors is like a crowded night in the hub at MK with strollers being slammed into the back of your ankles as parents jockey for position to see the show and some kid has a dirty diaper which permeates the heavy, humid Florida air and now your double scoop chocolate fudge ice cream no longer looks that tasty. But I love both for what they offer.

That being said, the last few days have been really enjoyable catching back up on other peoples reports. I know it may seem selfish to spend more time here only when I am planning a trip, but someone has fight the good fight in the mud pit known as News and Rumors, lol. I am being a tad over dramatic, but only in an effort to add some flare to this PTR.:D:cool:

Now back to the trip planning. Once the plans changed and it was my parents and I, we discussed if we would rather catch the tail end of Food and Wine or wait for June and Pandora would be open (fingers crossed it wont be RoL part 2 with delays up the whazoo). We considered the weather as it will be better in May and my Mom loves F&G Festival, as do I do since it is basically Food and Wine Festival 2.0 -- June is more hot, humid and crowded, but in the end we figured it would be nice to try something new with Pandora and since we are going a few weeks after the opening, hopefully they will work out any inks by then.
We chose AKL because it is obviously close to AK but more so because my parents have never stayed there. They have eaten there before and toured the resort and they really liked it. Im excited for them to get to experience it in a new way and have 5 whole days there. They asked me if they need to watch Avatar to be able to enjoy Pandora at AK. I was kind of on the fence with my answer. On one hand, I feel Disney has designed it so you can enjoy it even if you havent seen the movie, but I also feared that if they watch it and dont care for it (i didnt think it was that great), it would possibly affect how they view Pandora. I gave them my opinion of the good the bad and the ugly. Time will tell if they watch, but it most likely wont be anytime soon because m wife and I got them to start watching Schitts Creek (on Netflix) and they are binge watching it now.

My mom sent some more crazy 80s pictures so I will post them later today so everyone can enjoy and laugh at my crazy family. Thanks everyone for following along and please feel free to comment on your thoughts and opinions on AKL, and Pandora and if your looking forward to seeing it or will be down there for the opening.


Well-Known Member
I was kind of on the fence with my answer. On one hand, I feel Disney has designed it so you can enjoy it even if you havent seen the movie, but I also feared that if they watch it and dont care for it (i didnt think it was that great), it would possibly affect how they view Pandora.
That's the crux of it...they will probably come away with a "They chose to build an expansion about that piece of garbage!?!?" if they watch the movie ahead of time. At least that was my take on it. :(


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Original Poster
That's the crux of it...they will probably come away with a "They chose to build an expansion about that piece of garbage!?!?" if they watch the movie ahead of time. At least that was my take on it. :(
EXACTLY. But my parents know that Pandora was the reaction to Potter at Uni so that should soften the blow. I did not think it would be fair to slam the movie without letting them watch it and make up their own mind though. But I will have the .gif of the dumpster fire ready to post and share their opinion of it once they watch it and report to me, hahaha

Doc Disney

Well-Known Member
Most of my allotted time on these forums is spent clashing with the ridiculous brand advocates in the News and Rumors section. It is like a never ending battle with a hydra. But here, in the Trip Reports forums, it is so peaceful and calm, like a quiet morning stroll around your Disney resort with a good cup of coffee and birds are chirping with the faint sound of leaf blowers from the landscapers in the distance as the sun rises. The News and Rumors is like a crowded night in the hub at MK with strollers being slammed into the back of your ankles as parents jockey for position to see the show and some kid has a dirty diaper which permeates the heavy, humid Florida air and now your double scoop chocolate fudge ice cream no longer looks that tasty. But I love both for what they offer.

HAHAHA! I love this comparison. Sometimes I stray from the Trip Reports threads and notice how mean people can be to each other so I scurry on back over here :)


Premium Member
Original Poster
HAHAHA! I love this comparison. Sometimes I stray from the Trip Reports threads and notice how mean people can be to each other so I scurry on back over here :)
Ya, you gotta have thick skin in there. Im the "shoot first and ask questions later" type, so I fit in well. And I pretty much get "warnings" from the mods on a daily basis, lol. Bless The Mom for putting up with my shenanigans.


Well-Known Member
Never saw Avatar. Knew in advance I'd hate it. Have no expectations for Pandora but am going in with an appreciation for the cool Disney details I know will be there. Just considering it a different kind of Fantasyland. While I may not "get" the movie references or hidden images, it won't prevent me from enjoying (or hating, should it trigger motion sickness) the attractions there.


Premium Member
Original Poster
Never saw Avatar. Knew in advance I'd hate it. Have no expectations for Pandora but am going in with an appreciation for the cool Disney details I know will be there. Just considering it a different kind of Fantasyland. While I may not "get" the movie references or hidden images, it won't prevent me from enjoying (or hating, should it trigger motion sickness) the attractions there.
Thats pretty much the best way you can approach it. Just enjoy it for what it is. I was so let down by FLE so Im cautious not to get my hopes up. Not that it (FLE) is bad in any way, just not near what I expected, especially after it took 7 years to finish. But we enjoy it for what it is.


Well-Known Member
Most of my allotted time on these forums is spent clashing with the ridiculous brand advocates in the News and Rumors section. It is like a never ending battle with a hydra. But here, in the Trip Reports forums, it is so peaceful and calm, like a quiet morning stroll around your Disney resort with a good cup of coffee and birds are chirping with the faint sound of leaf blowers from the landscapers in the distance as the sun rises. The News and Rumors is like a crowded night in the hub at MK with strollers being slammed into the back of your ankles as parents jockey for position to see the show and some kid has a dirty diaper which permeates the heavy, humid Florida air and now your double scoop chocolate fudge ice cream no longer looks that tasty. But I love both for what they offer.

That being said, the last few days have been really enjoyable catching back up on other peoples reports. I know it may seem selfish to spend more time here only when I am planning a trip, but someone has fight the good fight in the mud pit known as News and Rumors, lol. I am being a tad over dramatic, but only in an effort to add some flare to this PTR.:D:cool:

Now back to the trip planning. Once the plans changed and it was my parents and I, we discussed if we would rather catch the tail end of Food and Wine or wait for June and Pandora would be open (fingers crossed it wont be RoL part 2 with delays up the whazoo). We considered the weather as it will be better in May and my Mom loves F&G Festival, as do I do since it is basically Food and Wine Festival 2.0 -- June is more hot, humid and crowded, but in the end we figured it would be nice to try something new with Pandora and since we are going a few weeks after the opening, hopefully they will work out any inks by then.
We chose AKL because it is obviously close to AK but more so because my parents have never stayed there. They have eaten there before and toured the resort and they really liked it. Im excited for them to get to experience it in a new way and have 5 whole days there. They asked me if they need to watch Avatar to be able to enjoy Pandora at AK. I was kind of on the fence with my answer. On one hand, I feel Disney has designed it so you can enjoy it even if you havent seen the movie, but I also feared that if they watch it and dont care for it (i didnt think it was that great), it would possibly affect how they view Pandora. I gave them my opinion of the good the bad and the ugly. Time will tell if they watch, but it most likely wont be anytime soon because m wife and I got them to start watching Schitts Creek (on Netflix) and they are binge watching it now.

My mom sent some more crazy 80s pictures so I will post them later today so everyone can enjoy and laugh at my crazy family. Thanks everyone for following along and please feel free to comment on your thoughts and opinions on AKL, and Pandora and if your looking forward to seeing it or will be down there for the opening.
This is hilarious. I can only stay in News and Rumors for a short period of time. I tend to get beat down over there with all my happiness and cheer.

I have also started watching Schitts Creek, I'm only a few episodes in but like it. I can't get anyone else in the family to watch it with me though. I'm partial to the Mayor.

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