Global Warming


Active Member
Original Poster
Hey everyone i was sitting in Biology class today and we were talking about Global warming and greenhouse effects and stuff, and the teacher should us a little animation of what would happen if the polar ice caps melted. Well it wasnt good becuase Florida was completly gone. Which then got me thinking OH NO DISNEY WORLD!!!! and this animation was suppose to show what happened with in the next 75 years, so who knows.

Whats your thoughts


Active Member
Hey everyone i was sitting in Biology class today and we were talking about Global warming and greenhouse effects and stuff, and the teacher should us a little animation of what would happen if the polar ice caps melted. Well it wasnt good becuase Florida was completly gone. Which then got me thinking OH NO DISNEY WORLD!!!! and this animation was suppose to show what happened with in the next 75 years, so who knows.

Whats your thoughts

I wouldn't worry about it.


Well-Known Member
My brother was telling me that he remembers sitting in class back in the mid 80's or so, and hearing that another ice age was coming...and that by the year 2000 or so, we'd all be under ice.

Umm...ya...still waiting for that to happen.

Scientists are always coming up with some gloom and doom prediction, and on more than one occassion, the predicted times for such gloom and doom come and go.


Le Meh
Premium Member
eh....nevermind....too political for some....i would call it environmental awareness, but to each their own, right?

I would call it that also if there were any shread of truth to the fact. What it is is an effort for some to

1. Enrich themselves off of fear mongering and,
2. Stay in the spotlight.


Well-Known Member
My brother was telling me that he remembers sitting in class back in the mid 80's or so, and hearing that another ice age was coming...and that by the year 2000 or so, we'd all be under ice.

Umm...ya...still waiting for that to happen.

Scientists are always coming up with some gloom and doom prediction, and on more than one occassion, the predicted times for such gloom and doom come and go.

I agree. The fact that we are not in a high school science teacher's predicted ice age is all the proof I need that the hundreds of scientists' warnings about global warming are wrong.

Good point on the "don't believe scientists because some have been wrong in the past." Doctors have been wrong as well, that's why I don't believe a thing they say.

I firmly believe that facts only get in the way of what I want to think.

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Well, I saw an Inconvinient Truth, and when they showed Florida being flooded, the Orlando area seemed pretty safe. Just barely though.

The only Disney parks that would have a real flooding problem if global warming were to happen would be TDL and DL Anaheim. :(


Active Member
Global warming? Is that when it gets hot outside? If so we had global warming here yesterday...not so much today though and I think it's going away completely for the long weekend...figures.


DVC Dave

New Member
I agree. The fact that we are not in a high school science teacher's predicted ice age is all the proof I need that the hundreds of scientists' warnings about global warming are wrong.

Good point on the "don't believe scientists because some have been wrong in the past." Doctors have been wrong as well, that's why I don't believe a thing they say.

I firmly believe that facts only get in the way of what I want to think.

Reading this post Lifts my heart. I knew there were other people out there who believed like I do...and why wouldn't it be on a disney site!

just do your own research, don't believe just because someone told you


Well-Known Member
Well, I saw an Inconvinient Truth, and when they showed Florida being flooded, the Orlando area seemed pretty safe. Just barely though.

The only Disney parks that would have a real flooding problem if global warming were to happen would be TDL and DL Anaheim. :(

Ditto, all the models I have seen leave Orlando still afloat. It basically replaces Miami as the southern most city, but it's still dry.

Heck, Disney would just build levies like the Dutch (not New Orleans) and keep the place going. It wouldn't be that deep that far inland, more of a swamp with lots of bugs....hey...wait a minute....


New Member
Oh boy, global warming! You need to Google: Roy Spencer! He's a local here in Alabama! Has worked NASA, is now a College Professor at the University of Alabama in Hunstville, and has recently been featured on Rush Limbaugh. He gives some very interesting insight on Mr. Goober..... I mean Gore's stand on Global warming. Case in point:
1. If you fly on jets bigger than a kite, don't preach to me about global warming.
2. If you have enough money, you can get scientist, or anyone for that matter, to say anything you want them to say.
3. And this is the important one boys and girls, you cannot have a general consensus among scientists and call it science! Science is not a GENERAL CONSENSUS!

I don't think you have to worry about Disney World going anywhere due to The Polar ice caps melting, you might, however, want to watch those hurricanes!:cool:


New Member
The planet may be getting warmer, as shown by global temperatures over the past couple decades.

However, we don't know for sure if this is a natural cycle or something caused by the human race.

One thing is for certain. People like Al Gore are going about it all wrong. If they want to 'save the planet' you don't tell people to stop driving and such because it will 'stop global warming'.
You tell them that because they pay $5000 extra upfront to buy a hybrid car, they will save $x over 10 years in gas.
You tell them that if they spend $12,000 on solar panels or a windmill, they will save $108,000 on their electric bill over 30 years ($300 x 12 x 30).

98%+ of people don't care about anything except themselves, their family, and their money. If you want something done, you have to appeal to that, not to 'saving the planet'.


Well-Known Member
1. If you fly on jets bigger than a kite, don't preach to me about global warming.

2. If you have enough money, you can get scientist, or anyone for that matter, to say anything you want them to say.

3. And this is the important one boys and girls, you cannot have a general consensus among scientists and call it science! Science is not a GENERAL CONSENSUS!

I don't think you have to worry about Disney World going anywhere due to The Polar ice caps melting, you might, however, want to watch those hurricanes!:cool:

1. How does that change the facts?

2. True, but that doesn't change the fact that:
-I have seen the pictures of glacier national park evaporating
-I have seen the videos of massive ice shelfs breaking loose from the polar caps
-There are massive areas of land that were frozen that are not anymore

Bottom line, you can argue about the cause or even if it is happening...


The polution that is put in our air and water is what causes this (as you see it) debatable problem.

Are you really arguing that our air and water are as clean as they can and should be and that it is OK to polute our environment?

3. You really should read the following.
I would say the last part of the Scientific Method is the definition of a consensus, or at least the definition of the process to come to a sound consensus.

Scientific Method
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Scientific method is a body of techniques for investigating phenomena and acquiring new knowledge, as well as for correcting and integrating previous knowledge. It is based on gathering observable, empirical, measurable evidence, subject to specific principles of reasoning.[1]

Although procedures vary from one field of inquiry to another, there are identifiable features that distinguish scientific inquiry from other methods of developing knowledge. Scientific researchers propose specific hypotheses as explanations of natural phenomena, and design experimental studies that test these predictions for accuracy. These steps are repeated in order to make increasingly dependable predictions of future results.

Theories that encompass wider domains of inquiry serve to bind many specific hypotheses together in a coherent structure. This in turn aids in the formation of new hypotheses, as well as in placing groups of specific hypotheses into a broader context of understanding.
Among other facets shared by the various fields of inquiry is the conviction that the process must be objective to reduce a biased interpretation of the results.

Another basic expectation is to document, archive and share all data and methodology so it is available for careful scrutiny by other scientists, thereby allowing other researchers the opportunity to verify results by attempting to reproduce them. This also allows statistical measures of the reliability of these data to be established.

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
Scientists all seem to agree on gravity pretty well. :shrug:

I think the argument that if scientists agree on something, it must not be science, is a talking point put out there by people who don't want to accept global warming but can't be bothered doing any real research.

I respect someone like Michael Crichton who offers well thought out, fact based rebuttals to what some global warming proponents say. Just saying "well, these guys all agree, so they must be PR hounds instead of real scientists" is a lazy reply, in my opinion.

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