Get a free on ride photo from Expedition Everest

aroyston said:
:confused: I beat all three levels and I got to the point of getting my coupon. But, when I was trying to register for a username to get to my coupon, it kept telling me I was using and invalid zip code, which I surely was not because it's my own. It's not just Fl residents is it? I don't see why it would be. Anyone else have this problem?
Same thing happened to me.
So I typed in "12345" as the zip code and it worked.


Active Member
I got my picture yesterday. Make sure you go to guest services inside the park. the ones out side (after a 20 minute wait) couldn't do anything. Other than that, i was number 259 and the picture turned out great. I'll try and post it later today. Most CM's seemed confused by the coupon but figured it out.


Active Member
<img src="">
This is the ticket you will get...

<img src="">
This is the photo you get... pretty nice image too! Make sure you sit in the front of a car if you wanna have a good picture. Our first attempt we were in the back of a car and you could only see our faces. This time we were at the front of the last car which is nice since it has the engine.


Active Member


I just beat the 3 episodes and printed out my coupon! This is great!

I'm always too cheap to buy any of the ride photos, and it will be nice to have one, especially of the newest ride, the month it opens!

26 more days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
Thanks for letting us know about this, I just got my certificate last night. I had downloaded the first episode a while back before Everest opened but never did go any further. Can't wait to go back now and get my pic.:sohappy: Too bad it won't be of my first time riding it.


New Member
FYI - there was a question asked on a previous page about spoilers. I didn't watch the cut scenes at the end of each episode. As such, there were no spoilers that I could see. I have also been hiding from EE until my visit at the end of the month. I completed all 3 episodes and I still feel I have not seen anything revealing that I didn't know - it is a roller coaster and there is a yeti - that is about it.



New Member
Whats The Problem It Just Said You Have Recieved Your Free Photo Certificate, No I Did Not Last 2 Times I Tried It Rejected My Sip Code Now What Do Id O? Any Conact Help?


New Member
imagineer boy said:
What the hell is your problem? And why did you send me that rediculous PM?

Oops! I owe you an apology. I didn't realize I had sent that as a PM. I'm still getting used to navigating this message board. I'm afraid I may have sent several other people PMs also. I thought that by clicking on the person's name, that was how you reply to them. Sorry about that.

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