I was told by a person VERY high up in Disney NOT to believe the rumours about Disney allowing people to camp out before Galaxys Edge opens. She said that it was a liability and that unless it is preplanned with the police department ( sheriffs), that absulutely NOBODY was going to be "camping" before Galaxys Edge opens. She also said that people are listening to "You Tubers" who are giving out bad information to people. DO NOT LISTEN TO THEM! Only listen to an official posting from Disney. They know its going to be insanely busy and they are trying to come up with a plan that is SAFE and smooth for guests. Please do not believe rumours, these bloggers WANT you to listen to them but they KNOW NOTHING because even the highest people still don't know exactly what the plan is for opening day. Follow what Disney announces, not a "Disney bloggers" bad info from their maintenance man friend, who works at the parks, bad info.