Funniest things that have happened with charecter meets


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I remember when our son was like 2 or 3 and we were eating at the old ODYSEE restaurant in Epcot ( building which has been diserted for years) anyway my wife was having a hard time trying to get him to eat and he was crying ( not screaming but just did not want to eat and was showing it) along comes Pluto ,who he called " P-Plute sat next to him and with his tongue sticking out and wagging picked up a spoon and some mac/cheese began feeding our son. At first our son just stared at him and did not know quiet what to make of this. He eventually opened his mouth and took the first spoonful. P-Plute sat there and fed him the whole bowl! AS WE looked in amazement. We gave Pluto a rousing "thank You Pluto" as Pluto walked away tail wagging,waving goodbye to our son...ahhhhh only at Disney


New Member
On my last visit we went to visit Sorcerer Mickey at the Studios and after we had a group picture taken I asked to have one by myself, Mickey took this literally and walked off so it was just me with the Studios background. Boy was my face red!


Well-Known Member
on my last visit we went to visit sorcerer mickey at the studios and after we had a group picture taken i asked to have one by myself, mickey took this literally and walked off so it was just me with the studios background. Boy was my face red!



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When I was younger, we were having dinner upon Empress Lilly during a character meal. Well, I was much more interested in what the characters were doing than eating my own food... and Donald noticed. He came over, banged on the table and pointed at my plate. An mcee noticed, and got everyone in the restaurant to watch as Donald "yelled" at me for not eating my dinner. Talk about an embarrassed 5 year old!


This was back in the mid to late 1980's. DW, myself (no kids at the time), brother, and sister in law were at MK.

Robin Hood was greeting guests just outside of Swiss Family Robinson area. For the sake of it, we all decided to have our pic made with him. Just as we were about to approach the character, some little girl (5 or 6ish) ran up and waved at him. Being a good sport and considering she was a child, we let her go ahead of us. Robin Hood squatted down toward the grown to get closer to her level. Just when her Dad was about to snap a photo, the girl turned and gave Robin a swift kick in his factory. You could tell it startled the character some, but didn't seem to hurt him too badly (though he stayed crouched down for a short while). Thank goodness for character costume padding. :animwink:
What bothered me is that the father never made her apologize or say anything to see if Robin was okay. He just laughed it off and went on his way. (?)
We finally got to stand next to the character for our picture. Just as a CM was about to take a pic of us w/ brother quickly turned and gave Robin a harsh kick in the hood and took off like there was no tomorrow. The rest of us were stunned. Luckily Robin was okay after a few minutes of sitting down. We don't travel much with my brother & S.I.L. anymore for good reason.


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This summer we did breakfast at 1900 Park Fare. The kids had watched Mary Poppins on the way down to Orlando. We warned them to behave or Mary Poppins would come over and 'handle' them the way she does the kids in the movie. Well, when Mary came to our table, our oldest son (7), asked her, "Why were you so mean to the kids?" She got a stern look on her face and informed him, "I was being firm not mean". He got a blank look on his face, smiled a little, said "Oh, OK", and sat down. My wife shot me a look like "Oh, hell yeah! Got him!" We still get a good laugh out of that one.


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went for our Disneymoon back in July 2010 and we were at chef Mickeys
and there was this family sitting next to us and there was this little girl I think about 2. Miney came walking in and this little girl went nuts, it was so cute and we were laughing so hard. She hugged miney and gave Miney a jelly packet for a gift. It was so funny and so cute my wife and I still talk about it. We just had twin girls and I plan on bringing them when They turn 3 and I hope we get that type of a reaction from them.


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I went to the Ohana breakfast with my best friend and her little sister and I had brought my Minnie ears.
After I was done meeting Mickey,I put my ears on the floor and Stitch came to our table and crouched down to get the ears and ran off with them. My best friend chased him until the waiter gave them back to me. I was so embarrassed :p


Active Member
Last year my whole family visited disney, we were at Chef Mickey's for breakfast. Many of us had cameras and my brother in law was filming all the character interactions. I was holding my daughter who at the time was only a year old. Mickey came over to sign our book and take pictures. As soon as he was done the celebrate song came on where you twirl your napkin in the air, well as mickey was leaving he started twirling his napkin and smacked me directly in the eye, he didn't have a clue that it had happened, However most everyone at the table saw it and who ever did not got to see it replayed over and over again cause my brother in law got it on video. It is very funny to see on the video but at the time I was very embarrassed.


New Member
A couple years ago, my family took my uncle who is handicapped to WDW for the first time. We told him he was going around Christmas but we didn't actually go until the 2nd week of January. Anyway, we went to Magic Kingdom and were in line to meet the princesses. You can imagine how excited my uncle was. When it was his turn for a picture, he gave Cinderella his autograph book for her to sign, and got his picture taken with her. When we went over to have a picture with Belle, we realized that he didn't have his autograph book and soon realized that Cinderella still had it. We asked for it back, and she said she wouldn't give it back until she "got more time with Prince William." (William is my uncles name.) So we went back to Cinderella and she spent a good 10 more minutes with him and finally have his boom back.

The highlight of the trip, and that moment is still talked about. The first thing he told me when I said I was going in February... "Can you get my boom back from Cinderella?" xD


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I went to Disneyland two years ago around Halloween time, and there was a villain area where you could meet & greet villains throughout the day. We were waiting to meet Cruella DeVille, who played her role very well. When a toddler with a leash on her came up to get her picture taken, Cruella took the leash & cackled, and said "sit!". And this little tiny cute girl actually sat! The whole line was cracking up - it was adorable & hilarious! Even Cruella broke character & started laughing, she never expected the girl to listen.

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