For those hesitant to purchase a balloon....


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Original Poster
Its been almost 8 weeks to the day since we purchased a balloon for our daughter. Noticed this morning that it had finally lost its "air" and was sitting on the floor. 8 Weeks! I would have never imagined.

/end random post/thread.



Well-Known Member
I now being 23 dont need a baloon but when i was younger my mom always bought them for me and they always lasted a while i think one i got in may lasted untill my sisters b day in late august


Well-Known Member
I cant wait to buy one for my daughter in a few weeks. Always wanted too but couldn't bring myself to do it. Now I have an excuse lol

I am taking my first (an only) grandchild ( still don't know if it's a boy or girl yet!) on their first trip to Disney in October of 2013. I am buying a balloon uopn entering the park to tie to the stroller. Now I have an excuse too! :)


Well-Known Member
Yep- those balloons do last quite a while, especially the ones w/ lights in them! Be aware that Animal Kingdom Lodge does not allow balloons due to the animals. Enjoy!:)


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Original Poster
Yep- those balloons do last quite a while, especially the ones w/ lights in them! Be aware that Animal Kingdom Lodge does not allow balloons due to the animals. Enjoy!:)

Actually you can have them at AKL, but you have to leave it with bell services.


Well-Known Member
just in curiosity how do you bring it on the plane? i always wanted to bring it home , but always ended up having it deflated and tucked away in my souvenir section of the suitcase.


Well-Known Member
I have a border collie. They take pride in pulling the balloon to the floor and killing it as soon as you walk into the house with one.

Doing his/her job protecting you from the evil balloon monster. :) Our dogs also go crazy, barking at them, but we don't let them pop them.

just in curiosity how do you bring it on the plane? i always wanted to bring it home , but always ended up having it deflated and tucked away in my souvenir section of the suitcase.
I was on a flight once where the stewardess put a childs balloon in the overhead storage compartment. At the time I wondered if it might pop before we landed but they got off with it intact.


Well-Known Member
We used to get them when we could tie on a stroller--now that she is 7 she still begs for one but we are not carrying a balloon around--glad they last though for you all--the airline always made us deflate them:(


Yep - the light-up bollon's last a LONG time!
I took our little one to the front desk at Kidani and she handed them her balloon like a "big kid" - the staff was so thrilled that she didn't pitch a fit that they gave her a bunch of stickers!


Well-Known Member
We buy a balloon every year for our son who will be 7 this year under 1 condition.

When we check out he finds a child that is checking in and gives it to them.

He's a great little man that enjoys spreading a little magic himself.
That's a really great idea! I may steal that.


Well-Known Member
We buy a balloon every year for our son who will be 7 this year under 1 condition.

When we check out he finds a child that is checking in and gives it to them.

He's a great little man that enjoys spreading a little magic himself.

That's a great idea. What a really nice thing for your son to do.

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