Finally reservations are done, not so fast


New Member
I know that one of these day's, I will get past this point, however it doesn't look like anytime soon, oh well.

I currently have it set up, for 4 days at AS-Sports Dec 26 to Dec 30 and CBR Dec 30 to Jan 3 for around $1443 for my trip by myself.

I contacted Disney's CRO and was told that for about $25-$50+/-(they wont beable to guarantee the rate until June) I could stay two nights in a savannah view room at AKL, but would have to stay my first 6 nights at AS-Sports for around $1468.

Another thought, if I went with a standard room, I might beable to stay 3 nights there instead of 2.

Is AKL worth the stay? Is the savannah view worth the extra money? If you could, would you stay 3 nights at AKL in a standard room over 2 nights in a savannah room?




Well-Known Member
I have heard great reviews from the AKL and I have seen tons of pictures and it looks AWESOME!! I think it comes down to this do you want exra money for gifts/souvenirs or do you want(and will use)the anemities of a deluxe resort?
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Well-Known Member
weigh what you get....

2 nights....instead of three....
animals from your balcony..... or animals from the trails....
6 nights AllSs....or 5 nights AllSs.....

AKL savanah room is great....if your going to spend time at your room....that and I have heard people being dissapointed about which animals they were able to see....i.e. different rooms have different views....some found this to be a let down...
No the other resort it worth the money... AKL is prob the best resort for the price you pay.....
but I know I wouldn't chose SV only because I look at what I can get....3 nights..not 2....less nights at an AS....and I can still see the animals....I just have to walk a little....
Its all what you was said before....if this is a DIE HARD thing for you.....then go for is your vacation....but if ya what to get more for your money....stick with standard...thats an extra night at a deluxe....for the same price.....
Also...we got bumped to Pool view....when we booked standard....and it was great....we even could see a giraffe....a reticulated one I think.....and the view of the pool and lodge was great! The pool looks so cool from above!

Hey are you still doing the packages????
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New Member
past expierences

AKL is GREAT! I love the lodge. We stayed there the opening day for 3 nights. The whole atmosphere is something to be amazed at. Personally I think AKL is the choice you should take for 3 nights, but this is just me :drevil:
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