Favorite Vacation Time period


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Original Poster
I would say 1984 - Second trip, getting more experienced on how to see and do everything efficiently. At Epcot: Horizons newly opened, park still "brand new", that marching band playing near the fountain, Odysessy open, original Communicore, spacey-rainbow character uniforms. MK: CoP still popular, IYHW going strong, Magic Shop still open, Adventureland still "pure", 20K, Skyway still around. Also 1990 MGM open (Star Tours!!), Norway open, sixth trip but after 3 year absence, vacation experience "refreshened" by new park, added attractions.


Well-Known Member
hmmm, good question....best years for me were...well, when the newly remodeled Tomorrowland opened until 2000. my two most favorite trips were May 1999 (first time i had ever watched a movie (The Mummy) at AMC24 in DTD...and also first time i had ever been in a stadium seating theater), and also May 2000, which was just wonderful...Flower and Garden Festival AND Millenium Celebration AND Star Wars Weekends all in one trip!


1992-When Splash Mountain opened
1995/96-WDW 25th Anniversary (I'm not sure but I think those are the correct year(s).)
2000-Millenium Celebration


Account Suspended
I have only made 4 trips to wdw (not including the time my mom was pregant w/ me:))

I will pick 2 of my 4 as my favs:

1) my 2nd trip: Dec. 27-Jan 4 00-01 it was GREAT seeing all the Christmas decorations up...i love seeing snow!!!!!! in short (which i think i could go on all day everyday about it)my favs were :1)christmas decorations 2)snow on NY street -and on main street etc 3) new years eve!!

2) my sweet 16 May20-25 2002


New Member
Been to WDW 40 times since 1984. I live close by now in Kissimmee. Best trip:

March 1998: Senior class trip. We all got drunk at Epcot and a CM got fired. It was great.:dazzle:


Well-Known Member
Have to say 1997, besides being the 25th anniversary, and my honeymoon, it was also my first trip. There is nothing like your first trip.:)


New Member
My best trip was March 2000! Mine and my husband's 25th anniversary! We took our two daughters and our granddaughter! Had a WONDERFUL time for a whole week! It was the last vacation we had as a family; my husband was diagnosed with cancer in January 2001, and passed away in March of 2001. I'm so glad we had those memories. I now go to Disney with my daughters and grandkids. We have a lot of fun, but it's also kinda sad. We MISS DAD terribly.


New Member
My favorite trip was in 2001 when I went for a week and a half with my new husband on our honeymoon.

My second favorite was when I was in 7th grade---1992.
Splash Mountain was brand new. I still have the t-shirt I bought. MGM was still new and in fact ________ Tracy had just come out and they closed the park early b/c all the stars were coming for some special event. I think both of those memories were from the same trip. I've been so many times that the younger years sort of mush together. My mom used to take my brother and I every year until I got to high school and we had a very strict attendance policy, then our trips got more limited.

My third favorite trip was in 1999 when I went for the first time with my husband (well we weren't married or engaged back then, just dating...). That was so fun---his best friend went to UCF and had a frat brother that was a CM so we got one-day park hoppers. Those are only available to family/friends of CM's and we had a blast. That was the first time I had ever truely park hopped on the same day.

Now we go every couple of months. We plan to move to Celebration when we retire (which is a long time from now...) and get jobs as CM's (driving the boats together at Boardwalk or something like that) where we will only work 2 days a week and play the rest of the time and have free unlimited access to WDW.

Ok, this was an unusually long post for me...thanks for reading it.


Originally posted by animegirllover
My fav. was December 2002 when it was really chilly.

Would you mind my tagging along next trip you time travel? :lol:

Just kidding I'm sure you meant 2001, just a little typo. :)


New Member
October/November 1987 - Honeymoon, Poly, everything-you-can-possibly-think-of-is-included plan. We did just about every dinner show, took out a couple of boats, went horseback riding, and ate too many wonderful meals. Plus, of course, we were on our honeymoon.... :animwink:

September/October 1996 - WDW 25th Anniversary celebration. Walking backstage to Tomorrowland on October 1 because Main Street had been secured, getting interviewed by our local radio folks for broadcast back home, being in the 3:00 parade on the actual anniversary date, spending two whole weeks taking our time to see everything! Also, it was my son's first WDW trip, so that was cool.

October 1999 - Bringing everyone who could join us for the last shot at free park passes from DVC. 23 people in three 2BRs and one 3BR Grand Villa. Huge dinners at Chef Mickey's (for three group birthdays) and at 'Ohana, and a massive yellow-ponchoed photo-op in front of the castle.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by scherdin1
My best trip was March 2000! Mine and my husband's 25th anniversary! We took our two daughters and our granddaughter! Had a WONDERFUL time for a whole week! It was the last vacation we had as a family; my husband was diagnosed with cancer in January 2001, and passed away in March of 2001. I'm so glad we had those memories. I now go to Disney with my daughters and grandkids. We have a lot of fun, but it's also kinda sad. We MISS DAD terribly.

:cry: i'm so sorry to hear about your husband! i haven't had to deal with the death of my parents yet (and i pray that it'll be a LONG time before i have to) but here recently i've wondered how hard it will be for me to go back to WDW without them. well, even if i go on my own...i'm so used to having them with me while there, and even though they bug the heck outta me while we're there sometimes, i don't think it would be the same without them. but it's so great that you have your daughters and grandkids there to help you...that is to carry on with your Disney trips, and also through life in general.


New Member
Easter-time-ish, 1990 - The first trip to WDW that I've actually participated in. In fact, the first time I went to a Disney park was Disneyland, the year before, so until a few years ago, they all ran together. I was in 1st grade at the time, and man, did I get strange looks from my classmates when I said I liked the huge, snowy mountian rollercoaster after I got back. Living in Pennsylvania, I was the only person besides the teacher who had been in DL. Until...

Summer 1998 (WDW) and Spring 1999 (DL) - ...when I returned to WDW and DL, I finally learned the diffrence. Now I'm hooked on the little details in these parks.

Wow, that's totally off-topic, I guess. Sorry, but that's my story, sad but true.

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