EpcotServo's Sep. 9th STUDIOS Update: Someday at the Studios


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Original Poster
Hello united people of the internets! Went to the Studios yesterday afternoon, and I bring ye news and photos! Let's get rolling, shall we?


-The parks are a lot less crowded now thankfully. Aside from Midway Mania, all other rides ranged from walks ons, to 15/20 minute waits.

-There is a new Toy Story Midway Mania shirt, although it appears to only come in children's sizes.

-They've installed bright lights in the track bed of the Load area at Midway Mania, to keep guests aware that they shouldn't go towards the large pit in the ground, and not to let their kids dash into it.

-Got a new personal best score on the ride: 210,700!

-For some of you who haven't heard Mr. Potato Head's third and newest song, I got it on film. Hit it, Mr. Potato Head!

[YOUTUBE]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/OMb6XBgokV0&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src=http://www.youtube.com/v/OMb6XBgokV0&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]

-It seemed to me like one of the trains on RNR was running awfully fast. It was even more of a blast than usual!

-TOWER AUDIO UPDATE: I was in the right side Tower shaft (Foxtrot, I think. I always get my side names mixed up!) and the audio in the first shaft was OK (Except once the word "Zone" was missing, so he just said "In the Twilight". In the actual drop shaft, the audio was VERY loud and sounded a bit tin-ey.

-Much of the Sounds Dangerous/ABC Theatre building is painted blue. Not great, but not as bad as the blue paint they put on The Seas building.

-The Limo at RNR is back in the archway.

-They're building some kind of structure near the archway at RNR, as well.

-The Specatacle lights are going up!

-The Muppets balloon is still down.

-The Cars meet & Greet is really coming along!

OK, that's it for the newsparts. On to the visual medium!




-Thanks to a nifty new feature, you can track the locations of the Update via Map! You can even open it up in Google Earth in tandem with the 3-D Disney Buildings to create an ULTIMATE EPCOTSERVO VIRTU-TRACK HD REALTIME 3-D EARTHSCAN UPDATE 3000, bringing the randomness into frightning real life. Check it out!


-If all goes according to plan, look for another UNIVERSAL Update in the not too-distant future!*

-If you're just joining us on our 17-mile journey to the Magic Kingdom, welcome aboard! And have you checked out the Gift Shoppe?

And as usual, EpcotServo's Updates are made possible thanks to viewers, like you.

"What do you think, Sirs?"
-Joel, MST3K

*Back to the Future not included

Disneyson 1

New Member
Yay! First post on the thread! Great Report!

"Well, you know what this means.........The Hunchback show is coming back!"

Let the speculation begin!


Thanks for the update!

I heard from a friend that they had put a bar in DHS. Does anyone know where that is? I know they put one in during the holidays by Sci- Fi but I don't think he was talking about that one.


New Member
Bit of a random thought, but does anyone know how long the green 'Jim Henson's' signage above the main 'MuppetVision 3D' sign has been gone? Was it taken down at the same time as the balloon, or has it been longer?

I hope this is put back or replaced soon - I think it's a mistake for Disney to take the late, great Mr. Henson's name off of this great attraction.

BTW, great update as usual EpcotServo!


New Member
Well after a little reading I think I just answered my own question! I suppose they must have removed the 'Jim Henson' sign after The Walt Disney Company's buyout of The Muppets in 2004... Could that also be why they have refurbished the balloon, to remove the 'Jim Henson' name?

While I can understand the reasoning for doing this, I'm still not quite sure I agree with removing the creators name from this attraction - it just seems wrong to me. Almost as wrong as I think it was for The Jim Henson Co. to sell the Muppets in the first place...

OK, rant over... Once again, GREAT update EpcotServo! :)


Well-Known Member
Great update! I haven't posted in a while but though I'd chime in on a Midway Mania tidbit I noticed last week when I was there. Take a look at the Buzz Lightyear gamer guide right when you entrance, then take a look at the exchange rate.

Its $4.95 Canada $50.00 :lol:


Well-Known Member
Well after a little reading I think I just answered my own question! I suppose they must have removed the 'Jim Henson' sign after The Walt Disney Company's buyout of The Muppets in 2004... Could that also be why they have refurbished the balloon, to remove the 'Jim Henson' name?

While I can understand the reasoning for doing this, I'm still not quite sure I agree with removing the creators name from this attraction - it just seems wrong to me. Almost as wrong as I think it was for The Jim Henson Co. to sell the Muppets in the first place...

OK, rant over... Once again, GREAT update EpcotServo! :)

I just went to DHS today and they were changing a lot of things! TSM was fantastic!! I heard the screens were blurry and I saw nothing of the sort. Wonderful experience!!:sohappy:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Bit of a random thought, but does anyone know how long the green 'Jim Henson's' signage above the main 'MuppetVision 3D' sign has been gone? Was it taken down at the same time as the balloon, or has it been longer?

I hope this is put back or replaced soon - I think it's a mistake for Disney to take the late, great Mr. Henson's name off of this great attraction.

BTW, great update as usual EpcotServo!

Good catch, I haven't even noticed! I checked back through my photos, It's there in May, but gone in August. It must have been taken down in between those months.

I know a LONGGGGG time ago, after the buyout, they were thinking of taking Jim Henson's name off the show. The day that went through the rounds at the attraction, WEIRD things started to happen. In the middle of the day the Muppet's courtyard BGM stopped and the sounds of "Bean? Where are you Bean? Bean Bunny?Here, Beanie, Beanie, Beanie! BUNNY?" were pumped out of the courtyard speakers.

The scary part is that the audio systems that house the show track and the outdoor BGM track are on two different machines, and have no physical connection to each other!

The Cast Members all thought that Jim Henson wasn't happy with the news.

It's been a bunch of years now and his name is still on a few things, so I'm really hoping his name will come back with the Balloon.


New Member
this is the first time i have read your report and i must say how brilliant it is filled with lots of information and news absolutly fab cant wait for next one.

and in regards to Jim Hensons name been taken off i think thats wrong at the end oof the day that was his creation as much as disney was walt disneys (two different leagues i know but still you get my point)


Well-Known Member
Have an opportunity to go to WDW in December. Thanks for the photos, yet I know why DHS is not on my list of things to do. Not due to your photos, just so little interests me there.


Once again, thanks for a nice pictorial. And we got video too!
Every time I see a great shot looking down the street and see that hat....
The hat's not bad. It's just in the wrong place! It ruins the ambiance and looks completely out of place where it is.

And what about all those lovely YOAMD banners lining the street? I'm wondering if they couldn't have put up a few more streetlights just so they could accommodate a few more :ROFLOL:

Those things aside, the park's looking pretty good! Makes we wish I was there to see one of those pretty sunsets myself.

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