Energy Refurb May 1-14


Park History nut
Premium Member
psuchad said:
14 days to replace carpet and a screen? Who is their contractor? There has to be more.

It`s a big carpet :D

Especially if it`s the one in Theatre one - replacing this is quite a big job.


Active Member
Ciciwoowoo said:
My first reaction when I read this... Great! I'm going to be there at that time and I won't have to ride it! :) My family likes this ride, but I find it to be a snooze-fest. Maybe if they combined it with the Buzz Lightyear concept and gave us all lazer guns? :)
My first reaction when I read this...Crud! I'm going to be there at that time and I won't get to ride it! :mad: I love this ride but my wife finds it to be a snooze-fest. I would like to shoot a lazer gun at Ellen's AA, though :animwink:


New Member
When my family and I went last year at Easter, it was first time doing UoE. I had always wanted to but when we went in '94, it was closed. 95', closed. '97, crowded so we got tired of waiting. I wish I had seen it originally but since I didn't, I don't really mind if it stays the same. I do think the Ellen AA needs to go though, that was the only thing I did mind about it.

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
it's funny how nearly all the teenagers hate this ride and call it a snooze fest, or say it's too long, and most of the adults say they enjoy it.

Chalk that stat up to the fact that the kiddies (yeah, i called you kiddies) these days have never learned patience and/or how to appreciate something that doesn't have any of their "excitement."

Energy has always had a great educational and entertainment value. .00001% chance of teenagers appreciating anything with educational value.


New Member
I am a teenager and I love it! If you anyone thinks that the current version is a "snooze fest" The previous version had no humor at all..I enjoy Bill Nye.:lol:



Well-Known Member
Main Street USA said:
Chalk that stat up to the fact that the kiddies (yeah, i called you kiddies) these days have never learned patience and/or how to appreciate something that doesn't have any of their "excitement."

Thank goodness this "kiddie" grew up with WDW and has an appreciation for many different forms of entertainment and I do not feel like I have to be beat over the head with a 2 or 3 minute experience to have a good time. I am so glad I grew up with Horizons, UoE, and World of Motion, etc. I like all sorts of attractions and I have no problem sitting through a 45 minute theater presentation.

I never have understood why people have the patience to watch Titanic in the movie theater and yet they don't have the patience to enjoy filmed presentations like Timekeeper, Impressions de France, O' Canada, and the list goes on and on. It's that whole "amusement park" mentality that kills me.


Well-Known Member
I also don't understand the complaints about this being too long or boring.

You should have seen the original version. It had better music, but the Ellen/Jeopardy story through the attraction is orders of magnitude better than the original version.

It was great to get the original music on the park cds last year!
Just my two pennies -- this is one of our favorite attractions et EPCOT. We have been on it countless times, enjoy everything about it, and always look forward to it. Ellen, Bill Nye, and Jamie Lee Curtis are all terrific.


New Member

I really would not mind seeing this building used for a totally new attraction. For me, this attraction does not have repeat rideability. While I did enjoy it the first couple times, during my last couple of trips to WDW both my wife and I walked out of the attraction feeling like this was not time well spent. For us many rides are just as good the 10th time as the first. Things like TOT and Space Mountain retain the thrill. Attractions like the Carousel of Progress and Pirates create the same magic each time. Sadly, the Universe of Energy just doesn't do that, at least for us.


I love Ellen's Energy Adventure & am glad it is getting these things fixed. EEA is one of my favorite attractions in Epcot. First off, I believe the pavilion has the 2nd best music in all of WDW (behind RoE). Secondly, it is the only pavilion that knows how to really pump it's music. I also think the show is great and about 20 times better than the original (the true snoozefest).

Main Street USA said:
Chalk that stat up to the fact that the kiddies (yeah, i called you kiddies) these days have never learned patience and/or how to appreciate something that doesn't have any of their "excitement."
Don't be generalizing.


New Member
I'll probably get flamed for this... but what a lot of whiney people here! "Get rid of Ellen!... "Sounds Dangerous" Get rid of Drew Carey... Honey I Shrunk the Audience! Get rid of Eric Idle!" Sheesh, folks, is there anyone you folks can all agree on that can stay? The list goes on... Body Wars! Get rid of Hans and Franz... Tiki Birds! Get rid of Iago and Zazu... Tarzon Rocks! Get rid of Tarzan! I guess it's just a matter of time before the Yeti gets the thumbs down over at EE. :hammer:


Well-Known Member
Personally, I thought the original UoE eas boring.

We have some people saying that movie part is great, but the ride is boring, others saying the ride is great, but the movie part is boring leads me to believe there isn't much concensus. Now, to me this seemed like the best pavallion for a monster's inc attraction, with the two characters talking about actual energy sources as opposed to children's screams.


I've gotta say... Ellen's Energy Adventure has always been one of my favorite Epcot attractions. I make a point of riding it every time I go. I think the film is hysterical and a lot of fun, and surprisingly relevant given the time-sensitive nature of some of the subject matter. (Certainly, it doesn't have the dated feeling of attractions like the CoP, whose last scene is badly in need of an update, because it's just laughable.)

I know that EEA will probably go the way of the dinosaur (*cough*) at some point, but I'm going to be sad when it does. To me, it's funny, relaxing, educational, and just plain entertaining. Ellen makes me laugh, and she's much more popular today than she was when the attraction was built. And Jamie Lee Curtis, Bill Nye, and Alex Trebek are all fun in it as well.

In my opinion, the only major downside to EEA is that having a 45-minute attraction with no easy way to exit in the middle is a turn-off to some guests and can be difficult to fit into one's touring plan at times. Personally, I find the film more entertaining than the ride, so I've been known to go just for the preshow... but then it's hard to get out afterwards.

If and when EEA does go away, I hope there's at least some bootleg of the film out there for the memories. It's very special to some of us. :)


Frank Stallone

New Member
Main Street USA said:
it's funny how nearly all the teenagers hate this ride and call it a snooze fest, or say it's too long, and most of the adults say they enjoy it.

Chalk that stat up to the fact that the kiddies (yeah, i called you kiddies) these days have never learned patience and/or how to appreciate something that doesn't have any of their "excitement."

Energy has always had a great educational and entertainment value. .00001% chance of teenagers appreciating anything with educational value.

I apologize in advance if this sounds a bit harsh, but are you always this ignorant and stereotypical? The reason teenagers do not enjoy this attraction is not because there is an educational value to it. It is because, to teenagers, Ellen and Bill Nye ARE NOT FUNNY. Sure, Ellen had her moments when she was in Nemo that teenagers enjoyed, but that was because she was a side character, not having to pull the film.

When I was a teenager, I enjoyed the educational moments of the attraction, but was incredibly annoyed with the actors.

You cannot ask teenagers to enjoy an attraction that features two actors that your standard teen will be annoyed with by the time the preshow is over.

Imagine if it was "Britney Spears' Energy Adventure"(just the thought of that makes me want to kill a badger). Would you mock the elderly people leaving the theater in their electric wheelchairs who hated the show? Would you accuse them of not liking "the educational value"? No, you would feel sorry for them for having to listen to Britney Spears for 48 minutes, just like I pity the "kiddies" who have to listen to Ellen and Bill Nye for 48 minutes.

*side note: if it were Britney Spears' Energy Adventure, I bet they would get more than 40 people per show.

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