Embrassing Stories at Disney


New Member
Getting Sick on Spaceship Earth

I actually told this story before, in a thread for Mission Space. I rode Mission
Space for the first time in February. Unfortunately, it was a short time after lunch at the Land. (not a comment on the food, I enjoyed my lunch.) After
Mission Space I felt a calming ride was in order. Oddly enough, on the section
of the ride where you start down, my stomach just flipped and I was very sick. Talk about embarassing. How many times do you think the CMs at Spaceship Earth have heard, "I sorry but my husband got sick on the ride." ?
Not many I am sure.


Well-Known Member
Three or four summers ago we were at MK right after a heavy rain that turned to a drizzle. The parade was about to start, so every attraction was empty. We got Splash Mt. and bc it was so empty, the CM just let us keep riding. The second time through, I had our umbrella from the rain and decided to put it up during the wetter parts. Suddley ou car stopped and a voice came over the intercom asking me to please put it away. Needless to say, we decide not to ride a third time and now I always feel weird on it, like they have a picture of me in the camera booth somewhere as a potential threat.


New Member
Embarassed and a little ticked, my brother and sister were fighting with my dad cause they were tired from walking. (we're veteran Disney goers and on top of that they have no right to complain seeing as i have a prosthetic leg).

anyway, they were arguing right up to Illuminations, my dad saying he was going to leave and not come backt o any parkf or the rest of the week, etc. I swear, the only other sound i heard was the music from the park. everybody else (and there were many people around us) were kinda quiet.

later on, my grandfather decided he needed a rest-20 feet in front of the bus gate to AKL. Later in the week, we went to Germany and he got lost (being 80 years old and all.) He went downstairs and was looking around. We were sitting on the top of Biergarten, you know where the food is. He did this not once, but TWICE. I got him the first time but the couple that were eating next to us got him the second time.


New Member
A little background before the story: My ex-wife and I are still best friends, and we travel with our son to WDW frequently, looking like a normal married family. A couple of years ago, being the age that boys start being interested in girls, my son and I started giving each other a hard time when seeing a cute girl. I'd say, "Look, there's your girlfriend," and he'd say "Nu-uh" and we'd laugh. Little father-son bonding moments, you know.

So the same year, we all 3 were on our way to TT, lining up inside the preshow area room, where everyone is huddled together (in silence) to watch the video, waiting for it to start. Of course, my son has one of those super loud, carrying children's voices. He turns to my ex-wife and says, "MOM! Guess WHAT?!! Daddy's got a GIRLFRIEND!!!" (We both were dating at the time) You could slice the tension in the room with a knife. Wives were poking their husbands; we could just FEEL everyone in the room trying not to look at us; everybody went completely silent. You could tell everyone was just waiting for me to get into trouble. Luckily, my ex thought it was hilarious, and when we all started laughing, everyone relaxed. Sure was embarrassing though!


Active Member
My sister-in-law and I went to WL to have dinner then had drinks there before we left. I assume she had more than I thought because as we walked back out of the lobby towards valet, she slipped and did some sort of "acrobatic type split" to catch herself from hitting the ground, not to mention the fact she was wearing platform heels as if we were going to a party instead of the WL. She immediately composes herself, acts like she meant to do that dancing a little, then screams out "it's all good!" with everyone looking at us and laughing. WL was packed that evening especially in valet. I wanted to hurry up and get my car, but it was kind of funny too.


New Member
When my family went in Oct. 1999 for the Millenium Celebration, My mom was walking thru the parking lot at CRB and tripped over a perking block. She fell and scratched up her face and broke her glasses. The security guard brought her a stuffed animal and made her feel better. :p


We just got back last night. One night we went to Ohanas for dinner. Afterwards we decided to take a ride on the monorail. While we were waiting, my son put his cup of milk on the banister, and I knocked it off into the bushes below. I went downstairs to let the valet know what a clutz I am.


Well-Known Member
I was carrying my youngest daughter on my shoulders. At the time, she was probably 3 or 4. We were walking up some stairs on Pleasure Island in a crowd on a cold day in January (we were cutting through from one side of DTD to the other). She announces in a loud voice "Daddy, it's so cold my boogers are frozen". My wife, for some reason, speeds up at that point, just as everyone in the crowd turns to look at us.


Well-Known Member
weluvtink said:
On our honeymoon, we were on Discovery Island and my husband got pooped on twice.

Yes, I to got pooped on. Luckily, large with tattoo's keeps the laughter to a minimum...


New Member
My Parents told me about this one. My Grandma and Great Grandma went on Space Mountain. I guess they talked through the warnings because they got on thinking it was the monorail. Needless to say they were a little surprised.


On a family trip a few years ago, my brother-in-law and I went on Splash Mountain. Being fairly large men, we decided it would be fun to squeeze in next to each other in the first seat to maximize the splash down. Needless to say, we were packed in tighter than a can of sardines. As we approached the exit, my brother in law couldn't pull his knees out. So they had to stop the ride so they could get his legs out. Boats were lined up behinds us with everyone waiting to get out. After about five minutes they were able to remove the foam piece that your legs fit under and free him. We laugh about that every time we see each other.


New Member
I was coming out of the main building at DxL several years ago with my family and we saw the bus to EPCOT pull up. Since that was where we were headed we started jogging over to the bus stop so we wouldn't have to wait for the next bus. Being the klutz of the family I know better than to jog! I was looking up and didn't notice that the sidewalk started to slope down. It threw me off balance and I went face first flat on the sidewalk. Before I had a chance to do a full body inventory an ambulance was there and coming out with a guerny! I was pretty scraped up, but nothing major. I told them to put the d*** thing back in the ambulance, let them bandage me up and we went off to EPCOT with mom all bandaged up. Needless to say we had missed a couple of buses, not just the one we were running to meet. My family now runs ahead and asks them to hold the bus. They don't allow mom to run anywhere!


New Member
This isn't totally my story, but isn't there some legal requirement to tell embarrasing stories about your siblings? When I was about 10 and my brother was 7 we were on Tom Sawyer Island, going through Injun' Joe's Cave. For some reason we both thought there was something terrifying waiting at the end, so we were running though it as quickly as possible. Of course, it is sort of dark in there, and my brother ran face first into a wall, breaking his glasses. We then had to walk all the way through the park with blood running out of my brother's nose.


Well-Known Member
It is now a tradition of mine whenever I am on the Tower of Terror to make a funny or ironic comment in the pitch black before the drop sequence starts (i.e. sitting next to a couple with bride and groom micky/minnie ears "Congratulations. What a way to take the plunge!!!! or "Ugh. I got a sweaty handle!!!!!!)

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