Embrassing Stories at Disney


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Do any of you guys out there have embrassing or funny stories that happened to you at Disney?

I remember one that happened to me when I was about 13 years old. We were walking in the Magic Kingdom where there were vendors on the path with carts and what not. Im sure you guys have seen these things all over but it was a vendor that had a big ball that had like a balloon inside it. So its a big ball that kinda floats when you throw it and its very soft. The vendor throws it at me and I catch it. When i throw it back at the vendor I throw it to hard and the wind catches the ball which makes it land on the fence (the fence goes up and down in the shape of triangles and has a point at the top. I think its on most of the paths at the Magic Kingdom). After the ball landed on the fence it popped, so I ran the F' out of there. Later that day security pulls me over and says that I have to pay for the ball. It sucked really bad.


New Member
I remember one time we were going to Cinderella Castle for our late dinner. Everyone was lined up for the parade and there wasn't many people walking on the street. My family was walking right down the middle of Main Street USA and my 20 year old sister starts waving at people. She considers herself a princess and we were making fun of her the whole time. She got a bunch of weird looks from parents. I was kind of embarassed to be with her but it's all good.


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I wet myself waiting in the queue for one of the slides at Typhoon Lagoon. I was young. I'm sorry OK. It trickled back down the queue. :lookaroun :cry:


Active Member
not me but my husband was holdign our daughter in the que for dumbo and she had an accident, only it got all over him. :) another funny thing that happend with my husband was when we went to animal kingdom the birds pooped all over him all day he had it on his shirt and his jacket uggh :)
Oh gosh, it was just a few years ago. We went on the animation tour in MGM and my dad, being a dork, attempted to sneak his camera and take some film. Someone saw him and told, I dont know whether it was security or the tour guide, I dont remember. He had to show them the tape and record over everything he had taken inside. It made me depressed all day that my dad would break the rules like that and it made me horribly embarrassed!

I'm sure I've done many dopey things too, but it's funny how I always banish them from my memory :lookaroun


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Always remember the one time on Haunted Mansion i was with my 5 year old cousin and wanted to scare him so ever few seconds in there i would scream my head off. When we got off the ride the CM asked me if there was a girl on the ride with us....


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Last time I was down there, I was running my hand along the handrails in Frontierland (real wood!), and got a 2 inch sliver in my hand. OUCH! Well, I was so embarassed, I rode BTMR , my hand stinging the whole time, before I told my mom. She was really PO'd, but we went to first aid on Main Street where they gave her a pair of tweezers and a magnifying light to pull it out herself (they can't do it for liability issues). OUCH!!! Actually, that was more stupid than embarassing.

stitch rocks

New Member
this didn't happen at disneyworld but at disneyland... it was that time of month for my mother and well she had some "stuff" in her pocket.. well it fell out twice and my uncle picks it up and hands it to my mom not know what it was... i was so embarresed


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That reminds of my last visit there when I was with a girl friend of mine, they had the security check points up because 9/11 had happened recently. Knowthing this she put a bunch of tampons through out her purse for the checkpoint. Is funny seeing the guys face in disgust as he searched through her bag and had to pull out the tampons.


My husband and I lined up very early in the Muppets meet'n'greet area at MGM. There was noone around and we still had 20 minutes or more until the characters arrived. We started getting a little bored and so we started kissing (hey - it was our honeymoon!) :kiss: Well we got pretty into it and weren't paying attention and all of a sudden Kermit and Miss Piggy's handler taps my husband on the shoulder and asks us to stop. We looked around and realized that the characters had arrived and there was a huge line-up of parents & kids to see them. :eek:


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A few years back, my little sister and I rode the Indy Speedway and she drove. When we were about to get off, I forgot it was to the left we were supposed to get out of, so I got out on the right side while my sister went out the left side. Instead of going oops wrong side, I yelled at my sister for being on the wrong side and she looked at me weird and I kept telling her to come over to where I was and oops she did, luckily no cars were around and the CM was nice about it he made sure no cars were in the way. Man, that was embarassing. To this day I'm traumatized to ride that thing. :rolleyes: Just kidding, I still ride it, but everytime I'm on it I remember what happened and always make sure I go out the RIGHT way.


Last summer my mom, dad, and I were eating at Crystal Palace and when we got our bill to pay, my mom went to go get the credit card that we carry in my dad's backpack, only to realize that we hadn't brought a credit card at all: it was a clothing store credit card, which is useless anywhere but that clothing store! Luckily though, we were staying at the Contemporary so my mom and I ran back there to get the REAL credit card while my dad waited on us. He said Winnie the Pooh kept coming around and shrugging his shoulders like "Where did everybody go?" :lol: I guess I can't blame my mom though...the American Eagle card does look a lot like American Express...

Also, one time my mom got off Space Mountain on the left side instead of the right. I still have no idea why she thought that's where she was suposed to go considering the fact that she had to actually jump down a couple of feet to get to the floor whereas the right side was flush with the car, but whatever... that's my mom! :D


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When I was little (around 4 or 5) either my brother or me had an accident when we were sitting on our Dad's shoulder.
It is also a regular occurance for me to just be walking around and fall UP the stairs. This happened one time while going somewhere. I wasn't paying any attention, and fell going up the stairs in front of people. (It happens most oftern when going up the tower in Cinderella's Castle for dinner)

I think that embrasses my family more than it does me.. hehe :)


New Member
Last week when I was at downtown disney, my friend and i were headed to rainforest cafe to meet up with my parents. Along the way we saw a bunch of poles that acted as barriers so no cars could get through so my friend says, "I bet you can't jump over one of those poles." Without ever realizing how tall the pole was I ean at it fullspeed. Now when i got up to it i saw that this pole reached up to about my neck but it was too late to stop so i kept going. I tried to leap frog over it by putting my hands on the top and pushing off, but instead my hands slipped and my stomach landed on the pole in jsut a way so that i was stuck on the pole with my head and feet dangling just a couple of inches off the ground. My friend, being the kind person that he is, walked away slowly as if he didn't know me. So i had to somehow get off the pole by myself. It took me a good 30 seconds before i could finally roll off of the dang thing. Man I felt stupid, but after dinner I tried again for some stupid reason and finally made it over.

MKCP 1985

Well-Known Member
Who was that masked spell-checker?

During my CP summer, a group of us MKers wanted to see how our EPCOT roomies lived, so we decided on a day off to go through the backstage cast member area with our passes, not knowing our ***es and it wasn't 5 minutes before the friendly WDW "security friends" were all over us, nicely reminding us that since we obviously didn't work in that park and had no business back stage, we had to go through turnstiles like all other guests and directed us outside. We didn't have any EPCOTers with us, but we wrongly thought we could finagle our way past security by another route but met with the same results.

Once warned, twice scorned, so security was not so nice this time. We were escorted off WDW Property with the little security car following us out of the parking lot. That was bad enough, but the next day at work my supervisor on duty had to let me know he had been made aware of the deal. He was cool about it - I think he said something like, "Just don't screw up goofing around . . . ." That was all that came of it but I'm sure there was a "little black mark in my permanent record." Anyway, that whole deal was embarrassing.

Oh, and btw, I am calling BS on the "Minnie man" story.


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Wow I am very embarassed about my spelling skills. Just shows how good the Florida Education system is (thanks Bush :) )

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by MKCP 1986
it wasn't 5 minutes before the friendly WDW "security friends" were all over us, nicely reminding us that since we obviously didn't work in that park and had no business back stage, we had to go through turnstiles like all other guests and directed us outside.

Wow, EPCOT backstage sure has changed. I've walked back there tons of time, including just 3 weeks ago (I haven't been a CM in over a year, bear in mind). It's probably because all the CP buses to Epcot drop off backstage, whereas the buses for the other parks have a dropoff point somewhere near the turnstiles for CP's who aren't working.

Oh, and btw, I am calling BS on the "Minnie man" story.

Heh, I thought the same thing. I doubt you'd be able to see anything that would let you know, even if you did get a look.

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