Two teens wanted Yu Gi Oh cards. I don't know if their parents turned them down and this was Plan B or what.
The 14yo goes into Wal-Mart to pretend-steal them, then the 17yo shows up, BB gun holstered, and pretends to be the cop arresting him. 17yo actually flashes a fake badge, tells the Wal-Mart staff that he is with the Florida HIGHWAY Patrol, puts toy handcuffs on the 14yo and the two of them walk away...with the prized Yu Gi Oh cards.
They must have felt like triumphant criminal masterminds.
Sadly, for the kids, the crack Wal-Mart manager deduced that something was amiss and called the cops, who arrested the Yu Gi Oh Bandits.
The 17yo is being charged with impersonating a cop...but, IMO, when you do it that badly...maybe there ought to be a lesser charge, like Attempting to Impersonate Someone Capable of Impersonating a Police Officer.
In his defense, the 17yo pleads, "I was stupid." Although it may not be legal grounds for acquittal, the veracity of his statement, aside from the questionable use of the past tense, cannot be challenged.
Wish I could have heard them planning this heist.
The whole thing is so dumb that I wonder if they should prosecute these ding dongs or just shake their heads and say, "Go home, you morons."
The 14yo goes into Wal-Mart to pretend-steal them, then the 17yo shows up, BB gun holstered, and pretends to be the cop arresting him. 17yo actually flashes a fake badge, tells the Wal-Mart staff that he is with the Florida HIGHWAY Patrol, puts toy handcuffs on the 14yo and the two of them walk away...with the prized Yu Gi Oh cards.
They must have felt like triumphant criminal masterminds.
Sadly, for the kids, the crack Wal-Mart manager deduced that something was amiss and called the cops, who arrested the Yu Gi Oh Bandits.
The 17yo is being charged with impersonating a cop...but, IMO, when you do it that badly...maybe there ought to be a lesser charge, like Attempting to Impersonate Someone Capable of Impersonating a Police Officer.
In his defense, the 17yo pleads, "I was stupid." Although it may not be legal grounds for acquittal, the veracity of his statement, aside from the questionable use of the past tense, cannot be challenged.
Wish I could have heard them planning this heist.
The whole thing is so dumb that I wonder if they should prosecute these ding dongs or just shake their heads and say, "Go home, you morons."