Driving shortcuts from the Northeast?

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
Hey there hi there ho there...

Less than a week to go. As soon as my GF's school lets out Thursday afternoon (how many times do I have to keep telling you all: She's a TEACHER! I'm not a sick disgusting man! JEEZ!) :D we're on our way. She's a few miles away from I-95, so I'm figuring there's nothing else that needs doing. I-95 to 4, simple as pie.

But I wondered if there were any shortcuts along the way, mainly, if there are places to avoid traffic buildups. I've only ever driven up from Orlando once, and never down (avoiding one of last year's hurricanes after the parks and airports closed all Labor Day Weekend). Anyone have any tips?


New Member
Not really anything shorter, it depend on what time you are hitting Jacksonville and Orlando.

In Jacksonville you could take I-295 around town but if you are not traveling during Rush hour it is much faster/shorter going straight through town.

Again if you are hitting Orlando during Rush hour you could take State Road 417 around the East of Orlando and it goes Osceola Parkway and US-192. 417 is a toll road (I don't remember how much) but traffic tends to be much lighter than I-4.
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Well-Known Member
where from in the northeast im from mass, the only spot we had trouble with really was connecticut going into new york. maybe it was bad timing im not sure. but good luck and have a safe trip and enjoy and relax! :sohappy:
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slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
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xodisneybelleox said:
where from in the northeast im from mass, the only spot we had trouble with really was connecticut going into new york. maybe it was bad timing im not sure. but good luck and have a safe trip and enjoy and relax! :sohappy:

Thanks for the info robfasto, and the warm wishes disneybelle. FYI, I'm in Jersey. We'll be depsrting closer to Philly than NY, but we won't have to deal with NYC/Conn/New England traffic at all.
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New Member
I don't have an alternate for you...but I advise yopu to time your trip so you don't hit the circle around DC at Rush hour. ThAt is the worst spot in a trip from Jersey. Not only do you have to circle around and go out of tyour way, but the congetstion can be horrid during busy daytime hours.
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slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
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I'm figuring, if we leave home at 3pm, we won't hit DC till somewhere between 7 & 8. I'm hoping that'll be enough time. And we're returning home on a Saturday, so I have no idea what traffic will be like in DC then, but I'm assuming not as bad as rish hour traffic.
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Active Member
I've driven a few times from Staten Island to DC and to FL. Here's a few tips. You are leaving about 3p NJ, were in NJ. If you are more south, then you will hit PA quicker and hopefully not hit rush hour. Otherwise, you might want to plan for a stop for dinner in the Franklin Mills Mall area where there are many restaurants and it is easy on/easy off.

When on 95 through PA when you are at one of the last couple of exits in PA coming towards Delaware there is an alternate route (495) that I usually take here to avoid going through downtown Delaware. I do this for two reasons, 1. they are still doing construction on 95 in DE and 2. there is never any traffic on 495 and you can drive 65mph, in DE it's 50mph. This will drop you right back in on 95S right where rte 295 from the Delaware Memorial Bridge does.

DC area, I usually take the 495 beltway going toward MD rather than the 95S route, most of the time there is less traffic and you won't have to worry about the bridge being up. Also if you want to get off to grab a bite to eat here I recommend getting off by Tyson Corners (there is a mall there and lots of places to eat and stretch the legs).

In Baltimore, both tunnels go into 95S so don't be afraid to take the other tunnel (which I think is the Harbor Tunnel) because everyone tends to take the Ft. McHenry one that runs right through downtown Baltimore. I may have the names mixed up, but you get the idea, the other one drops back into 95S just below downtown.

Have a great trip.
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slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Thanks, shoppingnut.

The departure point from NJ is Bordentown, near Princeton. My GF lives about 5 miles away from the NJT. We are going to try and leave earlier. I just don't see it happening.
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New Member
the fast way to avoid the busy spots is to drive to the airport and get on a plane. then you wouldn't have to worry about traffic at all. that is what i would have to say. :rolleyes: :lol:
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New Member
lscott933 said:
the fast way to avoid the busy spots is to drive to the airport and get on a plane. then you wouldn't have to worry about traffic at all. that is what i would have to say. :rolleyes: :lol:

Doesn't always work, personally I can drive nearly faster than I can fly and a whole lot cheaper. :)
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Gail Hayden

New Member
slappy magoo said:
Thanks, shoppingnut.

The departure point from NJ is Bordentown, near Princeton. My GF lives about 5 miles away from the NJT. We are going to try and leave earlier. I just don't see it happening.

I totally agree with that one. My idea of driving to FL is to head north on 91 and get on a plane. :)
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Gail Hayden

New Member
Robfasto said:
Doesn't always work, personally I can drive nearly faster than I can fly and a whole lot cheaper. :)

How can you drive faster than you can fly? :) As to fuel prices, hang around a few days and tell me which is less expensive. My local gas stations went up twice today. It is now at 2.159 per gallon.
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Premium Member
Our shortcut is to leave at dinner time and drive all night. Then there's no traffic the whole way down! (It is tiring though)
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New Member
Gail Hayden said:
How can you drive faster than you can fly? :) As to fuel prices, hang around a few days and tell me which is less expensive. My local gas stations went up twice today. It is now at 2.159 per gallon.

I just checked expedia to find the cheapest flight from Knoxville to Orlando. It is $822 round trip. Knoxville is 1.5 hours from the house and having to arrive 2 hours early is already 3.5 hours, the flight leaves Knoxville at 7:10 PM and arrives in Orlando at 12:27 AM which is 4.3 hours (roughly) which brings us to almost 8 hours. Now to get our bags, rental car ($132.18 for the week), shop for snacks and such and drive to Disney is anywhere 1.5 to 2 hours depending on traffic and time of day (in this example is after midnight) so I will go with the 1.5 hours which brings the totals to 9.5 hours and $954.18.

To drive it cost me 2 tanks of gas at a max of 16 gallons if I run it bone dry even at $2.50 per gallon is only $80 each way ($160.00 round trip) and time wise is 9.5 to 11 hours depending on how much we sight-see on the way down. Plus have the freedom to stop, eat, etc... anytime we wish.

As you can see I am in the gray area of travel because any farther away it would be faster but not cheaper to fly any closer and I would never worry about flying.
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Naturally Grumpy
You have to bear with me for a bit, and get out your map and follow along, as what I'm going to suggest will seem out of the way. I suggest you avoid 95 all the way, especially when you have to deal with Baltimore and DC during that drive time.

Consider taking the Pennsy Turnpike out to Carlisle PA, then take I-81 south.
In southern Virginia, take I-77 to I-85. At Atlanta, connect with I-75.

Or instead of taking I-77, continue into Tenn. I-81 becomes I-40 then I-75.

This route is about the same distance but a whole lot nicer a drive. Fewer cities, fewer trucks, less traffic, and you'll get there in the same amount of time.

Just my thoughts, but something to consider.
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Gail Hayden

New Member
Robfasto said:
I just checked expedia to find the cheapest flight from Knoxville to Orlando. It is $822 round trip. Knoxville is 1.5 hours from the house and having to arrive 2 hours early is already 3.5 hours, the flight leaves Knoxville at 7:10 PM and arrives in Orlando at 12:27 AM which is 4.3 hours (roughly) which brings us to almost 8 hours. Now to get our bags, rental car ($132.18 for the week), shop for snacks and such and drive to Disney is anywhere 1.5 to 2 hours depending on traffic and time of day (in this example is after midnight) so I will go with the 1.5 hours which brings the totals to 9.5 hours and $954.18.

To drive it cost me 2 tanks of gas at a max of 16 gallons if I run it bone dry even at $2.50 per gallon is only $80 each way ($160.00 round trip) and time wise is 9.5 to 11 hours depending on how much we sight-see on the way down. Plus have the freedom to stop, eat, etc... anytime we wish.

As you can see I am in the gray area of travel because any farther away it would be faster but not cheaper to fly any closer and I would never worry about flying.

Ok, got ya, but, you have to love to drive. :) BTW, did you allow for the time zone change? I am surprised that it takes that long to fly to MCO from TN. It only takes 2 hours 45 mins from Hartford, CT and that is farther away. I take it your flights are not non stop.
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New Member
From East Tennessee there is no time change and flying out of Knoxville you HAVE TO change planes in Atlanta which is why it takes so long to go, plus for anyone who has been through Atlanta changing planes can be a big pain.

If I drive to 3.5 hours to Nashville or Charlotte then I can get a direct flight which only takes about 1.5 hours. Although if I am going to drive 3.5 hours I may as well drive the other 6 hours or so and be at Disney.

And yes I love to drive, most of the time it is at night so everyone else can sleep.
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New Member
ClemsonTigger said:
Consider taking the Pennsy Turnpike out to Carlisle PA, then take I-81 south.
In southern Virginia, take I-77 to I-85. At Atlanta, connect with I-75.

I would take I-77 until it ends at I-26 down to I-95, I-95 from there down is not that bad and you get to cut out Atlanta.
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TAC said:

Also check www.gasbuddy.com for the cheapest gas. Generally, gas is cheapest in Georgia, higher in NC, and high between Richmond and Baltimore. You will want to fill up, or top off before you cross the border into Florida.

If you are leaving at 3 pm in Bordentown, NJ (exit 7 of the NJTP - I used to live there), you'll be in the midst of the traffic all the way down.

My advice, hold off. Get a good dinner, and leave no earlier than 6 pm. You'll beat all the traffic through Baltimore and DC, and it will be clean sailing all the way through. I would plan on driving through the night, and by morning, you'll probably be in Georgia.

Another way to bypass the DC area is to take Route 301 or Route 1. You'll have to check a map to see where Route 301 intersects with I-95, near Richmond. Then follow it (on a map) North. I believe it ties in with Route 1 near Baltimore, but I'm not sure. On the first web site I posted, there is a forum page that I remember seeing some threads about bypassing I-95 in the DC metro area.

Drive carefully.

I'm in Burlington (less than 2miles from Bordentown) and I have to agree with the waiting idea. Leaving at 3 you will hittraffic in Delaware, Baltimore, and DC, which will add anywhere from 1-2 hours to that leg of your trip. I do disagree about if you drive through the night you'll only be in Georgia. IF you leave at 6 as suggested (depending on food and bathroom breaks) you'll be in Orlando for breakfast. Mapquest or AAA tell you it's a 16 hr drive (I've made it in under 14 driving at night) so that puts you in WDW at 10 a.m. My suggestion is sleep late the day you leave catch a nap if possible and leave at 6 p.m. Your GF can sleep through the drive and you'll just be tired earlier than usual. (this is our plan in August kids and wife sleep I drive and they wake up in Disneyworld) :sohappy:
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