Dole Whips!!!


Well-Known Member
I've actually never had a Dole Whip :cry: They look so good!
I've tried making my own at home, but it ended up being a Dole Float (still tasty :slurp: )

Captain Hank

Well-Known Member
For anyone suffering from Whip widthdrawl, there's a recipe available in the "Recipe???" (I think that's the name of it) thread oin the WDW Resorts, DVC, Trip Planning forum. It's not quite as good as the real thing (it's just a bit too sweet), but it's close.


Well-Known Member
hcwalker16 said:
For anyone suffering from Whip widthdrawl, there's a recipe available in the "Recipe???" (I think that's the name of it) thread oin the WDW Resorts, DVC, Trip Planning forum. It's not quite as good as the real thing (it's just a bit too sweet), but it's close.
Decrease the sugar and add more pineapple. :wave:


Well-Known Member
Last time I had one was in July. So I was SUPER HYPER looking forward to getting one on the 3rd when I was there for MVMCP. Ten problems later, we got there at 6pm, rather then 4pm like we had planned, were herded into Tomorrowland and by Party opening at 7pm, Aloha Isle was CLOSED!

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: Dole Whip for poor MissM.


MKCP 1985

Well-Known Member
A trip for me to the Magic Kingdom in any weather other than ouright cold is not complete without an authentic Dole Whip. (and a box of popcorn from either Frontierland or Main Street) umm, and an ice cream from Fantasyland or Tomorrowland. :lookaroun

:lol: Cherish the Dole Whip! :slurp:

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