Do you have a Tattoo??


Well-Known Member
garyhoov said:
I've seen some tattoos that are just amazing works of art.

But when I've thought about getting one, I just remind myself how glad I am that those skinny, leather ties I wore in 1982 weren't permanently fused to my skin.

OMG :lol: There's some perspective. :lol:

objr said:
No you're not the only one....

:lol: Good... but let's be sure to refer to ourselves as "tolerant" rather than apathetic. :lookaroun


New Member
garyhoov said:
I've seen some tattoos that are just amazing works of art.
When I was working over the summer, I saw a guy at the Earl of Sandwich that had all these Disney tattoos. I asked him (politely) if I could just crouch down and take a look at the ones on his legs. He said "Sure. You'll see my favorite one on my [I don't remember which] calf. The Alice in Wonderland tea party. Took three hours and 33 colors."

His tattoos were BEAUTIFUL. I mean, he had a few too many for my taste, but the tattoos were absolutely gorgeous.

People that get tattoos with no meaning, I think, are a little stupid...Like my RA. He has two tattoos that mean nothing to him at all. And I wonder "Are you going to like those in 20 years?"

The one I mentioned I wanted before has a LOT of meaning to me. It's about the experience that changed my life and made me decide what I want to do when I graduate college. And because it can't be seen if I'm in costume, I'd want to put it in an inconspicuous place. Honestly, the first place I wanted it was on my ankle, right above my foot. But then I realized that if I became a manager, I wouldn't be able to wear cute heels, because they wouldn't cover the tattoo.


Woody13 said:
Tattoos are a bad fad. There's a good reason why they are so popular among gang members and prison inmates.

There was a time when tattoos were very popular in the military ranks. The popularity of tattoos among the armed forces was greatest in the Navy, with the Army second and the Marines third. Far down the scale was the Air Force.

When people are polled years later as to whether or not they regret getting their tattoos, about 83% say they have no regrets about getting them. They say this because they don't desire to admit the truth. They know they made a stupid mistake.

Or, as Jimmy Buffett put it;

I don't know the reason
I stayed here all season
Nothin' to show but this brand new tattoo
But it's a real beauty
A Mexican cutie
How it got here I haven't a clue

I have 2 tatoos. Both sharks. I love sharks and have been fascinated by them for most of my life. One shark on my right shoulder and a Hammerhead Shark on my upper left thigh that says "Fins to The Left" (I am also a big Jimmy Buffett fan).

I have had them for 14 years and I do not regret them and unless you can read my mind then how could you possibly assert that I say that because I am afraid to admit I am wrong? If you were drunk then then may well be a mistake. I was completely sober (the place I got mine will NOT work on drunk customers), I thought about it and took my time picking out the pictures the tatto artist would use.

Just a tip for those of you thinking of getting one: they DO HURT. Certain locations hurt more than others, but do not be fooled there is pain involved.

Cinderella Fan

New Member
I, too, have one. I got it a couple of years ago, and it is in a place that normal people would not see. I don't care to have other people look at it, it ws my decision. no one elses.

I love it, too. It means alot to me. It does have symbolism. It is disney related, but it is quite small - only about an inch in height.

Just because you may not agree with my decision to get one, please remember one thing - it was MY decision. And I am not a gang member or a convict, I am a kindergarten teacher. So, please do not be so narrow-minded. It is rude and completely uncalled for.


robynchic said:
The one I mentioned I wanted before has a LOT of meaning to me. It's about the experience that changed my life and made me decide what I want to do when I graduate college. And because it can't be seen if I'm in costume, I'd want to put it in an inconspicuous place. Honestly, the first place I wanted it was on my ankle, right above my foot. But then I realized that if I became a manager, I wouldn't be able to wear cute heels, because they wouldn't cover the tattoo.

THAT is good thinking. Remember in the 80s when everybody (female) was getting wreaths tattooed around their ankles? Cute for the beach... somewhat frowned upon at the law firm :lookaroun


New Member
I got a tattoo of the Red Sox logo on my lowerback. I also wanted a place that would be hidden and only I could see. Its great in the summer when Im at the beach or at TL or BB - I get alot of the "Go sox!" responses. But when I am at work or when I get married, it will be invisible to everyone but me and the people that know about it. I am a huge Die-hard red sox fan and this tattoo was the only appropriate one I could think of getting :) Puts a new spin on the phrase - Red sox fan for life hehe :p


New Member
Iakona said:
If you were drunk then then may well be a mistake. I was completely sober (the place I got mine will NOT work on drunk customers), I thought about it and took my time picking out the pictures the tatto artist would use.

It's illegal to perform any kind of body modification on a client if they seem to be in an altered state of consciousness.


New Member
Erika said:
THAT is good thinking. Remember in the 80s when everybody (female) was getting wreaths tattooed around their ankles? Cute for the beach... somewhat frowned upon at the law firm :lookaroun

...I don't remember much of the 80s...I was watching cartoons and getting ready for kindergarten then...

And if anyone is concerned about where a tattoo is located, there are simple makeup tricks (okay, maybe not that simple, but once you figure it out, it is)


Well-Known Member
Erika said:
THAT is good thinking. Remember in the 80s when everybody (female) was getting wreaths tattooed around their ankles? Cute for the beach... somewhat frowned upon at the law firm :lookaroun

LOL Leahs preschool teacher has one around the ankle... and a REALLY botched job of trying to get it removed. :(

While I don't think tattoos are ever going to go away, they do seem to have fads that come and go. For example, the ankle wreath, then of course there was the barbed wire/ tribal band going around the upper arm, and now we seem to have moved on to shoulders and lower backs (for women) Anybody else see the "Lower back tattoo remover" skit on Saturday Night Live? :lol: :lol: :lookaroun


New Member
I've been a punk for 15 years and most of my friends past and present have them. My wife has 4, although she has had one partially removed and plans on having ALL of them removed soon. I have none. I have come pretty close but I try to keep things in perspective and keep the future in mind. From frat brothers with the SAE on their ankles to a skinhead friend with a swastika on his neck to dirty girls I've dated with the "stripper tat" tribal on their tailbone ,I've seen alot. But to quote my father and my inspiration for no ink on my body through all the temptation...It's gonna be there forever so you better pick something you won't be embarassed about when you're 40. I don't fly flags. After seeing the treatments my wife has to go through,any desire I've ever had to get one is gone!So far 6 hours of lasering,which is painfully BURNING the ink from the inside out.She has 4-8 more hours left and all this for a tattoo that took 45 minutes to put on and cost $125. I forgot to mention the sessions are $200 per hour for the laser!!!!!!!!


New Member
I have one on the lower right hand side of my back, and I have yet to regret it. Of course, some day, I might. I certainly hope I won't. But the logic was to put it somewhere that I have to ability to show it off or cover it depending on my mood or where I am. If I'm at the bar, I don't care one way or another if it shows. But when I'm at work, it stays covered. I thought about getting another one on my upper back between my shoulder blades, but I don't want to have worry about covering it up if I want to wear a strapless dress at a formal event.

And if you're wondering what the tattoo is, it's a small black Mickey head.

Crazy Harry

Active Member
Woody13 said:
Tattoos are a bad fad. There's a good reason why they are so popular among gang members and prison inmates.

There was a time when tattoos were very popular in the military ranks. The popularity of tattoos among the armed forces was greatest in the Navy, with the Army second and the Marines third. Far down the scale was the Air Force.

When people are polled years later as to whether or not they regret getting their tattoos, about 83% say they have no regrets about getting them. They say this because they don't desire to admit the truth. They know they made a stupid mistake.

Or, as Jimmy Buffett put it;

I don't know the reason
I stayed here all season
Nothin' to show but this brand new tattoo
But it's a real beauty
A Mexican cutie
How it got here I haven't a clue

How can you judge wisdom when you make such a ignorant and generalized statement.

As others have said, tatooing has been around for centuries and a very important part of many cultures.

The problem with tatooing is that our own culture has idealized it. It is only a fad for those who have made it a fad. People get tatoos for many reasons, some do it just for the experience or because they think they are cool or something, but many do it because they want to express them selves.

I'm sure there are plenty of things that you do that others are not interested in or don't nessisarily understand, but that is your right as an individual and is by no means stupid.


New Member
Well, you don't have to take my word.

If you live in the UK and have a tattoo, you are eligible for membership in the National Disfigurement Register. Isn't that nice?

The Mayo Clinic says in part;

<LI class=doublespace>Blood-borne diseases. If the equipment used to do your tattoo or piercing is contaminated with an infected person's blood, you can contract a number of serious blood-borne diseases. These include hepatitis C and HIV, the virus that causes AIDS — which both can be fatal — as well as hepatitis B, tetanus and tuberculosis. The risk is serious enough that the American Red Cross requires you to wait a year after getting a tattoo before you donate blood.

The American Red Cross says;

Wait 12 months after a tattoo if the tattoo was applied in a state that does not regulate tattoo facilities. This requirement is related to concerns about hepatitis. Learn more about hepatitis and blood donation. Acceptable if the tattoo was applied by a state-regulated entity using sterile technique. Only a few states currently regulate tattoo facilities, so most donors with tattoos must wait 12 months after tattoo application before donating blood. You should discuss your particular situation with the health historian at the time of donation.,1082,0_557_,00.html

Now, if you desire to disfigure your body and run the unnecessary risk of contracting a life threatening blood-borne disease, then go right ahead and get a tattoo. However, it is obviously still a very foolish thing to do.

MKCP 1985

Well-Known Member
Yeah, Woody. How can you use facts and literature to support such an ignorant warning?! Hep C Virus is a kick! Who needs their liver, anyway? Ever eat a chicken liver? Yuck!


New Member
MKCP 1985 said:
Yeah, Woody. How can you use facts and literature to support such an ignorant warning?! Hep C Virus is a kick! Who needs their liver, anyway? Ever eat a chicken liver? Yuck!
Yeah, I know! I too hate liver. It's a big nasty brown organ thingy. Livers deserve to be assaulted on a regular basis with all manner of toxins. After all, how important can a liver be? I mean, you're only born with one of them. Heck, with the important organs (such as the lungs, kidneys, eyes, ears, scrotum, etc.) you get two of them cause they're really important. If one goes bad, you have a backup to take over.

And even with the organs you get just one of (like the heart, brain, nose, etc.), they're divided into 2 parts so if half your nose falls apart the other part will take over. Or if half of your heart goes wacko, the other half will pick up the extra load! Or if half of your brain fades out.....

I'm now thinking about the colors I want in my new tattoo....

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