Do Disney cast members ever comment on Universal items of clothing?

hooters dude

Original Poster
One thing my wife and I have noticed on our annual visit to Universal Studios/IOA are the comments from the staff on Disney clothing etc. It's always good natured and is usually carried out at the entrance to the parks, especially in the queue area before park opening. My wife has jokingly been dragged from the queue for wearing a Mickey baseball cap with the comment "We got a mouse spy here folks, should we let her in" :D

Does this ever happen at Disney in reverse as I've never really witnessed it :shrug:


New Member
Have you ever heard the argument against showboating when making a touchdown? I think there's a coach that said it to his team - "Act like you deserved it" when they scored a point, rather than dancing around and acting like it was some sort of lucky act of God.

When I did a CP in '99 I was told specifically not to say bad things about those other parks, and only to say good things. People are in Orlando to have a good time... don't ruin it for them and be respectful. There's no reason to argue for Disney or comment on Universal clothing in a negative manner when the Disney parks and experience speak for themselves.

If there is a cast member whose manager allows them to comment negatively on other parks, then the culture may have changed since I was working there, but I'd be surprised to hear it.


New Member
LOL i personally think the OP's experience was funny. i doubt they were meaning to be demeaning, they probably just wanted to make the couple hundred or so banging on the gates waiting to get in, laugh. if i wore disney clothing id laugh it up right along with em


my DD had on a spiderman shirt once a few years ago after the first movie came out and she wore it to disney and the cm at the front gate told her she could not get in til she changed her shirt. :eek: wwas her expression!! but she was only about 12 or something like that so she finally fingured out it was a joke and he laughed and let her by.
it also happened to her at Busch gardens when she was about 8 when she was wearing a tigger shirt!! she always gets picked on!! LOL!!!:D:lol:


Well-Known Member
Universal does it in good natured fun and the guests get a kick out of it most of the time. I however, have never seen it happen at Disney, and why should it. They'd prefer to pretend that Universal didn't even exist. Universal knows they can't pretend that Disney doesn't exist so they might as well make the best of it.


Active Member
my DD had on a spiderman shirt once a few years ago after the first movie came out and she wore it to disney and the cm at the front gate told her she could not get in til she changed her shirt. :eek: wwas her expression!! but she was only about 12 or something like that so she finally fingured out it was a joke and he laughed and let her by.
it also happened to her at Busch gardens when she was about 8 when she was wearing a tigger shirt!! she always gets picked on!! LOL!!!:D:lol:

there was a spiderman show on toon disney :lookaroun

hpyhnt 1000

Well-Known Member
LOL i personally think the OP's experience was funny. i doubt they were meaning to be demeaning, they probably just wanted to make the couple hundred or so banging on the gates waiting to get in, laugh. if i wore disney clothing id laugh it up right along with em

Couple hundred? Waiting to get in at park opening? Thats being generous given Universal's attendence figures. :lookaroun



Well-Known Member
Universal does it in good natured fun and the guests get a kick out of it most of the time. I however, have never seen it happen at Disney, and why should it. They'd prefer to pretend that Universal didn't even exist. Universal knows they can't pretend that Disney doesn't exist so they might as well make the best of it.

Actually, Universal employees do it all the time. It's almost like they are trained to do it. On my first trip to Universal there were at least 6 employees that mention the "rat" on my shirt.

The one thing that all other parks in the area have to remember though: Disney was in Orlando first. Most others in the area moved here to try and mooch the tourism that Disney brought to Florida. They wouldn't be here if it weren't for the "rat."


Well-Known Member
The most insane thing I ever said to a guest was to a group of British tourists wearing Universal ponchos in the middle of a thunderstorm. "I'm sorry, but you'll have to take those off, We don't allow those here."

And they began to take the ponchos off before i explained that i was joking.


The most insane thing I ever said to a guest was to a group of British tourists wearing Universal ponchos in the middle of a thunderstorm. "I'm sorry, but you'll have to take those off, We don't allow those here."

And they began to take the ponchos off before i explained that i was joking.


I'll joke around with people if they get on my boat with something on, but it's just said in passing, I don't harp on it.


New Member
The most insane thing I ever said to a guest was to a group of British tourists wearing Universal ponchos in the middle of a thunderstorm. "I'm sorry, but you'll have to take those off, We don't allow those here."

And they began to take the ponchos off before i explained that i was joking.
:ROFLOL:, did they even get why? :lol:

the funniest thing 2 ever happen 2 me at universal (kinda off topic) is when I used to wear a weight vest around the theme parks to help burn off some extra calories. I had 40 or 50 lbs on (i dont remember what my old vest had), but i had a sweater on over it, and you couldnt tell b/c i was 190/200ish at the time n i was wearing a 225lb sweater, so it looked like it fit. I decided the BEST thing for me to do was have the guy guess my weight.

So i pay him and he guesses 180/190, the scale SHOOTS over 300 (as do all scales when you jump on them) as the pendilum swings back and only makes it to, oh, 230 or so, he says "get off the scale, GET OFF THE SCALE BEFORE I GET FIRED!!!" My friend n bro had already run away laughing histerically, n my lil bro picked out what he wanted n then we went on our way. when we were out of eye shot though i laughed till i cried.:lol::cry:

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Thought it was part of the "show" at Whispering Canyon.
It is. If there is a kid in there with a Universal, SeaWorld, etc article f clothing the CM's will get all over the parents.

Universal does it in good natured fun and the guests get a kick out of it most of the time. I however, have never seen it happen at Disney, and why should it. They'd prefer to pretend that Universal didn't even exist. Universal knows they can't pretend that Disney doesn't exist so they might as well make the best of it.
That happened to my wife when we went to HHN. She was wearing an Eyore shirt and fun and frivolity ensued.


Well-Known Member
The only place I have seen it in WDW is at teh Jedi Training Academy.

They make comments about just about everyones clothes (or other physical aspects).

There was a kid with a Hulk t-shirt on and the jedi trainer said something like "Ah yeah, look at that, shirts from another planet" or something along those lines. It was VERY brief and in passing.



Not old, just vintage.
I have seen CMs in Disney putting stickers over Universal logos and commenting about shirts and such. No where near as much as it happens at Universal though. Years ago I went to Universal and was wearing a Mickey shirt that day. Allllll day long Uni employees gave me a hard time about it. It was funny the first 4 or 5 times but it got really old, really fast. :hammer:

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