Disney World Trip while Pregnant

I have read up on some things for example, bring a refillable cup for some water, know where the bathrooms are.... I guess I'm just wondering if anyone here can share some tips that they have felt useful or wish they would have done to make it easier.

Thankfully I'm just starting my 2nd trimester and I'm not going in the summer (so it won't be too hot). My trip is just around the corner (July 24-29) and I'll be going with my mom and sister (leaving my DH at home :p ).

Thanks in advance!

(I'll keep you posted on any plans we have)


The dates would be Feb 24-29th :hammer:


Best advice I can give you is take it slow and easy. If the ride says don't ride, then don't ride. My wife and I were there when she was pregnant with our son. It was her first trip so she wanted to do it all. Well about the fourth day, after a day away from the parks actually, she had a little scare with some bleeding. We called the doctor that night he said don't worry, but the next day we went to the hospital just to be sure. Well to make this long story short, everything turned out alright. But we were scared and we lost a day of our trip because we were at the hospital. If we ahd been more careful, the trip would have been much less stressful, and less expensive. So take it easy, but have funn, and enjoy yourself.
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New Member
I know this seems really common sensical, but you should make sure to know your limits. Understand that you can't run around all day, and that it is ok to take breaks, sit down, and relax. In addition to knowing where the bathrooms are, make sure you know a nice, air conditioned place to sit down anywhere you might be.
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Well-Known Member
Thankfully I'm just starting my 2nd trimester and I'm not going in the summer (so it won't be too hot). My trip is just around the corner (July 24-29) and I'll be going with my mom and sister (leaving my DH at home :p ).

I'm confused. Are you going in summer or was there a typo in there? :confused:

As for advice, I've gone in third trimester. The tips you already have are good ones; a couple of others:
  • Comfortable walking shoes (preferably elasticized to accomodate swollen ankles)
  • Rest often: The extra walking makes your body work even harder
  • Eat often
  • Choose "safe" rides and heed the ride's warnings
  • Bring medical records if necessary
  • Check with your doctor first
  • Read your travel insurance carefully, to make sure you will be covered if, God forbid, any emergencies arise
  • Gross, but needs to be said: wear cotton underwear to avoid "thrush" -- FLA is hot and humid, spring, summer and fall.
Have fun :wave:
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my wife was 5 months pregnant on 1 of our trips, so as the others stated just know your limits and take it easy. We are having an issue now, is that we are trying for a second right now and have a trip booked over Thanksgiving and that would be her due date, so we said lets hold off a few months...lol

Not sure if I read your original post correctly, you stated your not going in the summer but then you state July as your trip time or is that your due date? Cuz if July is your trip time, it doesn't seem around the corner from here with all this snow and cold....:ROFLOL::ROFLOL:
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There are tons and tons of threads full of advice on this subject. Just do a search for pregnant at disney and you'll have hours of reading material. :lol:
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New Member
My husband and I are frequent to WDW. I made a trip while I was preg. with my son. The best advice I can give is to get up early, take advantage of Extra Magic Hours in the Morning, hit up all the major shows/attractions, and go back to the hotel for a mid-afternoon swim or nap. Then head back out for the nightime shows/parades. Rides to avoid:
Tower of Terror
Test Track
Expedition Everest
Prime. Whirl
Mission Space
Space Mountain
Big Thunder Mountain
Kail River Rapids
(I rode everything else and was fine...and I do mean EVERYTHING)
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New Member
I went in my 5th month and it was great!!! ... My suggestion... CARRY A BOOK, MAGAZINE, JOURNAL, IPOD or some other thing you can do to amuse yourself while sitting & waiting. I didn't want everyone else to miss out on things just because I couldn't ride. So, I sent my husband and kids ahead... and was generally too tired to look through the gift shop for more than a few minutes. Having something else to do was nice. I remember them running off to ride something, shouting, "Back in a few minutes!" Usually it was at least 30 before I saw them again! LOL I managed to find some of the nicest benches at WDW! And met some really nice people while waiting!

:) Have a wonderful trip!

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Active Member
My husband and I are frequent to WDW. I made a trip while I was preg. with my son. The best advice I can give is to get up early, take advantage of Extra Magic Hours in the Morning, hit up all the major shows/attractions, and go back to the hotel for a mid-afternoon swim or nap. Then head back out for the nightime shows/parades. Rides to avoid:
Tower of Terror
Test Track
Expedition Everest
Prime. Whirl
Mission Space
Space Mountain
Big Thunder Mountain
Kail River Rapids
(I rode everything else and was fine...and I do mean EVERYTHING)

Splash Mountain??
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New Member
I agree with what everyone else has said. I was high risk with both of my pregnancies, so I erred on the side of caution.

Just starting your second trimester you should feel good, and be able to walk quite a bit. I really don't have any additional advice except just to reaffirm what everyone else has said. Take it easy, maybe hit the parks in the morning and evenings and rest in the heat of the day. I think most importantly stay hydrated.

Have a great time, and congratulations on your pregnancy.
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Splash Mountain??

I rode Splash Mt. while pregnant. It's really a very tame ride. It's hard for me to imagine that it's actually dangerous for a pregnant woman. I'm more inclined to believe that they caution against pregnant women riding to prevent a lawsuit. I find a car ride to be a lot more rough and dangerous.
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Original Poster
Thanks everyone!!

Only one more week to go. I'm glad I'll be going with my mom and sister seeing my mom doesn't really like thrill rides and neither does my sister. I'm really excited for the opportunity to show them what a MAGICAL place disney can be. My mom has the idea that WDW is just a ride park. Since my sister is 19 years old she is both excited but also trying to play like it's no big deal (to remain kewl).

I myself have been 3 times, most reciently on my honeymoon this past summer. It's going to be so strange leaving my husband at home. Seeing I've only gone to WDW with him.
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Active Member
I would avoid Splash too. My dr told me to skip that one along with the others mentioned when I went while pregnant last year. Pregnancy can be stressful enough without the added did I or didn't I do something that may cause a problem. I am sure you will be back in the future and can ride it then!
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Active Member
Maybe one day in the future I'll look forward to times away but I'm still newly married (6 months). I keep telling him I know I'll have a great time if only I don't think about the fact that he's no there with me. :lol:

I've been married 10 years and I still feel the same way.:animwink: Its our children that I'd like a break from! Just kidding.:)
Don't worry, once you get there you will have a great time. I've only left my DH and kids for weekend trips with girlfriends (but not to WDW...at least not yet!), and I always get a little sad the day I have to leave, but once I reach the destination I'm fine.
You will have a great time, even without the thrill rides. I can't do thrill rides (including Splash Mountain) due to a heart condition, and I have never, ever felt like I am missing out on anything (and it is not because I don't know what I am missing....I rode the thrill rides years ago). So have a wonderful time, and congratulations on the pregnancy! Being a mom is the greatest thing in the world!
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Well-Known Member
Just chiming in to say that I am due August 8th with my 3rd. We just turned down a trip in March. Mainly for the cost and we are going in Sept. Part of me was hoping we could work it out (funding wise) because I would have a chance to see what I miss running from one thrill to the next. A nice chill WDW would be cool. Actually watching the movies in World Showcase, seeing Hall of Pres., checking out the gardens, AHH I want to go with you, LOL.
Enjoy yourself and be selfish on this trip with relaxing, Dole Whips, and good books, you won't have time soon. I don't mean that negative either, there is no better time spent than with your baby. Have a wonderfull WDW trip and get a pic of Mickey and your belly so you can show your child, the first time they meet Mickey. :wave:
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