Disney Vacation Planning DVD


Original Poster
I got the Disney Vaction Planning DVD the other day. Even know I dont need it to help plan my vacation I still wanted it just to see stuff about the resorts and parks. Let me tell ya if you dont have it you should get it its pretty cool it tells you everything about all the parks. When I was watching it though I noticed they dont refer to MGM as MGM anymore they refer to it as Disney Studios, and they showed Epcot with the wand in one scene then without it in the next. I dont know when this version was made so I have no idea if they did that because they knew the wand was coming down or what, but anywho if this is all old news or whatever I'm sorry I was just excited to see Disney last night on dvd.


Active Member
Hate be a party pooper, but I was disappointed in the DVD. I got mine a few months ago so maybe you got a different one?? I guess I just wanted it to get it just to have it, and to show something to my daugher to try to get her excited about a future trip maybe next year. Even she was not interested in it and it did not hold her attention for 2 minutes. She said she did not want to go..... I guess for me, if I had not been there already I dont know if seeing that DVD would make me want to go either. Sorry, just my opinion.


Well-Known Member
Hate be a party pooper, but I was disappointed in the DVD. I got mine a few months ago so maybe you got a different one?? I guess I just wanted it to get it just to have it, and to show something to my daugher to try to get her excited about a future trip maybe next year. Even she was not interested in it and it did not hold her attention for 2 minutes. She said she did not want to go..... I guess for me, if I had not been there already I dont know if seeing that DVD would make me want to go either. Sorry, just my opinion.

Yeah, I wan't thrilled with it either. It's still the dreams one, right?


New Member
They've referred to it as the Disney Studios in their planning DVD and in most of their promotional campaigns for many years now - no correlation to current rumors or changes.

And they've shown EPCOT with and w/o the wand in the same regard ... for a few years now ... as if management couldn't decide if they liked the darn thing either.


Yes I agree, my kids have not asked to view it again after the first time, yet they always want to see the Happiest Celebration version.


Well-Known Member
From what I understand, the lack of the "MGM" in the promotional materials has to do with licensing issues more than anything else. I think it was a contract loophole Disney couldn't get around, no doubt related to the big fuss from MGM's owner about the cheap cost of using the name back when the park first opened.


They never change the park footage. If you look closely at the people sometimes its modern day and sometimes its 1994, haha. And when they showed the Contemporary rooms they were the old style before the last TWO renovations.


Well-Known Member
I prefer the old one, too. So do my DDs. DW couldn't care less either way - she's sick of listening to the kids play it over and over. I miss the surfer dude action ride kid. "Make sure you ride BEFORE you eat lunch - NOT after!"


Well-Known Member
Agreed. As crazy as all the people were, I preferred the Happiest Celebration on Earth DVD.
I actually agree. I liked watching people have fun in the parks...doing the rides with them made it feel a lot more like I was there with them. This version, while it's "pretty", is just too formal to me. I liked the laid back, casual attitude of the HCOE one. That's how I do my vacations. Laid back.

And I felt like they were able to show more of the parks through the HCOE. With the YOMD DVD, it seemed like all they were doing was showing the rides and that's it. (Oh, and pushing the Pirates and Princess aspect down our throats). They didn't emphasize all the fun things you can do around the parks that didn't include the rides. I actually had more fun watching the YOMD video with the kids doing the parks than I did with the "adult" version. At least they seemed to be having fun.

I still to this day, pop in HCOE if I'm at home and bored or need a Disney fix.


Well-Known Member
The reason I liked the HCOE DVD's is that it was more like the Top 7 Must sees at WDW and surprise surprise it was done by the same production company Mark Roberts Productions. That's why most of the BG music was the same on the DVD and on the Top 7 must sees.


New Member
There's a picture of my favorite thing about the previous DVD in Cmdr_Crimson's avatar...
The dreams one I found irksome because quite frankly, I don't care what actors are told to say they dream about. I just want to see the attractions.


Active Member
As much as Erin and Luke ('s'up!) got on my nerves, I did also prefer the HCOE planning DVD better. ("Triple Mountain Trifecta!").

I was thinking this exact thing just before I read your post:ROFLOL: . Luke got on my nerves sooooooo much, but all of that aside I found the DVD much more interesting. We watch the old one more. I can't wait til hey make a new one.

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