Disney tattoo guy


Original Poster
I dont know how to search threads so im really sorry if this has been posted but if not i thought you guys might find this site intresting. www.disneytattooguy.com

he is the only one with permision from disney to get tattoos and has over 1900 of them as of oct. 2006. not to mention is custom build disney home. i cant say anymore you just have to see the pictures for yourself. he lives in PA and i beleive does tours of his home. let me know what you think.


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
The link gets posted every now and then.

Given the disclaimers on the site, I don't think he has "permission from Disney". I suspect they just ignore him.


New Member
Not only does George have permission from Disney but he has a contract with Disney. He is the only person in the world allowed to do it.
The Characters get sent to him for Disney complete with the approved color scheme the tattoo should be.. He does not get paid but Disney is a part of the process.
Parts of Geirge's home were built by Disney Imagineers! He is the nicest guy.. If you ever see him in the parks feel free to stop him.
He is a friend of mine. I meet him through the NFFC....
Have a Happy New Years all!!!


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
N.F.F.C. ?

Nottingham Forest Football Club
National Fantasy Football Championship
National Film Finance Corporation
No Fear Fencing Club


National Fantasy Fan Club :wave:
He is the nicest guy.. If you ever see him in the parks feel free to stop him.
He is a friend of mine. I meet him through the NFFC....
Have a Happy New Years all!!!

I don't know, I met him at the Adventurers Club a few months ago and he was...well, kind of a jerk, lol. Maybe he was having an off night or something.


Active Member
i remember him on Stern a few times. His wife left him and took the kids cause of his obession. He was actually suprised by this


That's just flat sick :hurl:
I mean I really like Disney, but that's over the top.
I love my wife but I don't want her picture painfully etched on my body let alone a mouse.
He makes Elvis fan look sane.


Not only does George have permission from Disney but he has a contract with Disney. He is the only person in the world allowed to do it.

Weeelllll....kinda. He has "permission" from Disney to get the tattoos, but in reality anyone can get them. (Heck, my wife has 2)

I met him in Adventurer's Club one night...nice enough guy, but I really wasn't impressed with the tattoo work. Some of the characters are of fairly poor quality. My wife's Tink blows his away. I guess it's a "quantity over quality" thing.

Parts of Geirge's home were built by Disney Imagineers!
Really....I'd be curious to know who....sure doesn't look like it...:rolleyes:


New Member
sorry to get off topic but Lee that picture is so cool...is that really them (like Johnny Depp) or some really good impersonators or what? haha


Well-Known Member
From the special I saw on him on tv his kids practically hate him because he demanded that they decorate their room in Disney or they couldn't live there. There's a problem with that. I love Disney but there's a line you have to have with everything. When you get to that point, you need some kind of help.


sorry to get off topic but Lee that picture is so cool...is that really them (like Johnny Depp) or some really good impersonators or what? haha

It's Depp, the little guy who plays the midget in the films, and Keith Richards as Jack's dad.:cool:

Badger Brent

Active Member
I'm in the process of finishing my Disney tattoo. I started 5 years ago and it stalled from there. Just started to finish it 1 week ago, and will take 2 more sittings to finish (6 hours). Takes up my whole left arm from the short sleeve to the top of my shoulder. It's a Fantasia them with Chernabog hovering over sorcerer Mickey in the middle. On the bottom I have Yensid looking up at Mickey not happy. And the dancing brooms finishing the lower part. Had my wife and kids initials put on the broomsticks. You would never know I have it unless I wear a muscle shirt during the summer. I'm putting mickey heads in Chernabog's wings with some of the other character's from Fantasia. You have to be passionate about doing something like this. But I will be stopping when this is finished. I love Disney and all, but not that much to cover my whole body.


Active Member
I think the house looks like a wreck, it has stuff everywhere. The tats are also low quality. I dont just throw up character pics and every little thing up on my walls in any order. All my stuff is NEATLY displayed.
im pretty sure you can walk into any tatoo parlor and they will give you as many disney tattoos as you want....

what does it matter if he has permission, and if disney is sending him drawings with color he should really get a better artist because i have met him twice and some of them arent very good.
What bugs me about his house is that there are Mickey Mouse silliouettes everywhere, but they're all proportionately wrong. And I agree, his tattoos aren't that great looking.

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