How's this for a compromise - as the My Disney Experience app gets more fine-tuned, it seems to me that a "Perk" to using the app would be for parents to get special messages about otherwise-unannounced "surprises" within their resorts. Say you're staying at the Wilderness Lodge, you get a private message during the day alerting you to a special bedtime story in the lobby told by Peter Pan or other face characters by the little fake babbling brook, that night at 8 (or perhaps somewhere more secluded like the fire pit in the Villas building so there's less foot traffic from the lobby or restaurants). If you want your kids to have that experience, you arrange to have your kid in the lobby. Maybe even already decked out in pajamas and slippers. This way many more kids get that experience, WDW doesn't get any sort of liability of unauthorized CMs in your room...the biggest risk in this scenario would be if it's TOO popular, but that's why you move it to a less populated area of the resort, and only send the message to people staying at that resort. Perhaps guests even have to opt-in to get those messages in the first place, so people who assume they'll be park commandos and rarely at their resort won't be tempted to change plans. And if it's made clear that the event is primarily a bedtime story (versus a meet-and-greet) for really REALLY little kids, the 5-and-under set, many parents of older children will opt not to go, and many older kids won't want to go.