Disney Resort Africa


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Tomorrow I should post Journey on the Styx and Ursula's Under the Sea Adventure storylines because I finished the track layouts today.


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In the Parks
I LOVE your Bald Mountain ride idea. It really seems like one of those "classic" popular Disney ride ideas. Can't wait for your Hades' and Ursula rides!


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Journey on the Styx

Location: Disney’s Dark Village, Shadowlands

Type: A vehicle on a track, but the track is in water, similar to the Jungle Cruise system

Vehicle: the boat that Hades rides in while going around the Underworld

Queue: The guests walk through a cave entrance and then wind through the queue that you walk through the underworld.

- Building- http://photoalbums.wdwmagic.com/showphoto.php?photo=36014
- Floor 1 Track- http://photoalbums.wdwmagic.com/showphoto.php?photo=36015
- Floor 2 Track- http://photoalbums.wdwmagic.com/showphoto.php?photo=36016

1- Load
2- Hades Planning
3- Three Headed Dog
4- Hydra
5- 4 Titans
6- Cyclops
7- Three Fates
8- Drop
9- Soul Waters
10- Human Again
11- Unload

2- Hades Planning- After departing the loading area you are greeted by Pain and Panic, your hosts for this tour of the Underworld. As you turn a corner they explain the features of the underworld, and how they got here, or at least they tried, they ended up arguing. Then after turning the corner, the riders come across Hades, with the three fates. They stop and the riders listen and watch the AA Hades, and fates discuss their plans about Hercules. The fates break the news about Hercules, and a projection of what will happen is projected on a screen in front of them. Then Hades says what he is going to do, and calls in Pain and Panic. Then the riders start again and move up a hill.

3- Three Headed Dog- Once starting up the hill, the riders feel a warm air being breathed on them and feel drips of water on them. Then the lights go on, and at the top of the hill is the Three Headed Dog. Pain and Panic return as your tour guides and explain that he really does nothing, he is just there for show. Once at the top the riders turn to the right and follow the river forward.

4- Hydra- After encountering the dog, the riders come across a sleeping hydra on their left. Pain states, “Please be quiet, Hades, wants him nice and rested for his battle with Hercules.” Then Panic interrupts and says to Pain, “You weren’t supposed to tell them that, now Hades’ plan is ruined.” Then Panic says, “Never mind what I just said, just like the dog, he is just for show.”

5- Four Titans- Once leaving the Hydra, the riders come across a prison type area. With the bars like lightning bolts and there are two on each side. First on your left, is an AA of the Titan of Air, creating a windy mess, the riders feel the wind. Then on their right is an AA of the Titan of Water, and the riders feel a chill in the air, and see ice around the cage. Next is the Titan of Earth, on the left, and it seems to be sleeping. Finally, on the right it an AA of the Titan of Fire, but it seems to be missing, then Pain and Panic, explain that he is normally in his lava form, and then just up ahead, they see the lava. During this whole time, Pain and Panic are giving a comic speech describing each Titans most important job and how they got lock up.

6- Cyclops- While still in the prison area, the riders continue forward and on the right is a giant cage, similar to the titans, with a AA of the Cyclops. The riders stop and Pain and Panic come out from behind the cage and say, he looks hungry, so they throw a piece of meat at him. (it is a projection). The meat hits him and he is not happy. Pain and Panic run back behind, and the tour boat continues a little faster.

7- Three Fates- After encountering the Cyclops. The riders continue forward. And they see the three fates, in front of them. The boat stops and Pain and Panic are scared. The three fates say something about you know Hades’ plan to get Hercules. Then they say, “Well we just can’t have that can we?” Then the cut the string and the boat goes forward, and down the drop.

8- Drop- After your string gets cut; the riders plummet down the drop. The drop is not that big, it is like the Pirates of the Caribbean drop. The riders exit outside.

9- Soul Waters- Once the riders drop. They enter a creepy area outside. The waters are dark and gloomy. And there are projections of souls in the waters with a few AA trying to grab at you out of the water.

10- Human Again- Once back inside, the riders come across an AA of Hades. The riders stop and he says “I always like new company with me here in my humble abode, but today we are just so busy. I don’t have the time to fill out the paper work; we don’t need any more souls today. Back to mortality for your.” Hades snaps his fingers. And lights flash. And the riders pull into the unloading area.

Next I will post Ursula's Under the Sea Adventure. THe angle of the story is more from Ursula, and more similar to the Broadway show, but if anyone has any background infromation about her and her past life, before the Little MErmaid, it would be much appreciated if you posted so I can put my finishing touches on the story. THanks.


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As I said before, this is more towards Ursula, and is similar to the Broadway show because it gave me more to work with. Most of the songs I used are from the Broadway show, "I Want the Good Time Back" and "Sweet Child"

Ursula’s Under the Sea Adventure

Location: Disney’s Dark Village, Creepy Cove

Type: dark ride/ water boat, above track/ waterway

Vehicle: shell chariot, similar to the one proposed for the one proposed in DLP

Track: brown line= ceiling track, blue waterway= water way, vehicle is boat

- Building- http://photoalbums.wdwmagic.com/showphoto.php?photo=36017
- Floor 1 Track- http://photoalbums.wdwmagic.com/showphoto.php?photo=36018
- Floor 2 Track- http://photoalbums.wdwmagic.com/showphoto.php?photo=36019

1- Load
2- I Want the Good Times Back
3- Part of Your World
4- Ascending
5- Sweet Child
6- Poor Unfortunate Souls
7- I Want the Good Times Back (reprise)
8- Kiss the Girl/ Sweet Child (reprise)
9- Ballroom
10- Descending
11- Poor Unfortunate Souls (reprise)
12- Queen Ursula
13- Unload

1- Load- Area themed to be like Ursula’s lair with shelves on far wall with colorful jars and potions.

2- I Want the Good Times Back- Once departing the station, the vehicle goes through a doorway that looks like the entrance to a cave. After inside the room, the riders see a AA of Ursula in the middle of the room. After entering the room, “I Want the Good Times Back” starts playing. The vehicle turns to the right and starts to do a loop, then stops when in front of Ursula. The AA starts singing the song and is planning revenge against her brother, King Triton. She explains that she was banished from the palace because she used black magic, and tells her minions Flotsam and Jetsam to keep an eye on Ariel, whom she thinks will be the key to getting the crown and trident. The vehicle starts to turn and move again and goes around the AA and exits the room, through a grotto looking cave, to the surface.

3- Part of Your World- Once through the grotto, the track ends, and the vehicle is floating through the waterway, to give it the effect as if you are on land. After entering the room “Part of Your World” starts playing and you turn to the right and stop. The riders see Ariel on their left on the rock singing “PoYW” and once she is finished singing the wave comes up behind her and splashes. When it splashes, the vehicle moves forward a few feet, and then the room goes black, and the riders are looking at a rock wall. The riders stop, and a spotlight is lit and it shines on Flotsam and Jetsom who pop out and act like they are spying on Ariel.

4- Ascending- After PoYW, the vehicle is picked up on the track once again and goes up and turns to the left to the second floor. The room looks like a cave.

5- Sweet Child- After ascending to the second floor, the vehicle enters the next room, and stops. As you enter the room, the riders hear the ending of “Under the Sea”, then they see an AA of Ariel, ‘swim” above their vehicle from the right to the left, and then gets stopped by Flotsam and Jetsom. They sweet talk her into seeking help from her Auntie Ursula. And they start singing “Sweet Child”. Then, the lights go out and come back on with Ariel following Flotsam and Jetsom on the right side of the vehicle near the exit of the room. The vehicle continues forward and following Ariel, Flotsam, and Jetsom to the next room.

6- Poor Unfortunate Souls- After following F and J to Urusla’s lair, the vehicle enters a room similar looking to the loading area. The riders hear “Poor Unfortunate Souls” in the background. Along the floor is Ursula’s Soul Garden. In front of the vehicle is a cauldron with and AA of Ursula. Then the vehicle goes around it and stops in front of it. Next to Ursula is Ariel on a rock. Then “PUS” is sung by Ursula. Then the scroll comes down and Ariel’s name appears on it. Then Ariel sings and the room goes black, and a light is shone going from where Ariel’s mouth was, to a lit up shell around Ursula’s neck. Then the vehicle turns around and sees a projection of Ariel turning from a mermaid to human on the wall. Smoke is pumped into the room and lights flash. And the vehicle starts exiting the room.

7- I Want the Good Times Back (reprise)- The next room has Ursula in the far left corner of the room and she is awaiting impatently for the third day to come. And the reprise of “IWtGTB” plays and she starts to sing and sends F and J to go speed things up. Then the riders turn right, and they enter the next room.

8- Kiss the Girl/ Sweet Child (reprise)- After leaving the last room, your vehicle is off the track and in the water. The riders come in as the end of “Kiss the Girl” and then just before they kiss, Flotsam and Jetsam give the boat an "electric shock" and the lights go out. After turning the corner. The lights go on and the riders once again face F and J, they then sing the reprise of “Sweet Child”. The vehicles start again and leave the room.

9- Ballroom- Once leaving the last room, the riders enter a ballroom scene, with Ursula on the left and the ballroom is flooding. Everyone is scrambling. The water effect, will be done with lights to make it look as if the water is getting to the ceiling. Then to the right, near the exit of the room, they see F and J take Ariel. And your vehicle hooks back up to the overhead track.

10- Descend- After getting hooked back up, the riders go back down to the first floor, and follow F and J with Ariel, dragging her back to Ursula’s lair. By a projection.

11- Poor Unfortunate Souls (reprise)- After following F and J the riders enter the next room with Ursula in the left side and King Triton next to her. The vehicle turns around so it is moving backwards and facing the scene. King Triton arrived to confront his sister and rescue Ariel, who has returned to being a mermaid. He agrees to take Ariel's place, and Ursula celebrates her victory. With a flash and smoke, the crown and triton are in Ursula’s hands and on her head. And with a flick of the Triton, she banishes King Triton. Then she starts singing “PUS” reprise. The vehicle faces forward again, and enters the next scene.

12- Queen Ursula- Once entering the final room, an AA of Ursula is on the left and an AA of Ariel is on the right, who is chained up. Ursula has F and J below her. And she is singing “I Got the Good Times Back”, an original song, that has its lyrics tweaked to say that she got the good times back, it would be similar to “I Want the Good Times Back”

13- Unload- Pulling into the loading area, it is the palace, but with Ursula’s touch.

I hope it was worth the anticipation. Please comment. Do you like or not?


New Member
the overall idea and the ride sounds great.
although i am not quite sure how the little cute kids (that i believe are the type of people that will go on the ride) will deal with the fact that the bad guy won... maybe (even thogh i know it is a villain park) Ursula can lose...
i think it will be better.

Disneyson 1

New Member
The ride is really good! I saw the broadway show, it was good! At the end of the day, though, the heroes have to win. I wonder how you'll pull that off...


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I don't know about the Ursula not winning. I will try to find some way to end it a little bit better. But, for Bald Mountain, the good guys don't win, the riders just escape. All of the characters are in prisons. I am going to make it better. If anyone has suggestions on how to end it, mostly the last room, please suggest. I am having a hard time. Because I want it still have Ursula win, but not as a dramatic way. But, if anyone can suggest a way to end it with a dramatic way. As I stated before, please suggest.


New Member
for bald mountain why dont end it when the riders realese the prisoners with some magical thing?

for Ursula under the sea adventure why dont you put it from the beginning just as a dream\daydream of hers, in this way it will not be bad that she won.


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An idea that I just had was that it could be that Ursula is dreaming this whole thing, and the riders are in her dream.. If anyone can think of a way that this could work, without removing more than the last room (Queen Ursula), then please post. Even if it removes more than one room, I can tweak it. So PLEASE, anyone POST your IDEAS. Thanks So much.


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So are you talking about like in the unloading area have like the background as a painting of Ursula with a bubble of her dream. And as the rider pulls into the station, Ariel says something about don't worry about anything, you were just in her dream. If that is what you were talking about, I like that idea. If is not, please explain more indepth. Thanks.


New Member
no... its not what i meant...

i wanted it to be like that: you said that the first room kind of tells about Ursula's previous life before Ariel and how she was banished, this will be real life.
after this scene Ursula sais somthing like:
Ursula: "and i had a perfect plan of taking back my place!... but this Prince... ruind it... but if he had'nt... oh... if he had'nt..."
and then you enter her daydream. - eitch will be the rest of the ride


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Ok I like that idea. Thanks. So, after exiting the first scene the riders go through a small area with smoke, to seem like they are in her dream. And after the last part and before the unloading area would be another small area with smoke, as if you are exiting her dream. And the unloading area, would just be themed to a palace.

I hope I got it this time. I like it.

THanks again. What attraction do you guys want me to do next, e-ticket or not?


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It has been a few days since I have posted because I am so busy with my school work. So, I am working on Outback Rovers right now. If anyone would like any other attraction described, please post. I have skipped because I came the conclusion that they probably aren't E- Ticket Material, look at the list of E-Tickets, I am editiing it.


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I was working on my Outback Rovers, but it is hard. So, I am posting my Voyage of the Little Mermaid, for Disney's Kingdom Oceania. I am trying to make mine original, and not seem like that I am copying anyones, since there has been a few within the past couple of weeks. Here is the first three scenes and the load area.

Voyage of the Little Mermaid

Location: Disney's Kingdom Oceania, Atlantica

Vehicle: Clam Shell, similar to the ones in the Seas with Nemo and Friends, but not Omnimover

Type: dark ride

Track: similar to my Ursula’s Under the Sea Adventure, with the track above when under the water portions, and floating on water (in shell boat, when out of water)

- Building with queue-
- Floor 1 Track-
- Floor 2 Track-

1- Load
2- Fathoms Below
3- Daughters of Triton
4- Part of Your World
5- Under the Sea
6- Sweet Child
7- Poor Unfortunate Souls
8- Transform to Human
9- Les Poissons
10- Kiss the Girl
11- Vanessa
12- Wedding
13- Destroy Ursula
14- Royal Wedding
15- Descend to Ocean Floor
16- Goodbye
17- Unload

2- Fathoms Below-
a- After boarding the clam shell, in the water, the riders depart from the station through doors into a fog, the doors are like wooden planks. After passing though the fog, the riders see a ship on their right with an AA Eric and AA Max near the edge. Eric tells Max how much he wants to find a girl. In the background, the riders see a party being thrown in honor of Eric’s birthday. The riders continue on and enter to the next room.
b- Once entering through a misty door, the riders hear thunder and see lightning, and pieces of the ship floating everywhere in the water, with AA people on some pieces. After turning a corner the riders see an AA Ariel and an AA Eric on the shore, with Ariel singing to him. The riders pass by with them on their right and enter the next room. The track above picks up the vehicle as the water below runs out.

3- Daughters of Triton- Once entering into the next room you hear a trumpet and a voice saying, “Now presenting his Royal King Triton.” Then, a projection on King Triton is project flying in front of you. Turning to your left, the riders see a clam shaped theater and the lights go dark, and the production starts. The riders stop and watch as each daughter introduces herself and an AA Sebastian is directing the concert to the right, and an AA King Triton is on the left. Then the vehicle starts again before it is over and as they are nearing exiting the room, the riders hear Sebastian scream, “Ariel!”

4- Part of Your World-
a- Entering the next section, the riders see an AA Ariel in her treasure room on their right, with a “dingle hopper” in her hand. AA Flounder is on the riders left. She starts singing “Part of Your World”. The vehicle travels around her and continues on and enters back to the “outside”, the track above has ended and the water has picked up the vehicle.
b- Once “outside” the riders see AA Ariel on a rock singing “Part of Your World”. AS the riders pass Ariel, she finishes and the splash splashes, (rider might get wet). The lights go out and you hear, Ariel say, “Oh Flounder it is beautiful. Thank You So much!” (Talking about the Prince Eric Statue)
c- Entering the next room, the track above the riders picks up the vehicle and the water ends. The riders re-enter Ariel’s treasure room, but King Triton is standing next to Ariel and he is not happy, on the left of the riders. On the right of the riders is the statue. The riders pass by an angry Triton yelling at Ariel, and they stop and are facing the statue. They see the statue, emit smoke and flash lights; the vehicle turns forward again, and begins moving, as the lights flash into the next room.

Later today, I should post my Under the Sea, Sweet Child, and Poor Unfortunate Souls scenes. ALso, I should be posting my layouts soon. I want to try to get the ride posted before I take the time to post the layout because I have school tomorrow, and that take ups so much time in my day. THis is going to be a long attraction. And that is only the first half of it. Please comment, good or bad, appreciated. Thanks.


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COntinuing on, here is the end starting with Under the Sea.

5- Under the Sea- Entering through a coral garden area. The riders start to hear “Under the Sea” playing in the background. And then they see an AA Sebastian in the middle of the room, with Ariel next to him. He is directing the whole thing. All around the room are AA fishes playing instruments and dancing to the music. After entering, the vehicle turns and faces Sebastian the whole time in the room. As the riders near the exit of the room, the vehicle turns and faces sideways facing the wall, and encountering the fishes, dancing and coming very close to you, such as the blowfish. Then the riders exit the room.

6- Sweet Child- Still facing to the side the vehicle enters through the door and enters a scary grotto area with geysers around you spraying the water. AS entering the room, the riders hear the end of “UtS” and see a projection of Ariel swimming from the right to the left above the car. And all of a sudden a spot light shines on Flotsam and Jetsom stopping Ariel. And then the song “Sweet Child” from the Broadway show starts and is performed. The vehicle stops in front of the group. Then near the end of when Ariel says “Take to her.”, the vehicle starts moving forward again. And enter the next room through the skull into her lair.

7- Poor Unfortunate Souls- Entering though the skull, the riders move through a group of Ursula’s polyps. Then the “Poor Unfortunate Soul” plays in the background. Then the vehicle goes around it and stops in front of it. Next to Ursula is Ariel on a rock. Then “PUS” is sung by Ursula. Then the scroll comes down and Ariel’s name appears on it. Then Ariel sings and the room goes black, and a light is shone going from where Ariel’s mouth was, to a lit up shell around Ursula’s neck. Smoke is pumped into the room and lights flash. And the vehicle starts exiting the room and

8- Transformation to Human- Once leaving the smokefilled lair. The riders begin ascending up the hill following the projection of Ariel transforming. After at the secong floor, the riders pass by an AA Ariel, Flounder, and Sebastian. Washed up on the shore.

9- Les Poissons- The riders then pass into the castle kitchen and pass by Chef Louis on their left looking for fish to cut and the song, “Les Poissons” plays in the background. Then after making a small S turn, the riders see Chef Louis on the right with Sebastian on the table, scurring around, and Chef Louis trying to catch him. The rider then turn to the left and exit out into the lake.

10- Kiss the Girl-
a- Aftering exiting the kitchen, the riders exit out into the lake, and encoutner an AA Scuttle saying, “Sebastian, what is happening.”. Then two birds on either side of the track, pull back a curtian of vine and the vehicle goes through it and enter into the next room.
b- Once going though the vines. The guests enter into the lake. And they see Eric and Ariel in a boat on the left. Then the boat turns to the left and faces towards the boat. The shell moves toward the and around the boat facing it. Then they pass Sebastion singing. The shell turns to the left around the corner and still faces the boat and passes Scuttle dancing. The boat then turns around and faces forward and as leaving, the singing abruptly stops and the riders hear a splash and birds flying away and sqwaking.
c- Leaving the lake, the riders enter a small room, and see AA Flotsam and Jetsom laughing and the riders hear Ursula’s voice saying, “Good Job boys!”

11- Vanessa-
a- After exiting past F and J the riders enter the room. And see and AA of a women singing to a mirror, it sounds like Ariel but it doesn’t look like her. Then the riders pass by the mirror and the riders see AA Vanessa looking at the mirror, with Ursula’s reflection.
b- Once passing the mirror, the riders pass by Vanessa and Eric talking to the staff of the castle and saying they are going to get married, to their left. Then continueing on the guests exit to the “outside” and pass by a ship with Scuttle sitting near the window, hearing “Ariel’s voice” and then seeing Vanessa’s reflection of Ursula, and he flies away to go tell Ariel.

12- Wedding-
a- After passing by the ship, the riders enter into the next room, and go on to the ship and pass by AA Vanessa, AA Eric and priest performing the ceremony on the left. On the right is the audience.
b- After passing the ceremony, the riders have an AA Ursula who transforms back into herself, has captured Ariel, who turned back into the mermaid, and is about to jump back in the water. The rider go around it and enter into the next room.

13- Destroying Ursula-
a- Once entering the next room, the lights are dimmed, and thunder is heard in the distance. On your left, is a ship with Eric at the helm. Then on the right is an giant Ursula, (just her head), then the riders pass by and enter the next room. As exiting the room, it starts to lightning.
b- After entering this room, the riders see a ship on the left. And on the right is Eric’s ship, and a giant Ursula, (whole body). This room is filled with lightnining and thunder. While passing Ursula, Eric hits her, and a projection of her skeleton is placed on her and she flashes, and the lights go out and it is dark. The shell contiunues on to the next room.

14- Royal Wedding- Once entering the final scene, on the right is a ship with AA Ariel and AA Eric. First on the rider right is a rock with Scuttle and Sebastian on it, and Flounder in the water. On the left in the water is all of Ariel’s sisters watching the ceremony. Then on the right is the ship and you see Ariel and Eric looking out over the water. Continuing on, after passing the ship, the riders have a AA of King Triton on the right near the edge of the boat. As you pass King Triton, his Triton lights up and the riders ride under the rainbow.

15- Descend to Ocean Floor- As the rider enter the next room, the riders attach to the above track and goes past the sea palace, and seeing a royal procession of merpeople and fish into the castle. To congradulate King Triton.

16- Goodbye- After the decsent down, the riders go on the water, and pass by an AA Sebastion on the left and AA Scuttle on the right saying “goodbye”, and how it is “always an adventure under the Sea” Then the “Under the Sea” score begins to play as the rider pass by the AA and pull into the station.

Please comment. Good or bad appreciated. What attraction do you guys want me to do next? Later today I should post layouts.

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