Disney Pictures


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Sorry, I know the title is a little decieving but there are no pictures here. But, if you are looking for a different way to display your hundreds and hundreds of Disney pictures I have a pretty good idea (which probably alot of other people have already thought of and done). Instead of always putting my pictures into photo albums I decided to make a collage. I found a nice big picture frame (3 feet by 2 feet or bigger, I'm not exactly sure) and completely filled it with picture (leaving no empty spaces). It looks really good. Has anyone else tried to do this? It is something different and when its hanging on a wall, everyone will be able to see it.


New Member
That sounds like a god idea. Why pick and choose a few pictures to put in frames to display all the time, when you can display a lot of them.

Albums get made, but don't get looked at all that often usually.


New Member
Right now I have SIX of those LARGE size photo albums from WDW on my coffee table at home...It seems that just about everyone who comes to our house picks them up and looks through them!!! I LOVE the collage idea tho'!!! I'll have to try that!!! :eek:


Active Member
I make a bulletin board collage for my classroom. Every Easter my husband and I (both teachers) take students to WDW. They love looking at themselves and reliving their trip! I scan my pictures and print them on regular copy paper so the originals will stay nice.

2 days until we are ºoºrlando bound with 27 teens on a school bus for 930 miles of smiles:hammer: :sohappy:


New Member
have any one of you that has done a collage, got a photo of it to show us how its done

can't wait unti end of july when we travel from UK:sohappy:

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