Disney On Ice: Disneyland Adventure


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So Disney On Ice is coming to the 'burgh...and I'm going!:ROFLOL:

My B.I.L. won tickets off a local radio station. I think I'm more excited than my daughter! So me, DW, DD, and DD's BFF all get to go! WOOHOO! We'll be attending the 10:30 AM show on Friday, 03/06. Anyone else in/around the 'burgh going?

Anyone else gone to this show? What do you think?

I know I'm a goofball for being so excited to see all the characters. But, it'll be like a small piece of my "happy place" in my hometown for a little while. 205 days out from our return trip...this will help!


I saw it last fall in Montreal. I found it slow to get started (a lot of time spent mugging by the Incredibles instead of the plot moving forward.) But the park scenes are really enjoyable once they get going: Main Street, Pirates of the Caribbean, Big Thunder Mountain, Jungle Cruise, Tea Cups, IASW, parade etc.
The Haunted Mansion scene is the best in any ice show I've ever scene.
The effects are AMAZING. I found that generally the skating is stronger in this show - jumps, spins etc. - than other Disney on ice shows.

Have fun!


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What an amazing show! But, then again, I was excited the day before. It was as if we were leaving for WDW the following day-type feeling.

We got to Mellon Arena around 9:15, but the doors didn't open until 9:30. That gave me time to stop at the box office to see if we could upgrade our tickets. "No upgrades!" I was rudely informed. "Whatever," I said...more money to spend on souveniers!

So the doors open, and I suggest we find our seats first, and then get DD and her BFF souveniers. Our seats were C-21, row K, 12-15. Not bad, but I wanted to be closer. The show did seem to start slow, but as Hoppy said, once it got moving, it was awesome. Seeing the rides come to life on the ice really brought back so many fond memories from our trip. I really, really loved the HM scene. They could do a whole show just on that alone! I don't understand why BTMRR was referred to as the run-away mine ride. I mean, I get that that is exactly what it is, but all the other rides were referred to by their name (ie: JC, Tiki Room), so why not call it BTMRR?

I have some pics, rather craptastic, and some video of the same. I have no clue how to upload video, so if anyone wants it, send me a PM with e-mail, and I'll get it to you.



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