Well-Known Member
I don't think anyone I've read anyone pounding for masks forever. Yes they suck but people pushing in a pandemic isn't pounding forever. If I misread your tone then I apologize, but I feel you missed how it read suggesting they move to Japan (without mention of parks)I didn’t tell them to leave the country. They are pounding the drum of masking forever.
They posted an article showing how it was cultural norm in another part of the world. If that is what they desire it’s easier to move then it is to change an entire culture.
I only want them to be happy and comfortable in their environment. Plus Japan does have the worlds greatest Disney park.
I don't love them, but live with them. I expect to bring in 2 months and again this summer. Hating on them doesn't change the need to bring them.
With how quickly that backfired and how slow they were when numbers were low in November I wouldn't be shocked needing them indoors this summer again.My guess is they will drop before then. Bob REALLY wanted them gone before it got hot down there last year and I would be willing to bet they will push for the same this year.