Disney Insider: NEW Haunted Mansion Refurb Article!


Original Poster
Hope this wasn't posted already....if so, please just delete this.:)

[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]Making the Haunts Even Happier[/FONT]

[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]That old, creepy, uninhabited mansion -- you know, the one where you sometimes hear mysterious sounds and see eerie apparitions? I think something's going on up there. Ever since June, I seem to hear weird noises in the dead of night ... noises suspiciously like hammering and sawing. But none of the 999 permanent residents seem to be leaving the joint. Is it possible that that place is going to get even SPOOKIER?

That's right -- in case you haven't heard the news through the ghoulish grapevine, the Magic Kingdom Park's venerable Haunted Mansion is getting a facelift. New details are being added to reward sharp-eyed spookhunters, and some high-tech magic is being put to use to create old-fashioned thrills. Kathy Rogers, Senior Show Producer for the attraction, told us what to expect if you dare to venture through the doors of this most beloved attraction, which is slated to reopen this month.

"For several months, our team has been "illusioneering," making the invisible, visible," explains Kathy. "For example, a previously unseen [FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]wing of the Mansion has been revealed for the first time. Observant Guests will see more of the 999 happy haunts cavorting on a seemingly endless staircase leading to secret realms. Watch closely and you'll see evidence of these residents -- their glowing footprints, candles going out -- is it the wind or did someone blow them out? It's for you to decide. Other haunts reveal themselves in the mansion's infamous Corridor of Doors -- don't blink or you'll miss the clues!"

The Haunted Mansion is one of the Disney Theme Park attractions that have inspired legions of passionate fans. The last thing anyone wanted to do was to change the experience in a way that would disappoint Guests, and Kathy and her team were acutely aware of the necessity to "strengthen the story, and not change it." So in many cases they expanded on the lore that already existed -- as in Kathy's own favorite addition: "In the attic the long, sad tale of Constance on her wedding days finally comes to light. For almost 40 years, our Guests have come face to face with Constance the bride. Now it's time for them to meet her and her grooms face to face -- all five of them! They all loved Constance," she laughs. "In fact, you could say they lost their heads over her."

In addition to adding to the story, the Imagineers are taking advantage of some technological advances since the Mansion first saw the light of day. You won't be overwhelmed with high-tech bells and whistles that disturb the eerie atmosphere, but, Kathy promises, "Imagineers constantly look for new ways to combine compelling stories with new technologies. As we've worked to enhance Haunted Mansion, we've added a few surprises that may make the ghosts seem a little closer than before."

So whether it's your first visit to the Mansion or your hundredth, when Guests are allowed to enter that elegant but eerie house again, keep your eyes peeled. You never know when you'll stumble across the evidence of a haunt you haven't encountered before! And remember -- there's always room for one more.


Well-Known Member
I like that they finaly revealed the name of the bride in the attic. And I didn't know about the footprint thing until I read the article as well in my email.


Original Poster
I can't wait!!!! I will be riding HM on opening day!!!

Same here! I am so happy to hear there will be some additions to the Corridor of Doors! To me, there is so much more than can be done with this area so I hope the new enhancement will give this corridor of the great mansion the sprucing it needs.

PS: I still hope the "new bat-effect in the stretch rooms" report comes to fruition. That sounded like such an amazing effect!


New Member
This is a bit OT, but how scary is HM? I have a 5-year-old who is scared of EVERYTHING, but I've heard that HM isn't really supposed to be scary. I'm afraid to even try to take her on this ride if there's even a hint of spookiness to it.


Well-Known Member
This is a bit OT, but how scary is HM? I have a 5-year-old who is scared of EVERYTHING, but I've heard that HM isn't really supposed to be scary. I'm afraid to even try to take her on this ride if there's even a hint of spookiness to it.
When I went to WDW as a child around that age, I remember Snow White scared me more than the HM. However, I think a child who is scared of everything would be scared of the HM. For example, in the "stretching room" you go through to get to the ride, there's a moment when the lights go out. That's scary enough for many children, but now the deep voice of Paul Frees is apparently surrounding you more ominously than before. I'm not saying that HM would be too scary for all 5 year olds, but it sounds like you are wanting to err on the side of caution, and if so, stay away! It only takes one "bad" experience to taint the whole trip. Some friends of ours took their daughter on "It's Tough to be a Bug" without knowing what it was like, and after that it was hard to convince her to try anything.


Active Member
Sounds great based on this article and the lucky person who got to ride it. I'll but have to wait till Dec 4th, can't come soon enough.


New Member
Sounds outstanding!! I will be arriving in 4 days and riding on opening day-probably many times! This is going to be excellent!


Well-Known Member
This is a bit OT, but how scary is HM? I have a 5-year-old who is scared of EVERYTHING, but I've heard that HM isn't really supposed to be scary. I'm afraid to even try to take her on this ride if there's even a hint of spookiness to it.

It's tough to say. To further mix it up... When I went for the first time to Disney (DL), I was just under 4. We went, and I LOVED the Mansion. Fast forward two years to our first WDW trip. Went on it and freaked out. I wouldn't go on it again until I was 8, my parents said. I think it's a play it by ear situation. I think building him up to it with a tour de Fantasyland Rides and maybe Pirates would lessen the impact.

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