Disney Guilt?


Well-Known Member
Curses, I feel really bad for my husband. We have APs and live a little over 2 hours away from WDW. He actually admitted this past week that he is burned out on EPCOT. :cry: Just went last month for the Food Festival and he was ready to go by 4pm! I feel guilty dragging him along! I've been thinking about going alone a few times. Some of my friends are surprised when I say I am going again to WDW. "But you were just there..." I told my husband I want to renew our vows in WDW and he didn't answer me. :lol:


New Member
Original Poster
aurora - what part of texas are you living in? I miss it and syracuse is getting sooo cold now!!!

thanks for all your responses guys. You're all right, it's my money and if I want to use it for a trip to disney or a wedding or honeymoon or whatever, it's my choice!


Well-Known Member
aurora - what part of texas are you living in? I miss it and syracuse is getting sooo cold now!!!

thanks for all your responses guys. You're all right, it's my money and if I want to use it for a trip to disney or a wedding or honeymoon or whatever, it's my choice!
Outside of Houston, and I miss Syracuse :) I miss the seasons- you don't get that down here, all you get is Hot (fall) somewhat cool (winter) hot (spring) and hottest (summer) :lol:


Well-Known Member
Im surprised I havent run into you yet!!!!! We are friendly with the band at this point as Mark from Off Kilter used to play with them and he was kind enough to do some quick introductions for our group!!!! And of course this just shows what great taste you have!!!! Belle
Paul and I have gone a couple of times with Scottie (Scott to me, Scottie to my daughter) And then we have gone just the two of us. This January we will be there with my son and I know we will be eating at Raglan at least twice :D


Well-Known Member
Ill be there for my December trip definitely and most likely for the trip we are looking at in the early part of next year. We are almost always there on a Saturday night as we enjoy the "full" band of Tuskar Rock when they add in the bass player and the regular drummer. I love the trad stuff, but the rock & roll that happens later is pretty awesome as well!!!!! When I was there the last time ( Mid Oct) they had added a few new entrees on the menu which looked interesting. I had a chicken dish with potatoes and onions that was just great!!!! There was also a pork thing that looked really good as well!!! As far as dessert one of my friends SWEARS by the Dunbrody Kiss!!!!! Belle


New Member
Congrats on the engagement! If your fiance doesn't want to get married there, at least go on your honeymoon there, or even take the Disney cruise...

But don't ever feel guilty about dreaming!

To quote the Cinderella song "...A dream is a wish your heart makes..."

Best of Luck!


Well-Known Member
My wife and I have TWO savings a accounts.
One is a regular account and the other is our "Disney Vacation" account.

I start to feel guilty when the Disney account is greater than the regular account...

...then we go to WDW for a WEEK and the Disney account shrinks and all is good. :animwink:


Well-Known Member
:sohappy: I never feel guilty about taking a trip to WDW- I mean it is such great memories for my family! However, I sometimes feel guilty for my obsession that makes me so excited for my upcoming trip that I plan and spend time on the computer when I could be spending more time with my kids.:( But I guess that everyone has faults, huh?:lol: I certainly don't neglect my children and I know that we will be spending quality time together in the world soon!


New Member
:sohappy: I never feel guilty about taking a trip to WDW- I mean it is such great memories for my family! However, I sometimes feel guilty for my obsession that makes me so excited for my upcoming trip that I plan and spend time on the computer when I could be spending more time with my kids.:( But I guess that everyone has faults, huh?:lol: I certainly don't neglect my children and I know that we will be spending quality time together in the world soon!

OMG - me too. I love my trips, but I do think I spend too much time on the web and not enough with the family.

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