Yes, that was what I said. That is one category of folks who have a more limited version of FP+, that their ticket media entitles them to.
Overall, though - the entire venture was designed to cater to the Disney Mom's crowd. The general public already was overwhelmed by the amount of planning perceived to be needed for a WDW vacation, and was not asking for more. It's sheer absurdity to most folks that you have to plan dining so far in advance, but scheduling a certain time for a 3-5 minute ride months in advance is a whole new level of crazy. It's segregating guests based on access to electronic devices, and to normal people this level of militaristic planning is the opposite of what they look for in what should be leisure time at a theme park.
If you want evidence of that, just walk up to someone, explain the system, and watch as they look at you like you have three green heads, or simply don't believe you that such a thing even exists once they start laughing at the insanity of it all. Booking restaurants six months in advance is crazy enough to folks in the "real" world (there are maybe three or four restaurants in the entire country outside of WDW that require that sort of thing), but scheduling a three to five minute ride potentially months in advance has no parallel in the level of insanity.