dining at resort restaurants


New Member
sorry if something like this already exists on the boards---i am new to this stuff and tried to find the info doing the searches but only frustrated myself! so, here i go:

can anyone offer insight into the best places to dine on the dining plan for table service when travelling with picky eaters? we will have a 7yo and 4yo who are picky (i.e. mac and cheese, chicken nuggets, hot dogs, poptarts and chocolate is their food pyramid!).

i would love to experience BOMA but am leery of anyone else in our party finding anything to eat.

looking into cape may cafe, all star sports cafe, espn club, spoodles?

thanx hollyberries :confused:


New Member
As previously posted, make sure to check all menus to make your decisions.

As for another helpful page on the same site, here is a list of some kid-friendly restaurants around WDW:

Family Friendly Dining

As tigsmom stated, Chef Mickey's is a must.

Good Luck!
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New Member
When we ate at Boma, they had a kids' section of the buffet. It included Mac and Cheese, Chicken Nuggets, and pizza, that I can remember.

I'd also suggest looking at the posted menus. I think every restaurant and buffet had these kinds of choices.
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Well-Known Member
You'll find lots and lots of simple, "kids foods" abound. Even the more exotic restaurants have mac and cheese and nuggets on the kids menu. Do a lot of buffets! That way everyone is happy.
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Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
As posted before nearly every Disney restaurant has a kid friendly menu so go where you want and there will always be the kid menu option for the little ones.
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