Deadly Virus at WDW???


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I came across this article in the Orlando Sentinel and was really concerned when I read it. I have posted the first part of the article the rest is at the following site:,0,5969661.story?coll=orl-home-headlines


Orlando expects invasion by virus
By Stephanie Erickson

With a deadly respiratory virus rapidly spreading across the world, local officials say it's a question of when -- not if -- it spreads to Central Florida, the destination of millions of tourists each year.

Although SARS, severe acute respiratory syndrome, has not yet been reported in Florida, some health-care workers already are taking extra precautions -- such as quizzing sick tourists more closely and donning face masks if a patient has traveled recently in certain parts of Asia.

"It very likely will make its way here," said Bill Toth, epidemiologist with the Orange County Health Department. "This is a worldwide destination."

The virus was first detected in Southeast Asia in November and has infected more than 1,620 people. So far, 58 people have died from the virus. In this country, there are 59 suspected cases in 22 states, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

There is no proven treatment. But on Monday, a United Nations official said international health experts expect within days to identify the virus causing the disease.

"I think we can identify the causative agent in quite a short time period. We think probably within a few days, at most a few weeks," said Hitoshi Oani, the World Health Organization regional coordinator for SARS.

Last week, Orange County health officials were on alert during a floor-coverings convention that drew more than 20,000 people. Nearly 200 of the vendors at the Orange County Convention Center were from Asia, including three from Hong Kong.

"We were informed that a lot of vendors may have been in the Far East, and we also were getting information that SARS may be more infectious than first thought," said Dave Freeman, manager of the health-services division at Orange County's office of disaster and emergency services.

So his office sent convention-center officials information about what to look for and notified hospitals that the convention was going on.

Tom Ackerd, executive director of the convention center, said the next show to bring international visitors will be April 11, a kitchen- and bath-industry convention.

"We can't really prepare; we just have to wait and see," he said.

Employees at Florida Hospital-owned CentraCare in Lake Buena Vista are asking tourists more questions than usual -- and wearing face masks if a patient has been to Asia recently.

"They would probably be the first place to come in contact with this, being down there right in the heart of the tourist industry," Florida Hospital spokeswoman Stacy Heckman said of the CentraCare clinic.


Upon reading this article, I wondered if this type of threat could also damage attendence at WDW. More importantly, I wondered if Disney was doing anything to maintain this virus out of the parks and resorts. With so many people coming in from foreign countries and visiting WDW it can only mean its a matter of time before this virus hits Florida. In the meantime, for all those who are going to travel to WDW in the near future, or visit the parks frequently, beware of SARS and stay informed about potential cases in the US. STAY SAFE...and hey still enjoy WDW, just be careful not to get sick...atleast not until they find a treatment for it.


New Member
I was hoping this was some sick April Fool's joke when I read the subject. GREAT, now you got me paranoid of some disease.:hammer: Thanks for the heads up though.;)


Well-Known Member
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Originally posted by jcmayid
I was hoping this was some sick April Fool's joke when I read the subject. GREAT, now you got me paranoid of some disease.:hammer: Thanks for the heads up though.;)

NOT all that in to April Fools, or cruel jokes. I thought it was important, for everyone to know, especially those making a trip to WDW. I don't want to make people paranoid, just careful. BTW jcmayid love the avatar.:sohappy:


New Member
I'm not too worried about this,only 55 people have died... and that is internationally. I'm not saying I would be willingly infected with the illness, but I trust CDC to have it under control. A good article about SARS in general is here


New Member
Originally posted by Epcot is my fav
where were the outbreaks??

Most outbreaks have been in SE Asia.

According to most reports, you need extremely close contact to catch this. The most common way of getting it is sitting in the near proximity to someone that has it on a flight.

I don't think that anyone that has it will contaminate a large amount of people while at WDW. You don't really get that close of contact for a sustained time while at WDW.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Sure there are only 55 deaths world wide, but an outbreak could easily arise. There have been a total of 1,622 cases world wide with a mortality rate of 3%-5%. I don't think people should be too worried, but some attention should be paid to this virus, I doubt anyone wants to be a victim adding another death to the count. SO whether you are going to WDW or anywhere else, just stay informed.


New Member
I've already been slightly aware of this... Many people from all over come to Disney world and when I heard this killer disease was spreading around worldwide... I put two and two together. And as a FL resident and frequent Disney-go-er, I kindly ask you all to pray for me. :lol: But I won't let this stop me from going to the parks.. what'd be the point? What concerns me, though, is its flu-like symptons (I think) so it's going to be hard to tell whether or not someone has it.


New Member
The CDC can't control a virus like this any more than it could stop the spread of a cold or flu.

I think our best hope is that it dies out as things warm up, like most respiratory viruses do. That would give the CDC time to work on a vaccine over the summer.


Well-Known Member
While most of the cases have been in SE Asia, with China having the largest amount of reported cases, the US and Canada have had some as well. Most hospitals in Toronto are closed to visitors and those entering have to wear masks.(I assume its the same in other parts of Canada as well). The infection method is by droplet (coughing, etc.) as with other viruses. The problem is that this is not a true virus, but a mutated one with properties of a bacterial infection as well. No anti-viral med or antibiotic (or combo) is effective. SARS has been around for quite some time , but not in such quantity. I remember what my old nursing instructor always told us...."Washing your hands frequently with hot water and soap kills a great many things." Always be aware of who is around you.

well sars is sort of like the flu ...we have a few cases in toronto here they closed 2 hospitals because of it but i believe only 6 people (as of today) have died ,sars came here from asia
the latest news:
“The two individuals(who died most recently) are elderly, 70-plus who had other co-morbid conditions which required them being admitted or assessed at Scarborough Grace for the duration of the cluster,” reveals Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Colin D’Cunha. Both of the deaths came at the University Health Network. The total number of cases now stands at 124 across the province. "
so only 124 people are confirmed with sars in ontario and of those only 6 have died ... world wide there is something like 1500 cases and world wide like maye 60 deaths last time i saw the news

"emphasize that the risk to the general public remains low. Dr. Andrew Simor takes pains to point out some of the original S.A.R.S. patients have now been released from hospital, and have made a full recovery – proving that the majority of cases do recover. "

"As of Tuesday afternoon, Health Canada was reporting 151 probable and suspect cases of S.A.R.S. in six provinces. Following is a breakdown on where those cases were being reported:

Ontario: 56 probable, 68 suspect.
British Columbia: 2 probable, 12 suspect.
Alberta: 7 suspect.
Prince Edward Island: 4 suspect.
Saskatchewan: 1 suspect.
New Brunswick: 1 suspect."

it really isn't that bad ,I mean think about west nile virus and compare...

all quotes are from


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by tigsmom
While most of the cases have been in SE Asia, with China having the largest amount of reported cases, the US and Canada have had some as well. Most hospitals in Toronto are closed to visitors and those entering have to wear masks.(I assume its the same in other parts of Canada as well). The infection method is by droplet (coughing, etc.) as with other viruses. The problem is that this is not a true virus, but a mutated one with properties of a bacterial infection as well. No anti-viral med or antibiotic (or combo) is effective. SARS has been around for quite some time , but not in such quantity. I remember what my old nursing instructor always told us...."Washing your hands frequently with hot water and soap kills a great many things." Always be aware of who is around you.

So so everyone knows, wearing a mask does very little to stop a virus. Yes they may prevent droplets from getting into the respiratory system, but there is no mesh developed that is small enough to prevent a virus from travelling through it.

And yes, basic hygiene is the best way to prevent it spreading.


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