Cynicism towards Carousel of Progress


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Original Poster
I rode the Carousel of Progress for the first time this June, and as much as I enjoyed it, our current state with the environment and many of our technological problems couldn't help me but feel a little Cynical towards the Carousel of Progress. I think it's because people were a lot more optimistic about the future in 1964 than we are now which is probably one of the reasons why the Carousel has been losing popularity for a while now. When I rode it, it wasn't exactly packed. I think there might've been a dozen people or so with us at the time and the theater looked like it could hold a lot more than that. Don't get me wrong, it's a good show, and I believe it should stay, but due to my cynical feel towards the future, I don't see myself riding it again anytime soon :shrug:


Well-Known Member
I think the idea that technology and industry are humanity's saviors died decades ago, and the Disney company realized it.

Older versions of the COP played up the positive aspects of technology even more than the current version. With today's society's emphasis on going green, I think it's about time the COP get revamped to include these ideals.

(A sidenote: Epcot would probably do well to incorporate these ideas as well)


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
good point. I don't think the original COP had the guy burn his turkey with his new voice command oven XD But yeah, I do think they should add a little "going green" aspect to COP now


Well-Known Member
I have never cared that much for the current version of the CoP, but appreciate and respect its history and previous versions.

One could say, the CoP is a legacy of the old ideals of the Disney company, and a remnant of the work of Walt Disney. The only thing original from the show, are the costumes and sets from Acts 1, 2, and 3.

The building itself is bland, and sits off in the corner of tomorrowland. There is hardly any promotion for it, or major recognition of it, however the new fastpasses for the CoP atleast let people hopefully question what it is and then ride it.

The theater system was built to host the millions of people going to the 64/65world's fair. Even with 250 or so people entering and exiting every 4 minutes, the wait time would almost always be over an hour!

This is a major blow to the CoP as it currently is because there is no wait, because the ride system easily can take large groups of people or any groups every 4 minutes. Thus, it looks like the ride isn't open and/or popular.

The current show no longer uses the amazing full piece band and orchestra soundtrack in the load and unload theater, or the shimmering kaleidophonic screens. Nor a sponsor. Nor the amazing background musical scores for each act, or the nice singing voice of Rex Allen, sorry folks but Jean Shephard sounds very dry when compared to Rex Allen.

The script isn't as positive as the original, and the current ending takes place in a 1994 envisioned look at the year 2000, and the huge gap between the home of the 1940s and the home of 2000 isn't too swell either.

For me, the CoP has got to get out of Tomorrowland. If space were available in liberty square, on main street, or in Epcot, or even a museum, the attraction would be more appropriate there.

As for the show, it needs to be revamped with a new cast of voices, and a new script that better emphasizes the hope and optimism of the original version, this includes show presentation.

Personally I think they need to get rid of the one of the load or unload theaters and turn that into a new Act.

Have a 4 minute preshow explaining the history of the ride, then guests enter a theater as the audience in the same theater is leaving. The show stars and we see pretty much a close rendition of the 1964 version....1890s, 1920s, 1940s, and 1960s.....this would remain forever untouched, however as a bonus act, we enter a 5th scene, a scene that is about the future and can always be updated. :wave: Thus preserving two vital elements of the show: the main and true fundamentals of the 1964 version, but an ending that can always be updated.


Well-Known Member
I rode the Carousel of Progress for the first time this June, and as much as I enjoyed it, our current state with the environment and many of our technological problems couldn't help me but feel a little Cynical towards the Carousel of Progress. I think it's because people were a lot more optimistic about the future in 1964 than we are now which is probably one of the reasons why the Carousel has been losing popularity for a while now. When I rode it, it wasn't exactly packed. I think there might've been a dozen people or so with us at the time and the theater looked like it could hold a lot more than that. Don't get me wrong, it's a good show, and I believe it should stay, but due to my cynical feel towards the future, I don't see myself riding it again anytime soon :shrug:

DS rode this for the first time he is 13 and with all he is used to (every gadget known to mankind) it really suprised me how much he loved it, we saw it twice. I think that he looked at it from the perspective of when Walt debuted it however and he thought it was great to see how things have changed as did I :wave:


Well-Known Member
I agree with Expo. One of the load/unliad theaters should be removed and a new scen bridging the gap between the 1940's scene and the 1990's scene should be developed. Then the 1990's scene needs to updated drastically.

The other point Expo made about the COP not being visible is also a great point. COP looks like a closed attraction area. No color or themeing to draw people in, and of course no lines of people waiting to help attract the curious.

The COP nees a drastic change. This show can eat up people like no other in WDW during the busy times, but it almost seems like it is being left to die a slow death.
Why not turn the COP into a retrospective look at what yesterdays' tomarrows brought. Make the 1990 portion, a 1980 portion, and take a look at the advances that arrived in that decade. It will make us laugh at how we had to "struggle" with those huges Walkman headsets, gigantic cell phones, the Tube TV setswith knobs, the end of the wouldnt go out of date by doing this, it would just grow more nostalgic as the years pass. I love the ride..just not the 1990's portion....​


I have never cared that much for the current version of the CoP, but appreciate and respect its history and previous versions.

One could say, the CoP is a legacy of the old ideals of the Disney company, and a remnant of the work of Walt Disney. The only thing original from the show, are the costumes and sets from Acts 1, 2, and 3.

The building itself is bland, and sits off in the corner of tomorrowland. There is hardly any promotion for it, or major recognition of it, however the new fastpasses for the CoP atleast let people hopefully question what it is and then ride it.

The theater system was built to host the millions of people going to the 64/65world's fair. Even with 250 or so people entering and exiting every 4 minutes, the wait time would almost always be over an hour!

This is a major blow to the CoP as it currently is because there is no wait, because the ride system easily can take large groups of people or any groups every 4 minutes. Thus, it looks like the ride isn't open and/or popular.

The current show no longer uses the amazing full piece band and orchestra soundtrack in the load and unload theater, or the shimmering kaleidophonic screens. Nor a sponsor. Nor the amazing background musical scores for each act, or the nice singing voice of Rex Allen, sorry folks but Jean Shephard sounds very dry when compared to Rex Allen.

The script isn't as positive as the original, and the current ending takes place in a 1994 envisioned look at the year 2000, and the huge gap between the home of the 1940s and the home of 2000 isn't too swell either.

For me, the CoP has got to get out of Tomorrowland. If space were available in liberty square, on main street, or in Epcot, or even a museum, the attraction would be more appropriate there.

As for the show, it needs to be revamped with a new cast of voices, and a new script that better emphasizes the hope and optimism of the original version, this includes show presentation.

Personally I think they need to get rid of the one of the load or unload theaters and turn that into a new Act.

Have a 4 minute preshow explaining the history of the ride, then guests enter a theater as the audience in the same theater is leaving. The show stars and we see pretty much a close rendition of the 1964 version....1890s, 1920s, 1940s, and 1960s.....this would remain forever untouched, however as a bonus act, we enter a 5th scene, a scene that is about the future and can always be updated. :wave: Thus preserving two vital elements of the show: the main and true fundamentals of the 1964 version, but an ending that can always be updated.

Really good post! I love the COP and like your line of thought.

I've always thought the COP would be a great fit in Epcot. With some reworking along the lines you suggested but I also think a scene featuring the time we first started to see cell phones and computers in the average persons life would be a good addition. This was a huge technological turning point and would be a good lead-in to our current time.

I actually think the final scene being current cutting edge/emerging technology rather than an imagined future is more interesting. With a script that poses the question of where we are headed (environmental concern) and what the future might hold. The "current time" scene could be updated as it becomes too outdated.


Active Member
Really good post! I love the COP and like your line of thought.

I've always thought the COP would be a great fit in Epcot. With some reworking along the lines you suggested but I also think a scene featuring the time we first started to see cell phones and computers in the average persons life would be a good addition. This was a huge technological turning point and would be a good lead-in to our current time.

I actually think the final scene being current cutting edge/emerging technology rather than an imagined future is more interesting. With a script that poses the question of where we are headed (environmental concern) and what the future might hold. The "current time" scene could be updated as it becomes too outdated.

I always thought the same, move CoP to Epcot.

Now i was thinking and it will be an amazing place for it will be the WoL pavilion, make it a more technology oriented Pavilion (more than Innoventions) will look like a bridge between UoE and MS.


New Member
I respect that COP is one of the few attractions we have today that was directly influenced by Walt himself. But the attraction is doing nothing but gathering dust over there in the corner of tomorrowland. I really feel it needs to be taken out of the park and moved to the smithsonian or a museum of some sorts. Tomorrowland itself is pretty bland again. The only ride really worth its weight is Space Mountain, and Buzz Lightyear coming in for a close second.


Active Member
Cynical towards the future?

I don't think so. Why would people be so negative towards it. Besides, the majority of scenes don't have anything to do with the future.

People don't experience CoP because it is not a "thrill ride" and most would rather spend their time in the parks (especially if they are first time or infrequent visitors) getting the most of their day by waiting on the longer lines for things like Space Mountain.


I agree with an update for CoP. It is still one of my favorite rides at WDW, but it is sad when hardly anyone recognizes what it is. I just got back, and when we got a fastpass to Buzz, we also received a "fastpass" to CoP. All I could hear people around me saying was: "what is CoP? Where is that? Is it a real carousel?".

There is too much of a gap between the 1940s and "1990s". Like others have said, there have been many advancements in technology and modern living in that 50 year span. My DH made an excellent point, that last scene should be continually updated to reflect what is current in our society. I don't know if I would include a "green theme", that could be more of a viewpoint than an advance or modern convenience. But surely there have been strides in energy efficiency, that could be included. IMHO, CoP is about how mankind continually strives to make life better for the family...that doesn't just include technology.

As a side note, for the past three years, we have gotten "stuck" on the ride in that we sit through a scene more than once. Anyone know why that happens?



Well-Known Member
Or you could see it as "Going Green" = Making the World Cleaner for the Future of Tomorrow...

It is political.. anyway you look at it.
Some attractions should be taken as they are it is a great look back at a true Walt attraction, I like it just the way that it is but that is my opinion.


Le Meh
Premium Member
Or you could see it as "Going Green" = Making the World Cleaner for the Future of Tomorrow...

No, making the world cleaner for the future of tomorrow is common sense and has nothing to do with reducing green house gas emissions by man made items when the earth itself puts out more green house gasses than man could ever make. If anything needs to get "green" its mother nature.....but thats just my humble opinion.

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