Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

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Well-Known Member
It's tough the first time life slaps you in the face, and you suddenly realize that you don't have as much control over your life as you thought you did. I understand your disappointment.

You are so right. It definitely sounds selfish of me to complain about this when people are fighting for their lives over this virus. In the past few days I've had the rest of my senior year ripped from me, including graduation and saying goodbye to the people I've come to love so much over the last four years. I'm so scared to lose Disney too now after dreaming about the program since I was 13. But I'll be the adult I am and grow up and get over it.


Well-Known Member
You are so right. It definitely sounds selfish of me to complain about this when people are fighting for their lives over this virus. In the past few days I've had the rest of my senior year ripped from me, including graduation and saying goodbye to the people I've come to love so much over the last four years. I'm so scared to lose Disney too now after dreaming about the program since I was 13. But I'll be the adult I am and grow up and get over it.

Loosing graduation is super tough...At least this didn’t happen when we were on the program. You never know what will happen. I see them delaying it probably not outright canceling but I could be wrong.


Well-Known Member
Loosing graduation is super tough...At least this didn’t happen when we were on the program. You never know what will happen. I see them delaying it probably not outright canceling but I could be wrong.

I know, I feel so awful for all the current CPs. I have a friend down there right now and they're all panicking because they don't know how to get home in 2 days.


Well-Known Member
Just got in contact with my friend who is on her program now. They are completely devastated and blindsided. They were told by their leaders yesterday that they weren't being terminated. Now they have 2 days to find a way home and most of them can't afford it. My heart is breaking for them more than it is for the fear of my own program being cancelled now.


Well-Known Member
Just got in contact with my friend who is on her program now. They are completely devastated and blindsided. They were told by their leaders yesterday that they weren't being terminated. Now they have 2 days to find a way home and most of them can't afford it. My heart is breaking for them more than it is for the fear of my own program being cancelled now.
Last minute airfares might be expensive, greyhound bus fares are pretty much the same up until last minute, could take hours/days on the bus but they can get home. For international cast that live overseas, that's going to be pretty rough.


Well-Known Member
No one in the company is talking June or July. The situation would have to get MUCH worse.

But yes, expect an extension into April. I spoke with the gentleman who told me they were about to announce the closure—he said they are not planning to risk Easter crowds. So 4/20 at the earliest.
Time's surely going to blaze on by.

Real talk, truly a crazy and interesting situation.


Well-Known Member
I'm just waiting for the people go s su d how amazing Disney is to show back up and defend what they just did to international college program kids.


Well-Known Member
I just want more tests available. So badly.
I think we all want to know what we’re really dealing with.. not just the guesses.
and guesses can cause unnecessary panic.
Not sure that is true, someone in Missouri just tested positive and he/she hasn't traveled out of the country.
we have 4 cases, 3 presumed to be travel related and I couldn’t find details on fourth?
I don't think it is known with certainty what the "virus cycle" time is. I saw one report about a person being positive 35 days after first positive.
Again- context is important. The rest of that report stated unsure if person with detection of the virus means infectious. The test just lights up positive if any genetic component of the virus is in the blood. It does NOT differentiate between active or dormant or whatever.
Testing would make these situations much easier.
You can’t tell people to sit home for a month because they have a lingering cough.
right? I have allergies seasonal and it’s gearing up again. That with mild asthma means I cough.
My gut feeling is a vaccine will be available well before a year from now.
Hopefully - didn’t it take 9-11 months for the H1N1 vaccine?

We do all the time with vaccines and physicals and forced quarantines (Like with Ebola scare). It's already a precedent.
Ebola only tested a few hundred. H1N1 tested 5000 in this country in first month, and ramped up to a million. Compare that to 11-12k tested since January. However the CDC gave up actual counts and went with estimates of infected within a couple months. And some look back reports on 2009 are saying the death rate from 2009 H1N1 is 15x higher than previously thought. Schools were closed. But I remember NONE of this panic at the time. Maybe because the word “flu” was part of it? And people routinely discount how deadly the flu is EVERY year?? I had a kid get diagnosed- lab confirmed- with H1N1 too as flu vaccine offered no protection. And swine was deadlier to kids.

Disney gave little notice or warning to the DCP kids, many mangers were still telling them to report for work as usual as there would be jobs cleaning etc. so either this was a sudden decision and not well thought out or the left head had zero clue what right head was doing. Supposedly they won’t get rent deducted from pay and will be paid for next two weeks. But for those living off campus in own apartment- they are screwed with no job and rent due. I’m in a Facebook group for DCP parents and we are organizing safe stopping points across the country for the kid that need it.
Even if they open in April the part timers might actually get enough hours to make a paycheck worth the paper it’s printed on. When DCP are there the PT often get short end of shifts. Then fall advantage will start and they will be back up in labor pretty quick. California is kicking their DCP loose too. And now if any of those kids have been exposed or infected hey- let’s send thousands on cross country journeys!
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