CMs: how bad/good is tipping at WDW restaurants?

Tony the Tigger

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
This was prompted by reading yet another conversation (not on this forum) of someone railing against the occasional automatic 18% gratuity being added to a check for various reasons (in this case, Tables In Wonderland - they claimed "you're only saving 2% - not 20% - because of the auto-18% tip.)

Also, I was a bartender in another Florida tourist town (Fort Lauderdale) and I know, for example, people from certain other countries often don't tip, simply because that's not common in their own country and they just aren't aware of how it's done here.

So between the many foreign tourists and the percentage of cheapo Americans - are your tips any good? Are they balanced out by the "we're on vacation/special event" over-tippers? Or the sheer volume of diners?

Just curious. Feel free to vent LOL.


Le Meh
Premium Member

Tony the Tigger

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
It's a fun question but a serious one. Per the "would you ever retire to WDW thread" - if I did, I'd probably apply to be a bartender if not work in the parks. Curious to see how frustrating of a scenario that would be compared to a less touristy gig.

I'm not asking people to defend why they think they don't have to tip - that's a whole different mud-slinging, I mean, discussion.


Le Meh
Premium Member
It's a fun question but a serious one. Per the "would you ever retire to WDW thread" - if I did, I'd probably apply to be a bartender if not work in the parks. Curious to see how frustrating of a scenario that would be compared to a less touristy gig.

I'm not asking people to defend why they think they don't have to tip - that's a whole different mud-slinging, I mean, discussion.
If I was retiring to WDW I'd work for free just to have access to the parks.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
This was prompted by reading yet another conversation (not on this forum) of someone railing against the occasional automatic 18% gratuity being added to a check for various reasons (in this case, Tables In Wonderland - they claimed "you're only saving 2% - not 20% - because of the auto-18% tip.)

Also, I was a bartender in another Florida tourist town (Fort Lauderdale) and I know, for example, people from certain other countries often don't tip, simply because that's not common in their own country and they just aren't aware of how it's done here.

So between the many foreign tourists and the percentage of cheapo Americans - are your tips any good? Are they balanced out by the "we're on vacation/special event" over-tippers? Or the sheer volume of diners?

Just curious. Feel free to vent LOL.
This is a mathematical error that is commonly made regarding TiWL and the auto gratuity.

The only way it would be correct is if you never tipped at all.


Well-Known Member
I wonder how many foreigners don't tip, though. I live in a country which doesn't tip, yet everyone knows that you have to tip in America. I would bet most people would know better than to not tip at all, though perhaps they might not know how much. I usually tip 20% anyway if the server was really good, which in Disney they usually are pretty great in my experience. I would expect tips to be better in a place like Disney than at standard restaurants. I wonder.

Tony the Tigger

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Oh no. Not again.

Sigh. Well, let me go suit up into my Tip Fight uniform. Someone let me know when it starts going down in here and I'll be back to defend my brothers and sisters in the service industry.........for the 250,000th time.

Again, I'm not asking people – customers – whether or not they tip or how much. I'm asking the cast members – the servers, the bartenders, etc. whether they've experienced what I've experienced in the service industry In a tourist town. I'm trying to gauge if it's any better or worse at Disney World. If it goes downhill with tip arguments that doesn't say much for this board LOL. Although I guess it already says a lot that no one can utter the word "gay" without a thread being locked. So perhaps I overestimate my company LOL.


Well-Known Member
I do like that at wdw they usually have inserts they place in the check holders that tells people in several different languages that they are suppose to tip the servers so they are informed. I'm sure it's an average balance like any other restaurant in the U.S.


Well-Known Member
No idea. Over here, it's more expensive to eat in a restaurant than in the States, even though we don't tip here. I've worked in service before, so I tend to tip big unless the server was absolutely horrible. If I had to sit there and wait for 45 minutes before you take my drink order, I'm probably walking out of the restaurant without ordering anything. But if I get stuck after I've ordered already and the service is really bad with no apology or explanation, I'll only tip between 10 and 15 percent. But if they are competent, I see no reason not to tip 20%. But that's just me. Everyone has their own tipping etiquette I guess.


Well-Known Member
Again, I'm not asking people – customers – whether or not they tip or how much. I'm asking the cast members – the servers, the bartenders, etc. whether they've experienced what I've experienced in the service industry In a tourist town. I'm trying to gauge if it's any better or worse at Disney World. If it goes downhill with tip arguments that doesn't say much for this board LOL. Although I guess it already says a lot that no one can utter the word "gay" without a thread being locked. So perhaps I overestimate my company LOL.
The people on here are generally a good group, but heated discussions do take place. But I find debate to be healthy. On that other board, they lock things up instantly if there is even a slight disagreement. The mods here are very cool in my experience.

And check out my June trip report for the gay factor. That hasn't been locked yet although one person on here tried hard to make that happen. I think he may have been banned by now.


Tony the Tigger

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
The people on here are generally a good group, but heated discussions do take place. But I find debate to be healthy. On that other board, they lock things up instantly if there is even a slight disagreement. The mods here are very cool in my experience.

And check out my June trip report for the gay factor. That hasn't been locked yet although one person on here tried hard to make that happen. I think he may have been banned by now.


OK - I'm still kind of a newbie here – how do I find your June report?

I was getting very put off by finding anything relating to the subject seems to be locked before any conversation even started – even including the official Disneyland "it gets better" video.


Well-Known Member
OK - I'm still kind of a newbie here – how do I find your June report?

I was getting very put off by finding anything relating to the subject seems to be locked before any conversation even started – even including the official Disneyland "it gets better" video.
I used the search bar and put in June Trip Report and BuddyThomas in all forums and it still didn't come up with the trip report.


Well-Known Member
OK - I'm still kind of a newbie here – how do I find your June report?

I was getting very put off by finding anything relating to the subject seems to be locked before any conversation even started – even including the official Disneyland "it gets better" video.
It's currently at the top of page two on the Trip Report board. Headline starts with "Completed: Success!!!"

Yeah I tried to start a couple of threads about gay days but they were instantly locked. The explanation given to me, which I accept, is that people can't be civil about that subject on here. It is what it is, I guess.

Now back to our regularly scheduled civil argument about tipping.

EDIT: here is a link to the insane trip report -
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