Cancelling or holding back on booking


Well-Known Member
I guess this is more applicable to those of us that live overseas from WDW, but I was wondering in anyone has cancelled a trip because of the current world situation or is holdin back on booking?

Personally my wife and I have decided to wait and see how things pan out. I wondered if anyone else was of the same mind?


New Member
I think you made a very good decision to wait it out...especially coming from overseas. I will say this however...
My boyfriend and I are heading down March 30th and we have decided that unless Disney closes ( highly unlikely), we are STILL GOING! I made the same decision in 2001 after the terrorist attacks here in NY. My trip plans were for the following week, Sept. 19th, and although my nerves were out of control on the flight, we still had great time. There were NO CROWDS and we made it through each park with no lines!
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Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
I’ve been booked for months. Exams, school changes and me leaving this mob dictated when we went. I don’t think it will make a lot of difference, even with the war over the terrorist threat will not go away. Too many bearded bampotts with axes to grind.

The only thing about waiting is if it gets really slow they may offer discounts, though what ive read from the travel industry that seems unlikely
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Well-Known Member
ive been booked for months now too...
and im going. in may

actually my school is thinking about extending the semester by a week but that would overlap my vacation
im going anyways if that happens too!!

i say go, escape the stress, remember the magic, and have fun!
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Meega, nala kwishta!
Originally posted by Goofyfan
I think you made a very good decision to wait it out...especially coming from overseas. I will say this however...
My boyfriend and I are heading down March 30th and we have decided that unless Disney closes ( highly unlikely), we are STILL GOING! I made the same decision in 2001 after the terrorist attacks here in NY. My trip plans were for the following week, Sept. 19th, and although my nerves were out of control on the flight, we still had great time. There were NO CROWDS and we made it through each park with no lines!

We went the first week of October after 9/11, you are right, there were no crowds. It was one of the best vacations we had. We had lots of fun, and I'm glad we decided not to cancel.

We are going back again this year, and even though it's a few months away, there is no way I'm going to let anything deter me from going short of WDW not being open at all.

The only thing we do different now is we drive instead of fly, but that has more to do with the stupid flight times and cost than with anything related to war or terrorism. Plus I can bring as much luggage as I want. :D
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WDW David

Being oversea's the safety issue certainly comes into play, but I would still go ahead and book for whatever dates you planned on. Prices will probably still be down and maybe lines will also.
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Well-Known Member
We have our reservations, and will be flying to WDW in September. In fact we will be there on September 11th 2003. I refuse to let fear or the possiblity of something happening rule my life. The war is on, and I pray for the men and women defending our country, and that they come home safe.

Because of the work they are doing in Iraq, and around the world is why I can feel safe.
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Well-Known Member
I think you take a chance on getting hurt everytime you leave your house..but I'm not going to lock myself indoors for the rest of my life.

The airlines are more secure now that they have ever been. I feel safer now that I ever did before.

As long as my fear of not living is greater than my fear of dying I am going to keep living life to the fullest and not let the mean dogs in the world get to me.

I live in America but I wouldn't hesitate to fly to Disneyland Paris if I could afford to and if I wasn't so upset with the French. :zipit:

Having said all that I would still use common sence when it comes to where and when I travel. If there WAS such a place, I wouldn't go to Disneyland Bagdad right about now. :lol:
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New Member
Not traveling from overseas, but

I am not traveling from overseas, but I have already made my vacation plans to WDW for Dec 26 thru Jan 3 at CBR. However, I am waiting to do my airfare until better deals come out.


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New Member
I honestly think any flight will be okay. If something happens I don't think it will involve the airlines. I think it's a good time to take advantage of cheap airfare and GO. I am flying in May and flying to WDW again in December. I don't know what security is like overseas but today I am ready to BOP anyone who tries anything right in the head. I won't lie when I get on a plane I have to flight to keep from being afraid but I vow to do my best to fight my fear. (Of course, my biggest fear is still crashing..not a terrorist) :)
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New Member
I'm not meaning to pick a fight or anything, I just really don't understand something. Why is the fact that it's a nine hour flight matter? I mean the route would matter to me more. Are you flying over the Middle East to get here? Also, CAlifornia is quite far from Florida. Six hour flight, I think. So if you lived in California, would that be too far still? How long is too long to be on a flight? One of the 9/11 terrorist attacks happened on a short two hour flight from Boston. Didn't it?
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New Member
I cancelled the reservations for my annual Family Spring Break trip to WDW. Not entirely based on the state of the world, but it did make me reconsider and I ended up doing something else with the funds.

The wife and I are now in discussion to go in June.

We can't resist.:D
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Ok, I KNOW that a 9 hour flight from the UK to the US is UNLIKELY to get bombed, or hijacked, or anything else.

But I also know that I wouldn't be able to enjoy my holiday knowing what was happening on the other side of the world.

Sure this is happening a long way from our doorstep, but there are friends pf mine out there, serving their country, and that kinda makes it a little harder to just forget about...

Right now I'd chose to stay home, for this and many other reasons.
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New Member
Originally posted by Catch 22

But I also know that I wouldn't be able to enjoy my holiday knowing what was happening on the other side of the world.

Right now I'd chose to stay home, for this and many other reasons.

Okay, I can understand that. Let's hope this is all over quickly, and that our friends and loved ones get home soon, so we can forget about the problems of the world, and go back to living our lives!
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