Can anyone actually imagine Walt Disney World closing forever?


New Member
Original Poster
I have thought about it a couple times. Imagine all the parks, hotels and restaurants close because the Disney company went bankrupt and couldn't operate their theme parks. The lights that illuminate the castle will be turned off, and the magic would be gone forever. It kinda scares me to think that, but it's something that could happen. 30,000 acres of isolated, dark land in the middle of Florida. Can anyone just picture that? Do you think that would ever happen to Disney World? If the parks faced this kinda trouble, I would do everything in my power to try and save it. I would stay in the Grand Floridian for 2 weeks, even if I have to max out my credit cards. Can anyone actually picture a world without "the world?"


New Member
inDisney said:
I have thought about it a couple times. Imagine all the parks, hotels and restaurants close because the Disney company went bankrupt and couldn't operate their theme parks. The lights that illuminate the castle will be turned off, and the magic would be gone forever. It kinda scares me to think that, but it's something that could happen. 30,000 acres of isolated, dark land in the middle of Florida. Can anyone just picture that? Do you think that would ever happen to Disney World? If the parks faced this kinda trouble, I would do everything in my power to try and save it. I would stay in the Grand Floridian for 2 weeks, even if I have to max out my credits. Can anyone actually picture a world without "the world?"

Blasphamy! :dazzle: :dazzle: :dazzle:


Well-Known Member
No, I can't imagine it. Realistically, it's impossible. There's too much money invested for thing the to ever actually close in our lifetimes. Sold, perhaps, but I don't think any of the Disney parks has ever actually posted a loss for any protracted length of time. If Disney doesn't use the facility, someone would. The infrastructure alone is in nine digits.


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
From a business point of view, it is highly unlikely. Disney would divest itself of money-losing portions of the business empire. The portions that make money would be isolated from any bankruptcy action against other portions.

In an absolute worst-case scenario where Disney had to dispose of all assets, the parks and attractions would be purchased in a heartbeat and run in the Disney tradition for the simple reason that the formula works.


New Member
bandtrumpet said:
or if there was a terrorist attack:eek::cry:. *shudders* I have thought about it a couple of times. That would be oober bad.


New Member
I heard the other day that Disney's stock was downgraded due to the movie "Cars" not meeting opening day expectations and lower than normal theme park attendance expectations for the coming year (as hard as that might be to believe) It would take many consecutive years of movie failures and theme park attendance drops for Disney to go "bankrupt" Also, ABC would have to go back into the toilet. Could it happen? yes When I was on the "Keys to the Kingdom" tour, our tour guide shared how close Disney came to going bankrupt in the early 1980's due to poor movie revenue and the building of EPCOT. There had even been a takeover attempt by another company (can't remember the name) That's when Michael Eisner (sp?) was brought in to turn things around and he (with some help) saved the company. As for a terrorist attack, I believe Disney World did shut down on 9/11 based on information that it was a target for an attack. Would a terrorist attack at the Magic Kingdom keep people away from the other parks? probably. It's all very scary to think about.
This is a realistic thought. Could it happen? Probably. I don't believe that I will be around to see it, if it ever occurs. I truly believe anything is possible, who ever would've imagined that Disney would sell all of their traditional animation desks? 10 years ago it would've been unfeasable...but, it happened. Crazy things happen...


New Member
What concerns me is the real possibility that a corporate raider(s) might take over the company via a hostile takeover. The Walt Disney Company has dodged this bullet twice in its history. Third time may be the charm! :wave:

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