Calling all parents of school-aged kiddos!


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Original Poster
Hey gang!

I grew up in Orlando and I've always known that the best times to take kids to WDW are when the rest of the world is in school. LOL!

For our 4 previous trips we have taken our sons out of school for the week of our trip with no trouble out of the schools regarding truancy, etc. We recently moved to Texas and, boy, they kinda scare me over here with the note they sent home on the 1st day of school. I certainly don't wanna land my behind in jail just for taking my sons to WDW. :eek: Both of our boys are required by us to keep up their attendance and grades to earn their priviledge of taking the trip. They rarely miss school, we schedule appointments so they don't interfere, and make all a's with occasional b's.

I'm wondering if any other parents out there got into major hot water for taking their kids out of school for an extended amount of time without a medical excuse. I don't even know if I want to approach the school officials...


Active Member
We live in PA. Our school had me fill out a form stating where and when we were going. It also wanted to know if there was an educational benefit to the trip. Of course Epcot is a learning place! :ROFLOL: We had no problems at all. The first time we took our dd out of school she had to do a journal of the trip. She was in first grade so she could just draw a pic of what she did/saw. Last year in 3rd grade she didn't have to do anything. The school gives so many days to make up the work. Honestly there wasn't as much as I thought there would be.


Well-Known Member
Where in Texas did you move to? I live in Austin and can answer questions about AISD and LISD (leander). Please feel free to e-mail me any questions.


Active Member
I have found (as a parent and as a former teacher) that the grief you get depends on the teacher. Some teachers do not mind at all, and others will give you h--- over it. I would start by asking some of the other parents at your school about it, and then the not go straight to the school officials because they have to tell you official policy! And do not ask permission, or they will probably say not to do it. Tell them your plans matter of factly, and see how they respond. And do it not wait until your trip is approaching. Our son started a new school this year, and we had decided to take him out 2 days for our next WDW trip...we did not want to chance taking him out any longer, because we did not know what the school policies were when we planned the trip months ago. However, after talking to some other parents at the school, we decided to add a day to our trip. We are taking the trip over a school holiday (the school has Friday and Monday off), but he will still miss 3 1/2 days. That will give us 6 full days in WDW....I would like more, but we figured we would see how the school responds and maybe next year we will add another day. What grade are your kids in? It is easier when they are younger. When they are in the older grades, it does get harder to make up the time missed in class, especially if you have multilple teachers involved. This is a very hot topic....there are lots of different opinions on this. For me personally (again, as a former teacher and a parent), I see no harm in taking them out for a few days. But at the same time, you have to abide by your school's rules. I also live in Texas, and we do have some strict attendance policies here. My son goes to a private school, so we do not have to deal with that...but I did teach in public schools here. Good whatever makes you feel comfortable. We plan on taking the kids out of school for WDW as long as we can get away with it! My parents took me out for vacations, and I still graduated from college with honors...I am not worried about!


New Member
We live in PA. Our school had me fill out a form stating where and when we were going. It also wanted to know if there was an educational benefit to the trip. Of course Epcot is a learning place! :ROFLOL: We had no problems at all. The first time we took our dd out of school she had to do a journal of the trip. She was in first grade so she could just draw a pic of what she did/saw. Last year in 3rd grade she didn't have to do anything. The school gives so many days to make up the work. Honestly there wasn't as much as I thought there would be.

And thats where you fill out 'none of your business' and give them the form back.

Anyway, to answer the OPs question, you aren't going to have a problem with your kids being 'truant' for a week or so to go to WDW. As long as their absences for the year is under the school/city/state limit of days you can miss, you're fine. Truancy is meant to scare the kids into not skipping school, not to scare parents into anything. Normally, the number of days a child can miss in the later years is around 10% of the total school days. So if they go 180 days, they can miss somewhere from 16-18 before the school starts considering them 'incomplete' in the courses for the year. Those rules are not usually as tough for younger kids, because there are a lot of diseases which can put younger kids out of school for weeks at a time.

So basically, take them, don't worry about it, you'll be fine. You won't have a problem unless your kids are missing LOTS of time, like 20 days in the year.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
You are really going to need to talk to the school and abide by there rule weather you agree with them or not. Some states, counties etc are very strict regarding attendance and you do not want to find yourself having to file an appeal at the end of the school year so your child can advance to the next grade. You also might want to consider shortening your trip to minimize the number of consecutive days missed. It is not as big of a deal missing 5 days straight in first or second grade but it can be academic suicide in middle or high school.


Well-Known Member
Well My daughter was in kindergar and I informed the teacher at open house as well as a letter before we left....When we came home I had messages from the principal and was told by the neighbors that the truency officer came by..Yah isnt that nice....Last year we sent a letter to the teacher as well as principal informing them of our trip..Theteacher was great..She had my daughter write about her trip(as best as a first grader can) the principal called me( Felt like I was in school again and I was a bad girl) She gave methe speech won't be excused , which I knew, that my daughter will have to make sure that she doesn't miss any more school than necessary..and blah blah blah...This year I'll write a letter once gain to the teacher as well as the principal...This year I'm giving the principal my hubby's cell number..not mine ( he can deal with her) Yes I realize that school is important, But we take our daughter out the first 2 week of school...when its usually review...I realize as she gets older we may have to switch our vaction times around..and if she is having problems catching up..also we let her know that she needs to do well in school if she wants to go to disney when school is in session... september is a slow time for my hubby at work..Our family time is very important to him as well as me..To us thats spending time together on vacation ...and where else but disney...I'm sorry but I don't say when the kids have a week off in Dec, then in Feb , then in april and then school is out in June....september is a bit more convient..and price wise just better!!!

I can tell somewhere this is a topic that gets heated!!!!

Oh leaving in 17 days..I'll have to start writing those letters pretty soon!!!


New Member
WOW!! I don't see how this is a hot topic at all. I don't feel like it would be anyones else's business as to whether someone takes their children out of school. (be it for WDW of something else)

We have gone to WDW every October for MNSSHP. My 4 year old started Pre-K this year and we have not and will not change our plans for this year or the following years. I am not sure exactly what the absentee rules are for our schools, but I simply don't feel that any school should or would have more authority over my kids that I do. Maybe that is crazy to some, but they are in fact my kids. I have the final say as to where they are and what they do.

If people didn't ALWAYS take their kids out of school for WDW then WDW would have the same seasonal openings as a six flags type park.


I've always gone to FL for a month at a time every year, even while I was in school. Never did the catch up work. Always passed :veryconfu. One year I wanted to extend my vacation 1 week longer so I dropped out of school. Best thing I ever did for myself(and Im saying this after a few years of having the effects. My parents even said it was the best choice). Dont worry, I graduated early and Im going to Johnson & Wales.

:king: ~Leash


Well-Known Member
Our girls are getting older, I have been stressing about this very topic. I have planned a short Christmas time trip because we are not doing our annual family Disney Christmas. We decided that the girls would do fine missing only two & a 1/2 days. We are going in early Dec. and because we go to WDW frequently, we know this will be a "Holiday Hit List" trip.


Well-Known Member
There have been several threads on this before, most of them degenerating to the point where the mod had to step in. This is one of those "you're either for or against" - no middle ground.

What amazes me is how many parents abrogate their rights and just decide the local government deserves to control every aspect of their lives. OK - maybe if your kid is failing every single class you should rethink. But the kids people always ask about here are the stellar students.

We've put three through various school systems (5 years in Dallas in elementary and jr high for example) and in several trips (always beginning of Dec) we never had a problem (two are now collegiate Phi Beta Kappas - they msu have really suffered missing those 5-6 days a year). Yes, it's a scary FORM letter. But, IMO, tell 'em to go pound sand. Maybe threaten to keep the kids home on State testing days or even yank them to homeschool (THOSE hit them in the pcoket book since their school funding models are based on certain headcounts). You'd be amazed how principals suck up to you when they hear things like that.

When the government starts taking responsibility for raising your children AND PAYING FOR IT, they can have a say as to when they have to go to school. Otherwise, it's up to you to do the right thing for YOUR family, not be a sheeple and get painted with the broadest brush possible.


Well-Known Member
In the end, they are YOUR children, and the time you spend together as a family on vacation is VERY valuable. Don't ever let the school tell you that you cannot take YOUR children on vacation. Missing a week of school, especially in the lower grades, is not a big deal. Your kids will probably learn more in WDW anyway. Just tell the teacher(s) when & where you're going, ask if there's any work they'd like the kids to do, inform the teacher of what the kids will be learning on their trip, even offer to have them write a report or do a project of what they've learned.
I can understand your problem we also got a similar note on the first day of school here in Louisiana . Last year we took our kids out 3 days before there Xmas break for our trip to Disney and in January I recieved a note from the School Board on how my 11 yr old had 3 unexcused absences and if he were to miss 2 more we would have to go to truancy court. My oldest who is in high school had no problems because the days missed were exam days and he was exempted from taking them so he did not need to attend. (he actually ended up with perfect attendace for the year). Both of my boys are Honor roll students and those days were the only days missed. I was ticked off by the note and wanted to call and complain but figured it would be best to leave it alone cause I knew we would be taking more trips like those. They are going to miss 2 days in October for our first trip there to do MNSSHP.

We never had a problem with a teacher when they missed for trips to WDW. I just think there are alot more problems going on in public schools then worrying about parents who take there kids out for family vacations.


New Member
This will be our 4th year taking our kids out of school in September and all I do is send in a note stating that they will be absent from such and such dates , they are going on an educational trip. I also ask the teachers to please send any work that needs to be made up. So far we have had no trouble. All of their teachers have been great. We only take them out a week and they are straight A students. As long as their grades are good I will continue to do the same.


Active Member
Yes, this topic usually degenerates - I am glad to see it hasn't yet. We're fortunate in our elementary school. We are required by district to send a note to the teacher two days prior to leaving - I usually send it a week ahead of time to both teachers and the office. DD has already informed her teachers, and she's a straight A kid. DS is autistic, and the last time we returned from WDW, was improving in verbal and social skills, so as far as we're concerned, WDW is 'therapy' for him LOL. I think one of DD's teachers is planning on having her do some projects in relation to her trip.
Ultimately, you know your kid and what kind of student they are. If you are a visible presence at the school and get to know the school staff, that also helps, I have found. We're going this year in October, and the kiddos will miss 4 days. I hope things work out for you! :wave:


Well-Known Member
Every year we take my son out for a 9-10 day trip in December. He ends up missing 6 days. We usually line up with one of his classmates & the teacher to bring home the work he misses during that time & we start catching up on it the moment we get home. The teacher generally gives him about a week to make up his work & he knows this is a consequence that he has to accept if he wants the benefit of missing school for WDW. We have never had any problems before. I consider vacation with family a Very Important time & have no problem doing this. This year he is in the 5th grade & is a straight A student in a private school. The school generally allows 10 unexcused absences before they become concerned.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
There have been several threads on this before, most of them degenerating to the point where the mod had to step in. This is one of those "you're either for or against" - no middle ground.

What amazes me is how many parents abrogate their rights and just decide the local government deserves to control every aspect of their lives. OK - maybe if your kid is failing every single class you should rethink. But the kids people always ask about here are the stellar students.

We've put three through various school systems (5 years in Dallas in elementary and jr high for example) and in several trips (always beginning of Dec) we never had a problem (two are now collegiate Phi Beta Kappas - they msu have really suffered missing those 5-6 days a year). Yes, it's a scary FORM letter. But, IMO, tell 'em to go pound sand. Maybe threaten to keep the kids home on State testing days or even yank them to homeschool (THOSE hit them in the pcoket book since their school funding models are based on certain headcounts). You'd be amazed how principals suck up to you when they hear things like that.

When the government starts taking responsibility for raising your children AND PAYING FOR IT, they can have a say as to when they have to go to school. Otherwise, it's up to you to do the right thing for YOUR family, not be a sheeple and get painted with the broadest brush possible.

You know, we have started giving home school serious consideration because the hubby works contract work, I'm a stay-home mom, and that way we would never be dealing with what we can/can't do with our boys.

Like I said, they're both great students. If they didn't have good grades we wouldn't dream of taking them out of school. Last year, my oldest had a failing grade at midterm prior to our trip. He pulled it all the way to a B for his report card before he was cleared to go. You can't argue with that kind of effort. We were set to leave him behind with a grandparent because he had to know that the trips and missing school were a priveledge he had to earn.

For the Texas folks, we are in Nederland ISD. The hubby's aunt is a principal over on the west side of Houston. I suppose we'll discuss this with her as well.

I'm sorry if I touched on a touchy subject. I hadn't read any prior comments regarding this. I suppose everyone has their opinions. I appreciate the input of other parents and educators.

Oh, and my boys are in 4th & 6th grades. :D


New Member
Hi, We would take our sons out of school for a week or so every until Highschool. The work load for the upper grades is a lot to make up. My oldest is a JR in college now so we go during his vacations. My other son is in 8th grade and we still take him out. It gets more complicated the older they get. That being said, our family time together and making magical moments have been the best!!!! Especially last year when at Animal Kingdom a CM found out my 8th grade son was doing a report on gorilla's and he arrange for a private tour for our family, boy did we feel special!! So when deciding take everything into consideration. Also, I always informed the school principal and the teacher a least a month before and have never had a problem. I think the key is to nicely inform them of your plans and not ask them if it is ok havie fun Coacoa


Well-Known Member
Wow, I had no idea that taking your kids out of school for a trip could be this big of a deal! As a kid (a long time ago :animwink: ), my parents always took us out for a week in the spring to go to WDW. Obviously the teachers didn't like it, but we were good students so it was never an issue. My oldest will be in kindergarten next September, and I'm not sure if we will continue to go the first week of May as we have been (which would mean missing school), or succumb to the school vacation schedule and go mid-April. I would have to agree with previous posters who said, "tell, don't ask" your kids school administrators about going on your trip, because ultimately you are the parent and the decision should be yours only. Good luck!

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