A few random thoughts on masks, from a maskless state...
The kids in the family organized a Christmas vacation in Arizona in an Airbnb complex in a mountain resort town. Heavenly! Not a mask to be seen anywhere, everyone just wandering around vaccinated and healthy and happy.
Went to a steakhouse last night for dinner, the place was packed. No masks on any employee. It looked so... normal.
30 minutes ago I got a flurry of
very profane texts from old friends from Raleigh, North Carolina who are staying in my beach house in La Jolla this week so their extended family can attend the Holiday Bowl; UCLA vs. NC State.
Apparently the UCLA and UC system bureaucrats just cancelled the Holiday Bowl about four hours before kickoff tonight due to Covid. Unbelievable. The NC fans in town are furious, in addition to being out cross country airfare, hotels, expenses, etc. Not a good look for the University of California system. For an outdoor game played by young, fully vaccinated, and extremely healthy college students. To make things even worse, it's cold and drizzly in San Diego today, with heavy rain expected tomorrow.
That's a cancellation decision that defies scientific knowledge about Covid.