Best way to unwind after a long day in the park?


Original Poster
I'm here at the World now and having a blast! I've found that editing my photos from the day and taking a long bath with the jets on (Yay, Bay Lake Towers! Haha) helps me relax after a long day. What do you guys do to unwind and relax after a long day in the parks? And what works best for rebooting in the morning - because I usually feel like a zombie the morning after a long day!


Well-Known Member
So jealous, BLT is our home away from home. A poolside cocktail is always quite relaxing. We usually like to eat in at least once during the trio for a nice break. There is a pretty nice room service menu there.
Advil and coffee get me going in the morning. I always buy our own coffee and filters for the room, it's a must.

Enjoy the rest of your trip!


I'm here at the World now and having a blast! I've found that editing my photos from the day and taking a long bath with the jets on (Yay, Bay Lake Towers! Haha) helps me relax after a long day. What do you guys do to unwind and relax after a long day in the parks? And what works best for rebooting in the morning - because I usually feel like a zombie the morning after a long day!

I usually take a swim and then a warm bath, after a long day, and then veg in front of the t.v. or read. Either one I'm asleep by 11ish at night. In the morning I HAVE to have my coffee and afer I eat I take an advil so I can walk the parks with out pain. Have fun and relax. That is what Disney is for.


Premium Member
We usually don't have time to unwind at night....we are park early birds and park night owls. We do take breaks in the afternoon, and it usually includes a nap, followed by a swim. Sometimes we will play miniature golf.


Well-Known Member
It varies. A swim, followed by a soak in the hot tub. Stroll around the resort. Grab a snack or two at the resort food court. Play games at the resort arcade.
Or sometimes just sit on a bench, strike up a conversation with someone else about how great it is to be at Disney and how tomorrow is going to be even better. :cool:
Never have to reboot. Always raring to go. got my day planned out Just show me the way to the bus stop.

HM GhostHostess

Well-Known Member
My activities tend to vary, depending on which resort I stay at. For example, if I'm staying at the Wilderness Lodge or the Animal Kingdom Lodge, I like to hang out in the lobby. If I'm at the Polynesian, I like to sit out on the beach. If I'm staying at the Contemporary, I sit outside, facing Bay Lake, and watch the Electrical Water Pageant. At Port Orleans, I like to wander around the grounds. When I stay at the Boardwalk Resort, I like to stroll along the Boardwalk.


Marching along...
Premium Member
Should I admit that I really enjoy opening an adult beverage and posting to my trip report?

It gives me a chance to recap the day in my mind and think about what we might have missed and want to do the next day or so...

Then, about when I open up the second adult beverage, I empty out the park backpack and reload for the next morning. Just before sleep, DW and I usually review the plan for the next morning.

Obsessive compulsive, definitely.


Active Member
Stroll on over to Captain Cooks and get a self serve dole whip, load it up and get a cold soda. Usually this is between 10-12 depending on park hours that day and I head to a quiet spot on the beach facing the MK and relax with my yummy dole whip. So peaceful, I may even catch a few z's before heading off to the room.


Well-Known Member
Well, being the night owls we are, "after a long day in the park" usually means sometime around 1am. :D So my answer would be armchair + beer, followed by sleep. Sometimes swap armchair with DVC hot tub.


Well-Known Member
great topic!

well im sitting at home jealous lol...but two months from today on april 28th, 8 am, well be loading up the car to head to raliegh durham airport for our 8 day stay at all star sports! after two yrs away from the world, our second trip is right around the corner! but now im off topic lol, after our first trip in april of 2010, my wife and I had our 3 yr old son with us, so we would end our park day around 930 or ten...put the kid down lol, then we would watch those disney vacation type channels that they have on the tv, then crash around midnight, id be up by 630 (im at disney and pumped up lol) we would usually be eating breakfast at the resort around 730-745 and be on the bus by 815 or two months well have our 18 month old princess with us (yikes!) so were bringing our nice stroller, and im a planner so instead of having to go all the way back to the hotel for a early afternoon nap, ive picked out locations in the parks for a one hour break or so around 2 pm...our 5 yr old well take to a ride or so during that time, while my wife and i will sit with our sleeping beauty with an ice cold coke or a dole whip lol! hopefully this plan will work!

real mad hatter

Well-Known Member
Relax,and Plan for Tomorrow.

Well we usually don't stay out that late,maybe midnight if were in the mood.So it's back to our resort hotel for Pizza,cool beer,and plan our strategy for the next day,alarm set for 0645 am.Talk about regimental.:animwink:

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