Best time to visit WDW??


New Member
Hiya my bf and I are planning a 2 week trip to stay at WDW and were wondering if anyone had any advice on when the best time is to go.....preferably the cheapest as we are both uni students A.K.A skint most of the time but working hard to raise the funds!

We were going to go in Sept but it's going to be a little tight financially and we don't really wanna go and be worrying about money all the time so we thought maybe Jan 07? Not sure if this is a good time or not?? Any advice would be much appreciated!

Thanks :)


Well-Known Member
Jan. and Feb. are both great months to visit. :) Feb. (along with the last week of Nov/ first week of Dec. are my favorite times to vist. The crowds aren't too bad and the weather is not hot. It's also value season. Some evenings are cool (or down right cold), but take a sweatshirt or jacket and you'll be fine. :wave:
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I think the best time to visit WDW is at the end of July and early August. Normally the parks are pretty crowded and that is the only time of the year that I have the break in my schedule to go. I also went during Easter a couple of years back. I think if you wanted to go in September it would be a pretty good choice...the crowds won't be as large, and the prices should be as high as during the summer.

Goin' Back to the World! July 31-August 6
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New Member
If you were planning on going in September, you should go then. If you wait until the week after Labor day, the crowds are sparse, the hotel rates are reasonable, and the weather is still warm, which means you can enjoy all the water parks etc. If you don't care about the water parks, then go the first few weeks of December. All the Christmas lights are up, but this is the slowest season of the year. The parks close earlier, but it doese't really matter because the lines are so short.
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Active Member
:wave: Go to and click on planning, then attendance. that will tell you all you need to know about the crowds. have a magical trip no matter when. we like to go first week in Dec. or Jan. or Feb. :sohappy:
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Well-Known Member
On my last two trips to the World my family arrived on New Year's. 2005 was a perfect trip! The weather was beautiful and the crowds minimal because New Year's fell on a Saturday and a lot of schools were back in session on Monday. This year it was more crowded. I didn't mind the crowds as much because the weather was nice, but we didn't have as relaxing of a trip this year. We are going back in September and hoping to not run into crowds.
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New Member
May and Sep are very good times - parks half empty and weather alot cooler.
I know January is hard to get the villa booked,so should imagine its not a bust time at WDW and you may stand a good chance of cheap flight.

Enjoy your holiday,
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New Member
I'm going to disagree with the previous posts and say the BEST time to come is the beginning of December. Yes, January, February, May and September are all good times to come, but not the BEST time. In december all of the christmas decorations are up and holiday shows going on. The crowds are very low and the weather is great! Very little, if any, rain and it does happen to be Value season. Best time to come!
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New Member
Original Poster
Hey everyone thanks so much for all your advice...good to hear that everyone seems to have a brilliant time whenever they go! Can't wait to book :) Thanks x x x x
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New Member
I disagree with typhoon. Dec. are you nuts? Unless you are talking about the the first week in Dec. Everyone knows the kids get out for two weeks that month. I went one time in Dec. and will never do it again. Jan or Feb are the best months because the weather is perfect with low humidity. The crowds are small, I didn't wait more then 5 min. for any ride.
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My wife and I went once in late January and once in late September, and out of the two, we much preferred September, primarily because it was surprisingly cold during the January trip. Most of the time there we needed sweaters and jackets during the day. That may have been atypical, but just knowing it could happen swore us off that time ever again. On the flip side, the crowds were definitely thin, so you have to pick your poison. The poison of the September trip was hurricane Jeanne. It only knocked out one day, but definitely not a good thing if avoidable.

My guess would be April or May would be ideal in terms of weather and crowd levels. Just don't pick the time in April when some schools have break. May is probably the safer bet. My wife and I are going on Thanksgiving through the following Wednesday, primarily to see the holiday decorations, but we also have heard that the week after Thanksgiving weekend is not very crowded. Our only fear is that it won't be warm enough to do a water park.
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New Member
isitingood said:
I disagree with typhoon. Dec. are you nuts? Unless you are talking about the the first week in Dec. Everyone knows the kids get out for two weeks that month. I went one time in Dec. and will never do it again. Jan or Feb are the best months because the weather is perfect with low humidity. The crowds are small, I didn't wait more then 5 min. for any ride.

As noted in my original post, I did in fact say begining of december. I would never touch the magic kingdom with a 10 foot pole after the 15th or so. Hence I DID say beginning.
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New Member
We go every year the second week in September for 10 days. The weather is great. Warm during the day (for pool time) and cool in the evevings. The crowds are great also because lots of folks are back to school.

Can't wait....only 59 more days!
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New Member
the 1st to the 12th of dec. are by far the best time of year to go just go on the weekdays. crowds are light and everything is very festive also low rates are in effect
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I luv WDW

Best time to go

Late January isn't very crowded, and the weather can be gorgeous. Of course, it can be cold and wet, too, so you take your chances. Personally, I like going in late November/early December when the place is decked out for Christmas and all the festivities are going on.

Next trip: Nov. 23, 2006:xmas:
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Well-Known Member
We have gone several years during the week leading up to Thanksgiving and have always found it to be really nice. Busy, but not overly so. The majority of the holiday lights up. We just work opposite the early entry days and have had a wonderful time every year. The parks are open fairly late too, which is a big bonus. I would recommend it to anyone.
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New Member
Our family loves loves loves going to the World in October. The weather is great, not too hot, not too much rain. The crowds are very tiny and the prices at the resorts are very reasonable that time of year.

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New Member
typhoonguy said:
As noted in my original post, I did in fact say begining of december. I would never touch the magic kingdom with a 10 foot pole after the 15th or so. Hence I DID say beginning.

My bad you did say beginning but the crowds are still way smaller in Jan and Feb
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