Best Pre-Show at WDW


Well-Known Member
dxwwf3 said:
Well from what we've got so far it seems that the top 4 picks (by a large margin)would be:

1. Muppet Vision 3-D
2. Rock N Roller Coaster
3. Alien Encounter
4. Tower of Terror

I am VERY surprised that the Rock N Roller Coaster has so many votes. But I guess I am underestimating the popularity of the RNRC preshow. But anyways these are definately the most popular so far.
I picked RnRC as one of my personal favorites mainly because it's Aerosmith :lol:. Also, the dialogue in the pre-show is funny to me and I love listening to "Walk this Way" when you're going into the "studio."

I also love ToT and HM. Like I said before, it's been maybe 10 years since I've seen Muppets, so I have to swing on by on my next trip. Who knows? Maybe I'll end up loving it so much it'll be my new favorite.


New Member
oh come on! Only ONE mention of Haunted Mansion? It is so good that you don't even realize it is preshow, but it is.

That voice, that monologue, those paintings, the suicide - "IS THIS HAUNTED ROOM ACTUALLY STRETCHING?!"


Well-Known Member
that_L_do_pig said:
oh come on! Only ONE mention of Haunted Mansion?

I must say that I am surprised as well. I said AE was my favorite and I responded to the popularity of Muppet Vision and RNRC. So that is why I didn't mention it. But yes I am surprised that it doesn't seem to be as popular as it should be.


New Member
that_L_do_pig said:
oh come on! Only ONE mention of Haunted Mansion? It is so good that you don't even realize it is preshow, but it is.

That voice, that monologue, those paintings, the suicide - "IS THIS HAUNTED ROOM ACTUALLY STRETCHING?!"
Somehow I don't think of it as pre-show. To me the gravestones are the preshow, once you step through the doors you are in the show itself. :D


Well-Known Member
barnum42 said:
Somehow I don't think of it as pre-show. To me the gravestones are the preshow, once you step through the doors you are in the show itself. :D
Good point! That's why I didn't think of it. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
My vote would have to go with UoE....I chuckle each time....

I'm not too big on preshows though...especially with Test Track and Dinosaur-like preshows (which are not frequent guest friendly) where you have to be put through the same video, over and over and just something I want to skip each time...its torture...

RnRc is good...I don't remember the muppet one (then again I rarely see that show)....M:S is good too (builds up excitement)....I miss the AE preshow...but I'm holding out hope for SGE....

Just my opinion...



New Member
Muppet Vision, without a doubt:

Sam: "Ladies and Gentilmen, Mr. Mickey Mouse."
Rizzo (in Mickey costume): "Tah DA!"
Sam: "Rizzo! You're not Mickey"
Rizzo: "What? they don't know, they're just tourists." :lol:


Well-Known Member
This is real tuffy but I would go with Muppet Vision. Just because its the muppets. My second choice would be Rockin roller Coaster.


Well-Known Member
barnum42 said:
Somehow I don't think of it as pre-show. To me the gravestones are the preshow, once you step through the doors you are in the show itself. :D

Yeah you do have a point there. The Haunted Mansion stretch room has the basic layout of a preshow (A show you see before you step in the ride vehicle), but it does indeed seem and feel different. So maybe that is the reason. Good point.


Well-Known Member
Believe it or not, I've never seen Muppet Vision <.<

Anyways, I'd have to say RnRC and ToT are probably tied. Best preshow in any park, though, would have to be Shrek 4-D :)
that_L_do_pig said:
oh come on! Only ONE mention of Haunted Mansion? It is so good that you don't even realize it is preshow, but it is.

That voice, that monologue, those paintings, the suicide - "IS THIS HAUNTED ROOM ACTUALLY STRETCHING?!"

yea i was the one who mentioned the HM and i was surprised too... I mean "This chamber has now windows and now doors.... which offers you this chilling challenge to find a way out!!!HAHAHAHAH of couse there is always my way!"
MISS IT SO MUCh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Well-Known Member
hardcard said:
what about Delmon and Moe formerly of the Fantasmic preshow?
Ooh, I have pics of them, they were hilarious. They picked on my cousin, my siblings, and me when we were in the front row once. And Dellman (sp?) was quite the looker ;)

Too bad they're not there anymore :cry:. Does anyone know if they're still working at WDW?


Well-Known Member
barnum42 said:
Somehow I don't think of it as pre-show. To me the gravestones are the preshow, once you step through the doors you are in the show itself. :D

I guess you could think of it that way but the show does not really start until you are in the buggies. If that is part of the ride itself wouldn't The library in ToT be part of the show as well?

Not picking on your explanation because it is a very valid one.

I would have to say of current both HM and ToT (if the show does not really start until you are in your seat).

One from the past is AE. I loved S.I.R., he was awesome!


Well-Known Member
All that have been listed are dead on but I think you guys are over looking the two parks that started it all.

What about Mickey's Phil....oh wait nevermind. But The old Lion King Preshow was very cool. What about Timekeeper, the video while waiting for the rooms in the judging tent in Toon Town Fair, the Frog in the queue for Splash, and one that ranks up there for me is the one for Tiki Room (long live Phil)

E.P.C.O.T. Center:
UoE is great!!! Living Seas is good. Cran was a fav. HIStA True Colors was a long time fav. But you are all missing the big one Voice of Liberty!!!!



New Member
My vote goes for TOT with Muppetvision a close second. With ToT you just really get the sense that time has stood still once you enter the lobby

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