Best Pre-Show at WDW


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To go along with the best themed, I decided to make a new thread with the Best Pre-Show! I'd definitely have to say Rockin' Rollercoaster. I love the whole Aerosmith scene! :)


Well-Known Member
I love Muppet Vision 3D's pre-show, so funny :sohappy:
Close second is Rock n' Roller Coaster's ("she's not usually like this" "yeah, she's usually worse" :D)

Captain Hank

Well-Known Member
I'm torn between Tower of Terror and Muppetvision. Muppetvision definately has the funniest pre-show, but ToT is really creepy and well themed.

DisneyFan 2000

Well-Known Member
Hands down, Muppet-Vision 3D. It's just too funny to be real! :lol:

Credit also goes to RnR and ToT. Intrestingly, all are in MGM...

EDIT: MP's pre-show is also cute although only heard...


Well-Known Member
I always liked the pre-show for Alien Encounter... it was my favorite part of the attraction! I wonder how different it will be for Stitch... supposedly they're still keeping Skippy? He was the cutest...

And yes, RnRC has an amazing pre-show... it really ties everything together well. I like it best when they have an actual CM in the studio "Chris" who grabs the guitar...

And this doesn't really count as "pre-show"... but some of the things heard in line when waiting for the Jungle Cruise are really funny... of what you can hear!


Active Member
I'd have to go with ToT. To me, the Pre Show actually begins as you take the walk up to the hotel, with the mist, grounds, the lobby--all leading up to the Library. The special effects of lightning on the TV and the outside are fun. To me, it's just the best.


Active Member
The preshow to MuppetVision is so ferkin' hilarious. It cracks me up every time. I wish I could just buy a video of that. When Rizzo comes out dressed like Mickey I lose it every time.


New Member
Ride pre-show would have to be RNRC, i think its really funny and is done really well.
My favorite pre-show before a live show would probably be Beauty & the Beast I love the singing before the show!! I also used to love the pre show for Hunchback of Notre Dame with the jugglers it was one that I could watch over and over again.


Well-Known Member
Even if you weren't a big fan of the main theater part, everyone has to admit that the two preshows for Alien Encounter were probably the best ones on property. The first one because it sets up the storyline so well and you are give alot of the information you need to know to enjoy the show. And the 2nd preshow simply because it features two of the best audioanimatronics Disney has ever had. Plain and simple.

Out of the current preshows I would have to say that Tower of Terror would be the best. Muppet Vision 3D is pretty good as well. RNRC was good....the first 100 times I saw it. The ToT and Muppetvision preshows do not seem to get as old to me. So I would have to say that I think AE had the best preshows and if I had to pick one, you would have to go with the S.I.R. and Skippy preshow.


Well-Known Member
MuppetVision 3D, RnRC, ToT, Four for a Dollar (pre-show for BatB). I guess practically anything with a preshow is awesome, but those stand out as the best to me!


Best pre-show? Well, the best one ever was Alien Encounter. Nothing could be it.

But MuppetVision 3D's preshow is a very close second. Just too funny! :lol:


Well-Known Member
I'd have to say that the best pre-shows in Walt Disney World are:
1.) The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror
2.) Rock N' Roller Coaster Starring Aerosmith


Muppet Vision hands down! AE had a great one, but it wasn't as funny/entertaining as the Muppets. Also, I don't know if it can be considered a preshow, but the Star Tours queue area is awsome with C-3PO and R2-D2.


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Original Poster
I almost forgot about the pre-show to Universe of Energy. Ellen Degeneres (sp) is HILARIOUS!!! That's a definite favorite! :lol:

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