Bad advice boils my blood!


I agree, but I do have one thing to say. We ate at Rose and Crown and watched the fireworks and it was WONDERFUL. I know we were really lucky to get a seat outside, but it was really great.


Premium Member
Just the other day when I was making my meal "reservations" for my upcoming trip, one of the ones I made was for breakfast at Trail's End (Fort Wilderness Buffet). The lady on the phone asked where I was staying and I said Wilderness Lodge. She told me that I would need to allot an hour and a half travel time to get to Trail's End from WL!! I was like "ummm, we're riding bikes over, it's just next door". DUHHHH


New Member
Laura22 said:
Just the other day when I was making my meal "reservations" for my upcoming trip, one of the ones I made was for breakfast at Trail's End (Fort Wilderness Buffet). The lady on the phone asked where I was staying and I said Wilderness Lodge. She told me that I would need to allot an hour and a half travel time to get to Trail's End from WL!! I was like "ummm, we're riding bikes over, it's just next door". DUHHHH

:lol: That's hilarious! Although, in her defense, I *think* that's just a policy that comes up on screen and they have to read that to you. Still funny, though! Who knows, maybe you'll run into some unexpected bike traffic on your way. :p



New Member
MKCP 1985 said:
MKCP's Top Ten List of Bad Advice:

hee hee

10. Don't use fast pass. It is too confusing.

9. If you stay at the All Stars or Pop, take a bag with a swimsuit and a towel and drive over to the Polynesian to swim at its pool. They won't mind!

8. Don't worry about staking out a spot to watch the parade. Just show up as the parade is about to start and let your darling children push their way to the curb and squeeze in.

7. If you bought a refillable mug at any resort at any time in your life ever, take it with you on your next trip and fill up for free all you want, regardless of where you are staying. That soda doesn't cost Disney anything and you deserve free soda for what you are paying for your room, not to mention what you paid for that mug to begin with!

6. As long as you are outside, smoke wherever you like. You're outdoors, so what does it matter? It is a free country.

5. Take plenty of flash photos when you go on dark rides. Those spiels about "no flash photography" don't apply to you.

4. If anything bad happens on your trip, don't hesitate to give a piece of your mind to the nearest cast member. It is their job to give you a perfect vacation - remember what you paid for it! Rained out parades, attractions closed for refurbishment - all is fair game.

3. Save a bundle on your park tickets by purchasing used tickets on e-bay!

2. Don't fool with reservations for meals, especially if there is a particular restaurant your family really, really likes. Just show up around noon for lunch and around 7:00 for your evening meal with your hot and hungry kids and they will take pity on you and find you a table right away with no wait.

and finally,

1. Tell those rent-a-cop bag checkers to shove off. This is America and they don't have a warrant. You are taking your video camera bag and going in and they can just get over it! They can't really make you let them search your bag. There's a little thing called the CON-STI-TUTION, which means you can do what you want and they can't stop you.

Well, there you have it. A mixed bag of annoying behaviours, risky financial gambles and simply false information all designed to ruin your day and, possibly, the day of others around you. :wave:

That is so funny and soooo true. Thanks for the laugh :lol:


New Member
these threads do seem to pop up often...but i think that is a good thing. whether it's the ethics of parking, swimming pools or mugs, it's interesting to hear everyone else's perspective.

my favorite bit of bad advice is that about parking - that you can "park wherever you like...don't worry about following the CM guiding you along...cut across the parking lot, & try to get as close to the gate as possible. they can't stop you. " i can't imagine how lame, not to mention dangerous, this could be. it's disney, not six flags!


New Member
lebeau said:
As far as the advice in Mouseplanet, I took it to be advice to those already "in-the-know" about how dining at WDW works. Which is probably a pretty safe assumption being that the column appeared on a disney-fan website. Also, remember that Mike didn't write the column himself. His advice was being passed along through a 3rd party. Something may have been lost in the translation. I just took it to mean that as busy as the crowds were right now, the restarants are less busy (again - right now) and PS isn't essential for a lot of them.
Actually, as Len Testa said in the post above yours, Mike was reporting his actual experience. I'm usually pretty good at writing down what he tells me, and it's reported accurately. (I know this is an old thread, but I haven't posted here for months and I'm just catching up now.)


Active Member
So, lets get this right....
I buy a mug for $12.00. That entitles me for a lifetime of drink refills?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Think of it this way: People continue to abuse the mugs, and they get rid of them. Now you have to purchase every drink at your resort.

Now, in the long run, would it be cheaper just to cough up the 12 bucks, and get a new one?

I think so.

I seriously doubt that purchasing a stupid mug is gonna break you on your vacation. If it does, you may want to financially plan your vacations better.

No offense intended, Just stating my opinion.


New Member
I have never gotten bad advice but I over heard some one at work giving some one bad advice a few weeks ago. This girl at my work wanted to know if June was a good week to go crowd wise. The other girl said, "Florida is great in June, the crowds arn't bad and you will have so much fun!" Well I burst a bubble, not only did I over hear that it would be her frist trip but she has 3 kids. I said, "No your better off going in January- frist week of February because it's the lease crowded or after Labor day." I just wanted to smake the other girl, why would she tell her June isn't crowded. I have been to WDW in June, it was crazy.


New Member
bsandersjr said:
I seriously doubt that purchasing a stupid mug is gonna break you on your vacation. If it does, you may want to financially plan your vacations better.

No offense intended, Just stating my opinion.

Normally, I buy a new mug. Ever since I started going more than once a year, I've been rethinking the logic. I went in May with my bf to PC and we bought mugs. I am going with my mom this month (8 days), and we are on a tight budget (ie. only reason we are going is the free meal plan). So, to cut back, we're reusing those mugs. Cheap, I know, but just because it isn't the best time financially... I dunno, 25 bucks is a lot of money.


New Member
7. If you bought a refillable mug at any resort at any time in your life ever, take it with you on your next trip and fill up for free all you want, regardless of where you are staying. That soda doesn't cost Disney anything and you deserve free soda for what you are paying for your room, not to mention what you paid for that mug to begin with!

It's funny you said that, my friend tired to do it in our June 2002 trip. My husband told him there is no way he could do it, just spend the money for a new and not to be cheap. The frist time he used it he got in trouble, and my husband busted on him the whole time about it. So they do watch for the mugs and they do change the design every few months.


Active Member
angelfaerie52 said:
Normally, I buy a new mug. Ever since I started going more than once a year, I've been rethinking the logic. I went in May with my bf to PC and we bought mugs. I am going with my mom this month (8 days), and we are on a tight budget (ie. only reason we are going is the free meal plan). So, to cut back, we're reusing those mugs. Cheap, I know, but just because it isn't the best time financially... I dunno, 25 bucks is a lot of money.

I understand you, and in no way am I trying to argue or berate you, but do you see the point I was making? It would be cheaper in the long run to abide by the resort rules/requests than to have them get upset and do away with the mugs all together. I am sure if there were no mugs, you'd prob. end up spending more than $25 for two people(depending on the length of your stay). But hey, if the design is still the same, and you can get away with it, more power to you. :)

The Mom

Premium Member
awallaceunc said:
:lol: That's hilarious! Although, in her defense, I *think* that's just a policy that comes up on screen and they have to read that to you. Still funny, though! Who knows, maybe you'll run into some unexpected bike traffic on your way. :p


Or a snake with attitude!! :eek: (Don't laugh, it happens, especially in the early morning.)


New Member
Alright...yet another "mug" debate.

Call me immoral, call me crass, call me a thief (all of which are true), If the mug doesn't change design, I reuse em'. Face it, Disney can't tell the difference between the mug bought last week and the mug bought two days ago (if they look identical). It's all about how it makes you feel inside, because externally, no one gives a lick.

Disney isn't removing the mug system anytime soon. It makes a lucrative profit. If Disney was SO adamant about enforcing their policy, a barcode system like in Typhoon Lagoon would have been implemented a long time ago.

I'm not justifying what I do. Techinically, it's stealing. In fact, it is stealing. Yet, surprisingly, I don't care. The $300+ I saved allowed me to a get a new video card. If being such a "good" person helps you mug-rebuyers sleep at night, more power to ya. I, surprisingly, don't have any problems.

The problem is twofold: non-enforcement of the "hardcore" policies and miscommunication of said policies. When I first purchased mugs at Wilderness (design has still not changed), the policy very cleary said REFILLS WERE GOOD FOR LIFE. So, did the CM from whom I purchased them from. So, which policy is good...the one I entered into, or the one Disney changed to?


New Member
DisneyFreak529 said:
It's funny you said that, my friend tired to do it in our June 2002 trip. My husband told him there is no way he could do it, just spend the money for a new and not to be cheap. The frist time he used it he got in trouble, and my husband busted on him the whole time about it. So they do watch for the mugs and they do change the design every few months.

Yeah, I would never reuse the mug if the design was different... or if it was a PC mug... and I was staying at AKL.

However, I don't think the designs change that often... my PC design is still the same from when I went in '04... Why not use it again?

Some people say it is cheap, but the mugs aren't really cheap. And since we're on the meal plan, we probably won't use the mugs as much as we used to. The $25 we are saving will go toward something else trip related, which is fine by me.


Well-Known Member
Pop Century's Mugs changed recently. Some family was down and staying there and I noticed that the design is sligtly different. :)


Well-Known Member
JPVonDrake said:
As a cast member, may I politely ask you to "Please stop returning with a mug purchased on a previous stay, and simply purchase a new mug each visit? Unlimited soda during your current stay for only $11.99 is still a great deal."
While this is cheaper than buying a drink every time, Disney still makes a huge profit off this. Even if you refill it 20 times during your stay that only costs disney about $1.00. Fast food restaurants use this too. How do yo uthin they can sell a hamburger for $1.00, by over pricing drink s they make up the differnce because for one drink from a soda machine it's about $0.05 to $0.07. While it's a better deal than buying a new drink each time Disney still makes a huge amount of money from drinks. SIDE NOTE: This same philosophy goes for CD manufacturers also.

and if your wondering you would have to refill your mug about 240 times to break even.


New Member
imagineer99 said:
No...they don't.

They did that year! He went in December of 2001 and got a mug from All star sports. We went with him and few friends in June 2002 and stayed at All star sports and it was a different mug!!

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