Avoiding Gay Days

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Anybody know the dates for "Gay Days" next year for WDW? My family and I are traveling down and we want to avoid this as much as possible since we have a eight year old boy and a four year girl traveling with the group. We want to avoid the big summer rush so we are going the beginning of June to avoid those late June school releases. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Kingdom Konsultant

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Premium Member
There really is only one day, the 7th that they have the Official Gay Day at the Magic Kingdom. But Catch 22 is right, teh 4th through the 8th is when they will be having festivities to celebrate. You can learn more about this by going to the GayDay.com website.

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New Member
There was already a thread about this but due to the fact that things were getting towards the brink of discrimitory, it was closed.

But in my opinion, I have no problem with people who like the same gender. I mean, you shouldn't really not go to WDW just because it's gay day. I really wouldn't take any notice of it. We went during that week one year without even knowing it was gay week, and everything was just the same as ever. We met this very nice couple of women who we got into deep discussion with about how much we loved the kind and happy environment that Disney has to offer!:)
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New Member
First off, check out the gayday.com website discussion boards. There is quite a bit of discussion about proper behavior by participants due to the fact that children are in the parks. Here is one example


After reading a few of these discussions, you might just change your mind or you might decide to go during the GayDays dates and just go to a different park than the one that is designated as the "official unofficical gay day" for each park.

If after considering both of these options you decide that you don't want to go, the dates for 2004 are June 1 through June 6th.

I really would advise you to not dismiss these dates simply because of Gay Days, however. We're not evil people, we just want to see Mickey, too.
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Well-Known Member
I don't think it should be a problem....

Definatley avoid the the designated parks for those days to avoid crowds....
especially since your kids are young...avoid the main MK day so they don't have to wait a long time for rides....

I wouldn't squeak past....HONESTLY.....I think people make the biggest deal out of this....Most assume there's HERDS of gays....like everywhere you look theres going to be a man in floral pants or a women making out with her girlfriend...
There's not.....they actually just blend in....
To be honest...we hardly even noticed.....even when the kids were young....it wasn't that bad at all....
Also...if you do go in June...its hot....so we planned it like this:
1) wake up early...hit the parks early for the kids....no lines...no wait....
2) Come back for a swim at the resort....lunch
3) head back for a parade....or the fireworks....

June is a frequent time for visits...
you can bet you won't be the only family down there who will feel this is a problem....
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New Member
Originally posted by Maria
:lol: Is that you in your avatar? If so.... bummer! :animwink: :animwink:

:lol: Thanks Maria! You just did WONDERS for my self esteem. I'm currently on the "I'm going to GayDays and have to loose ___ pounds" diet.

yes, that is me. At Epcot as a matter of fact.
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New Member
You are welcome! :)

Someone told me this phrase once when I complained about the cute guys at Mannequins: "right uniform, wrong team" :lol: ;)

Good luck on that diet! :D
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New Member
Originally posted by Maria

Someone told me this phrase once when I complained about the cute guys at Mannequins: "right uniform, wrong team" :lol: ;)

:lol: OOH! I love that one. I'm stealing it!
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Well-Known Member
Originally posted by RPMdfw
First off, check out the gayday.com website discussion boards. There is quite a bit of discussion about proper behavior by participants due to the fact that children are in the parks. Here is one example


After reading a few of these discussions, you might just change your mind or you might decide to go during the GayDays dates and just go to a different park than the one that is designated as the "official unofficical gay day" for each park.

If after considering both of these options you decide that you don't want to go, the dates for 2004 are June 1 through June 6th.

I really would advise you to not dismiss these dates simply because of Gay Days, however. We're not evil people, we just want to see Mickey, too.

your post was very well written, so I tried to visit your site listed and found I had to log in before being able to look. I am not interested in becoming a member at gaydays.com at this time (my hubby would be concerned about this :lol: )

So anyway what does the site say? Does it encourage appropreate behavior while in puplic for the sake of all the kids around?

I like your quote about wanting to see Mickey, but is it more then that. If you wanted to see Mickey you can go any time any day. It is see Mickey with a bunch of friends and potential friends.
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Yellow Shoes

Well-Known Member
OK--if, for whatever reason, you choose to avoid "Gay Days" at WDW you can. There is an official date and website, so you can arrange your plans accordingly.

Where, O Where is the website and offcial weekend information for
Non-English Speaking Line Jumpers
Cheerleader Competitions
People who insist their crying child will be "just fine" in Alien Encounter?

I'd really prefer to avoid those groups if I could.............
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I went last year and had a great time. Hopefully a big group of us will be there again this year. The only "rudeness" I noticed was a lady with a stroller that thought she always had the right-of-way.

Hope the weather is good again.
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Yellow Shoes

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Passport
The only "rudeness" I noticed was a lady with a stroller that thought she always had the right-of-way.

last time I checked, there wasn't a separate weekend for "those people."

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Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Yellow Shoes
Where, O Where is the website and offcial weekend information for
Non-English Speaking Line Jumpers
Cheerleader Competitions
People who insist their crying child will be "just fine" in Alien Encounter?

I'd really prefer to avoid those groups if I could.............
Too funny! Unfortunately, these groups are always there when I am there!
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New Member
I've been to GayDay every year for the last seven years, and I was only embarrassed by our behavior one time. This was three or four years ago, and it seemed like a vocal group of idiots (not a large group, but a very LOUD group) were just out of control.

Basically, they just pretended they were the only ones in the park, and behaved that way. Obnoxious, rude and vulgar just begin to cover it. I told myself that was the last time I was going to go to GayDay and be embarrassed like that.

Fortunately, what came out of that was a major emphasis on behavior, and how people come into a situation like that with pre-concieved ideas about gay people, and acting like a bunch of out-of-control jacka.s.s.es only reinforces those ideas.

I've been every year since, and have thoroughly enjoyed myself. The lesson seems to have been learned. If you decide to go, just keep in mind that Saturday, June 7th, is THE big day, and the Magic Kingdom is usually full to capacity. The rest of the'official' days are more of a suggestion than anything else, and the crowds aren't noticeably bigger.

Hope this helps!
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