Anybody understand women?


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Anybody here clearly understand women at all? I would really like to know.

Here is my situation:

I broke up with my girlfriend, who is a sophomore (I'm a junior) of eight/nine months.. Actually, she broke up with me. We went on a date on December 27th and I even asked if we were okay (relationship wise) and she said definitely. On January 2nd, we saw each at school, talked, laughed, and kissed each other good-bye as we went home. That night she e-mails me and the e-mail said: "I have been thinking about this for months" and basically in summary she was breaking up with me though she wouldn't say why. I was totally crushed and I feel worse now. Not only did she lie to me a dozen times on our dates about the relationship situation but she immediately went out with a senior she decided to go to a school dance with (I couldn't because of Confirmation retreat) as soon as we broke up.

My relationship have really sucked. One girl, Katie, I asked out but she totally blew me off by saying yes when I asked her out but the next day lying to me about her being too busy. This was at the end of January.

Another girl, Vanessa, I asked out and she said she would have to check her schedule but said sure. I was totally because she was really cute. Next day, I go to talk to her and she just says, "Yeah, I don't think this will work out". I being the nice guy I am (aka idiot) I backed off and didn't ask why. This was at the beginning of February.

Three weeks ago, I finally got the nerve to e-mail this girl and tell her how I felt about her and if she wanted to go out. She said it was really sweet but she was dating someone else at the time. I felt a little embarassed but we are still pretty good friends.

And just this week, I asked out Samantha on Thursday. She said sure then I called her on Friday. She had track, so I left a message. I called her today and talked to her for awhile about stuff. Then I began to talk about our date and she says, "Yeah, I figuaring we could just be friends because I really like this other guy". I talked for a minute more with her and said I had to go. I really didn't.

Why do girls do this? Why don't they just say no or something like that instead of leading me on and just leaving me hanging after a day or two?


Well-Known Member
1. I've been married for 20 years--I still don't understand women.
2. I will never understand women.
3. Women don't understand men.
4. You are young--Mrs. Right will come by someday.
5. Let these relationships roll off your back or it will eat you up inside.
6. If they treated you this way, then they weren't worth your time anyway.
7. Be sure you can look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself that you didn't have anything to do with these break-ups/stand-ups.

Hope this helps.

From a crusty love veteran who leaves you with this parting shot--women are great, I dearly love my wife, but I still scratch my head over it all and they do the same thing with us.


New Member
I don't understand women either. Here's my problem........

Ok, there's this girl name Maria. Anyway, I asked Maria out to Junior Prom 6 weeks before the Prom, she said that she asked another guy out and that she was going with him and felt sorry for me. Fast froward to 2 weeks before the Prom, her date is being a jerk to her, so she is thinking about asking another guy out. I tell her that I'm still avilable for Junior Prom and would love to go with her as friends. She told me that her heart was set on this guy and she was going to get him at all costs. I'm thinking to myself that she's completly ignoring me and going after this guy without thinking about me. Now we are still friends, but I still really like her. Any help? Thank you for listening to my story

PS: I finally found a Prom date yesterday, a week before Prom while getting 34 rejection! As you can see, I was not a happy camper the past month.

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
Well, I gotta say, I'm 25 and married. There is ONE MAJOR THING that stands out in your post that makes you way better off than I was at your age:

You have had the guts to actually ask these girls out.

I spent my pre-college years sitting on my hands with my mouth zipped shut, thinking to myself how I'd love to go out with her, her, and her. You know what? I never even knew if any of them would've said yes, and I never will.

Keep it up, man. Sooner or later, things WILL indeed fall into place, just as they should.:)


Well-Known Member
Like MSU, up until about 2 years ago, i was a disaster around girls. I could NEVER ask em out your ability to do that gives you a MAJOR advantage over the majority of guys out there.

As for trying to figure em out? Dont waste your time, you never will. You are also young, and have PLEAAAAAAANTY of time to worry about that type of stuff. Have fun, live life, take each rejection as a motive to get something/someone better.

If all else fails....join a band :D


New Member
This is the guy´s corner as I see.... :lookaroun

<---Here comes the beaaatch! :D

Maybe you guys are rushing things? Maybe you are way too obvious about your feelings towards them? Maybe you are scaring them!
Or maybe, if you think about it, you are being too obvious and those girls will keep you as "a back up" who is always available.

Dunno what else to tell you! :(

Jaylenofan, 34 rejections?? My God! Are you sure you don´t smell bad? :eek: Poor thing... :kiss:


Well-Known Member
I, too, was a member of the "sit on hands and say nothing in high school" club.:D

Looking back on my experiences, the only thing I can say is...I agree with the other advice given.

Funny thing is, after high school, I found out from other people how there were girls who were interested in me, but I never saw it or had a clue. They were too afraid to say anything to me, just like I was afraid of saying something to girls.


Everyone here that has been this road before knows how it can be. As you get older, you will see that everyone goes through the same thing you are going through now. Even the girls! Girls have the same questions and concerns that the guys have. I don't know why they do this to you, but I do know that if girls are playing you this way, they aren't worth your time. The right girl just hasn't come along. Sometimes you have to date alot of duds to get to Miss Right. That is what happened to me. I didn't find Mr. Right until college and I feel lucky. 18 years later, here I am... When you meet the right girl, you will know it and it will be worth the wait. Just don't be hard on yourself, because it is all part of growing up and everyone goes through this. :animwink:
Originally posted by Scooter
Trying to figure out women...'s like trying to nail JELLO to a tree.


Hey now! :lol:

Just give it time~ before you know it Miss Right will enter your life!
You'll know it OR maybe you won't :brick:
My husband says he knew I was the girl he was going to married almost the first hour we met...
Me on the other hand~ it took me a year to come to the same conclusion!
I gave him the run around for a year! He'd ask me out, I wouldn't know how to say No ~ but then cancel right before the date... tell him "something" came up... he kept asking though... even when I had a boyfriend...
We hung out as "friends" for a year before we got serious...
I can't believe he didn't give up. Gosh, and the whole time I was thinking, what a thorn in my side! :D
Still going strong after 17 years :sohappy:

And btw... we're not meant to be figured out. What fun would that be? :D

Kingdom Konsultant

WDWMAGIC Board Sponsor
Premium Member
Please keep in mind that at that age girls are still at that age where they can't face a guy and break up with them They ususally will do it by e-mail or have a friend do it for them. (unless they are like my 16 year old daughter :animwink: )
Girls are very fickle not only with their boyfriends, but with their girlsfriends also.
Don't get too upset with your dating history. You are still very young and as you get older you will find that the relationships you have will be more meaningful to both parties involved.

Keep your chin up, it'll get better!



New Member
Don`t even try to figure out woman,You`ll go crazy trying!:hammer:
You can be married to a woman for 40 years and never figure her out!:lol: Woman are just plain crazy!:lol:


New Member
"Its a little weird when you get married. My uncle was wearing his wedding ring thingy, and was somehow chased up a fence that he had to climb, and the ring got stuck in the fence, and consequently ripped his finger off on the way down. Moral fo the story: Don't get married."

hehe. Somehow that fit in.
Originally posted by isnet396
"Its a little weird when you get married. My uncle was wearing his wedding ring thingy, and was somehow chased up a fence that he had to climb, and the ring got stuck in the fence, and consequently ripped his finger off on the way down. Moral fo the story: Don't get married."

hehe. Somehow that fit in.

:eek: No the moral of the story is... when wearing your wedding ring thingy, NO fence climbing and getting ring stuck and finger ripped off. Was he being chased up the fence by his wife because he was a bad boy???

Wait no that's not it... what is the moral here?
oh yea, you said it best, DON'T get married. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Originally posted by MickeyMoose15
Anybody here clearly understand women at all? I would really like to know.

Here is my situation:

I broke up with my girlfriend, who is a sophomore (I'm a junior) of eight/nine months.. Actually, she broke up with me. We went on a date on December 27th and I even asked if we were okay (relationship wise) and she said definitely. On January 2nd, we saw each at school, talked, laughed, and kissed each other good-bye as we went home. That night she e-mails me and the e-mail said: "I have been thinking about this for months" and basically in summary she was breaking up with me though she wouldn't say why. I was totally crushed and I feel worse now. Not only did she lie to me a dozen times on our dates about the relationship situation but she immediately went out with a senior she decided to go to a school dance with (I couldn't because of Confirmation retreat) as soon as we broke up.

My relationship have really sucked. One girl, Katie, I asked out but she totally blew me off by saying yes when I asked her out but the next day lying to me about her being too busy. This was at the end of January.

Another girl, Vanessa, I asked out and she said she would have to check her schedule but said sure. I was totally because she was really cute. Next day, I go to talk to her and she just says, "Yeah, I don't think this will work out". I being the nice guy I am (aka idiot) I backed off and didn't ask why. This was at the beginning of February.

Three weeks ago, I finally got the nerve to e-mail this girl and tell her how I felt about her and if she wanted to go out. She said it was really sweet but she was dating someone else at the time. I felt a little embarassed but we are still pretty good friends.

And just this week, I asked out Samantha on Thursday. She said sure then I called her on Friday. She had track, so I left a message. I called her today and talked to her for awhile about stuff. Then I began to talk about our date and she says, "Yeah, I figuaring we could just be friends because I really like this other guy". I talked for a minute more with her and said I had to go. I really didn't.

Why do girls do this? Why don't they just say no or something like that instead of leading me on and just leaving me hanging after a day or two?

Hi Mickey :wave:

I see a couple of problems here. First off, it looks like you are still not over your last girlfriend. Maybe work on that before picking up another one. Second, this looks like a lot of girls within a very short time period. Are you certain these girls aren't talking with one another? For example- if I were Vanessa I would wonder how much interest you really, sincerely had, having just asked out Katie the week before and losing your serious girlfriend 3 weeks before that. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with what you are doing, but girls are just as afraid as guys are of getting hurt. And sometimes girls feel like they are being mean if they cut you off right away. It's hard to be honest sometimes, even though I agree with you that it is the right thing to do.

I think sometimes once you are in a long-term relationship (and I consider 8/9 months a long time for high school), you sort of become in the habit of having someone around and that is not always a good thing. Why not forget the girls for now and enjoy being on your own?


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Re: Re: Anybody understand women?

Originally posted by Erika
Hi Mickey :wave:

I see a couple of problems here. First off, it looks like you are still not over your last girlfriend. Maybe work on that before picking up another one. Second, this looks like a lot of girls within a very short time period. Are you certain these girls aren't talking with one another? For example- if I were Vanessa I would wonder how much interest you really, sincerely had, having just asked out Katie the week before and losing your serious girlfriend 3 weeks before that. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with what you are doing, but girls are just as afraid as guys are of getting hurt. And sometimes girls feel like they are being mean if they cut you off right away. It's hard to be honest sometimes, even though I agree with you that it is the right thing to do.

I think sometimes once you are in a long-term relationship (and I consider 8/9 months a long time for high school), you sort of become in the habit of having someone around and that is not always a good thing. Why not forget the girls for now and enjoy being on your own?

That is what I have now planned to do. Better to concentrate on school work then this relationship stuff now.


New Member
Originally posted by NowInc
More words of advice from me::

Dating is a single for a while..its more fun :D

okay fun being single... Dan.. sweetie.. show me the fun.. ;)

And about that girls being crazy from Darrel, no we are not crazy I would apprieciate it if you would not insult the female race, thank you very much.

Guys can't figure girls out ... Girls can't figure guys out.. it's a vicious circle. I'm working on the answer and when I find it out I will write a book and make millions :animwink:

But also Erika is right.. if these girls all know each other they are going to talk, and if they talk then of course they would wonder why you've asked them all out in a short period of time. That's just nature. And a break would be good. Although this all coming from the girl who has never had a relationship last longer then 6 months... lol...


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Angelique
And about that girls being crazy from Darrel, no we are not crazy I would apprieciate it if you would not insult the female race, thank you very much.

Guys can't figure girls out ... Girls can't figure guys out.. it's a vicious circle. I'm working on the answer and when I find it out I will write a book and make millions :animwink:

I was waiting for Darrell to get whammied on that statement!

Angel, when you do figure it out, I will come and sit at your feet and listen for years to your wisdom and insight (and ask for a few bucks).:D


New Member
Remember, you don't NEED a "girlfriend." Anyone who says otherwise is blind. Dating is largely a farce -- an unproductive social game that doesn't really benefit anyone. I bet the majority of "dating" relationships are full of some deception.

Blatant NEEDINESS will chase anyone away -- even "guy" friends.

Do the things you enjoy. Work to become better at them. Pursue life. And you and the girl you're looking for will find each other.

:kiss: :kiss: :kiss:

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