Animal Kingdom Accident


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
Old people for the most part are nice...unless you've been to bingo night and then you'll see the dark underbelly of the elderly! But for merfs sakes get over your ancient selves! Just because you move at the pace of a semi retarded snail does not give you the right to slow down the world to your speed. We already have wheelchair ramps, handicapped parking, expectant mother parking, employee of the month parking where does it end!

You hardly ever see any old people complaning about bungee jumping hurting their hip flexor...why because they know if they got turned upside down they would lose their dentures and senior discount pass for 35 cent coffee at Mickey D's! I love old people just not when im at disney.

You are there for your kids or grandkids to enjoy the atomosphere and some mild rides. But when you get geriatric granny onto space mountain how cant you see the problems that will arise!

I've rode KS many times and the worst fear i had was not the easily exitable ride catching was the animals that wanted to eat me in the no so distant brush. Engines catch fire, old people get run over by screaming women and children, and old yeller eventually is full of oopsie daisies so get over it senior america! and Get in the fast lane grandma the bingo game is about to roll!

At what age do people become "old people?"


Not only age dependent

Age is not the only reason jumping would be an ill-advised action. There are disabilities that while they do not prevent mobility they limit what some people can do.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Age is not the only reason jumping would be an ill-advised action. There are disabilities that while they do not prevent mobility they limit what some people can do.

Then surely they engage is such activities knowing their own limitation and the element of risk?

And Im sure I dont need an A/C type brief on how to get off an open sided vehicle nor would my kids, but I suppose the hypo sized ones could damage the track if they were to jump off and their considerable bulk hits the ground from 5ft.

Dealt with several engine fires, was using an extinguisher too complicated that it resulted in a fire so furious that guests requested examination? Lucky the fire in Camden Market wasn't as severe as this, someone may have gotten hurt.

Normally you can smell animal dung in the air at MK, obviously Sunday some could smell ink and paper.


This is safe?

Then surely they engage is such activities knowing their own limitation and the element of risk?

No, surely they expect a level of safety that doesn't have vehicles bursting into flames.

... but I suppose the hypo sized ones could damage the track if they were to jump off and their considerable bulk hits the ground from 5ft.

I never mentioned size as a disability. Apparently you have a predjuice.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
No, surely they expect a level of safety that doesn't have vehicles bursting into flames.

I never mentioned size as a disability. Apparently you have a predjuice.

Bursting into flames? Did the truck explode or are you being overly dramatic again?

And as for the other comment it would appear that you do tend to jump to conclusions. But you'll learn................................


New Member
At least the vehicle did not break down in the Tyrannosaurus Rex section.
I saw that happen in a movie once and the guests had a bad experience.



Active Member
For the record when i say old i mean people in their early 60's till 100. They have little or no reflex skill. Im not saying that im richard simmons and can do somersaults in hot pants on a whim....but if there is a fire on a safari ride i can definately throw off all the kids and women then fend for myself against the aligators.

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