All Star Sports Silver Dream Maker Package or CBR regular Dream Maker Package


New Member
All Star Sports Silver or Gold Dream Maker Package or CBR regular Dream Maker Package

My dream resort would be AKL, but since that is currently 3300, it is out of my price range. Also, I am the type of person who likes to get alot for his dollar. Since this is the case, I currently have a reservation for myself to stay at CBR Dec 26 to Jan 3 including the regular dream maker package for $2200. For $1953.47 silver and $2600 gold, I could stay at Disney All-Star Sports Resort with a perfered room, transportation to and from the airport, and upgrade to the Silver or Gold Dream Maker package. I have until the end of October to make my final changes, before my final payment is due on Nov 11. If it makes any difference, I will be going by alone on this trip. Also, I have sat down and figured out the getting a room and tickets seperate is only $50 cheaper than going with the regular dream makers package at CBR.

Here is a link to what both the regular package includes and the silver package:

Regular (CBR):

Silver: (If I changed to Disney All-Star Sports Resort)

Gold: (If I changed to Disney All-Star Sports Resort)

I think that the perfered fireworks viewing and the tours are the main reason that I am thinking about doing this. Also, the 2 perfered wishes per day, either for food or activities is also nice. If I went with the Gold package, having all of my meals taken care of, plus being able to do the tours along with other things would be nice. Since this will be my first trip since 1980, I need all of the advice that I can get.

Yellow Shoes

Well-Known Member
Fortunately, you have lots of time to decide.

If you are a micro-manager, you can do the following.
If not, go with your gut.

IMHO, the packages are not worth the $ if you price everything separately. They ARE worth it if you like the convenience, and the knowledge that nearly everything is on one bill.

Look at menus from the restaurants. Even at Disney prices, you have to eat a lot of food to get your money's worth from the package. (I'm guessing here, but I think the "wishes" run about $40 each) Do you want to take the time to have 2 major sit-down meals per day? (only you know the answer to that one)

You can buy the tours "a la carte" if they are of interest to you.

Now....ground transportation.

I am not a fan of Mears shuttle service. It is not direct service from MCO to your hotel--you will be in a bus or van with other people who, in all likelihood, will be dropped off before you will. If you don't mind a tour of WDW property, you won't mind.

If there are 4 of you, a limo service is actually cheaper than the shuttle. (I'm guessing here again--too lazy to look it up, but Mears is $28 per person, round trip. Limos are around $80 round trip for a car full) Even if there are only 2 of you, I think the limo is worth the extra $ because you get so much better service.

A limo will make a grocery store stop for no extra $ if you want to stock up on snacks. Your party is the only people in the limo, so you get to your hotel faster.

CBR is one of my favorite resorts. I think the themeing is just so much more......complete than All-Stars. To my eye, All Stars is not so much themed as it is decorated .

Bottom line, look carefully at the prices of your package, then look at the prices of what you might spend your wishes on.

Whatever you decide, you will have the assurance that your decision was an informed one.

Have a great time!!
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Well-Known Member
Since you are going alone, Mears will be fine--they are not the fastest, but they get you to your hotel within 45 minutes (and it is a 30 minute drive to wdw, so you only have a couple stops, max). Obviously, the Caribbean Beach Resort is nicer, but for a single person, either that or the All-Star Resort would be fine (go with Movies). If the wishes are important to you, the All Stars, but I always have hated the restrictiveness that plans like those have, because I'd rather be in the parks; but, if you want to relax with your vacations, the restrictiveness wouldn't matter. So, to recap, the theming is better at CBR, but the All Stars are nice (plenty of room for one person in the rooms at either), but only pay for the extras if you KNOW you will use them--it's only worth it if you can commit to those plans they give you.
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