Age-defying rides


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Which older rides/attractions at WDW do you think have stood the test of time the best? By this I mean both how much you continue to enioy it and it's general condition at present.

IMO, Muppet*Vision 3D hasn't aged a day. I still watch it and think 'What a GREAT show this still is'. I genuinely don't believe it'll need replacing any time soon, despite being around for nearly 16 years. On the other hand, I think Star Tours definitely feels its age, as does Indiana Jones.

Over at MK, Space Mountain needs sprucing up a little, but it's still the fun, thrilling ride it always was. Whereas HISTA at Epcot just looks OLD. (Compare Eric Idle in this show to JIIWF; the age difference is clear in the ride!)


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Even though it's relatively young in WDW years, Splash Mountain has aged well, I think. Even though there are a lot of problems with HM right now, I'd say it has aged well, too.


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The rides that aged the best - Muppet Vision 3-D, Splash Mountain (even though they are both roughly the same age, 16 years old, which is not very old IMO, but they are 2 of my personal favorites), Pirates of the Caribbean, The Haunted Mansion, Maelstrom, and with a little upgrade Spaceship Earth.

The rides that show there age, or just downright need to be gutted and redone - Honey I Shrunk the Audience, Star Tours :hurl: , Peter Pans Flight, Snow Whites Scary Adventure, Space Mountain, and I would have said El Rio Del Tiempo (even though I loved that ride), but we all know what's going on there ... Donald where are you?


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I think Honey I shrunk the audience is/was great. Really the only things that give away the attraction's age are the clothing and the snake cgi


Well-Known Member
I think Honey I shrunk the audience is/was great. Really the only things that give away the attraction's age are the clothing and the snake cgi

I thought it was pretty entertaining, too. :eek: I had never seen it before last month.
BUT I do understand that it's pretty darn old and should probably be replaced.


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Tea Cups, Big Thunder, Splash Mountain are a few of my favorite (can't leave MK without doing) rides. I like Big Thunder so much that if that is the only ride I can get on in a day I am very happy.


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Spaceship Earth is simply timeless. As is a ride like Peter Pan. They both have changed little, but still rake in the corwds and are must-see attractions at their parks.


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As much as I love Spaceship Earth (and I REALLY do) the ride itself is quite squeaky and bumpy in parts, which can detract from the experience. Probably nothing that oiling the track wouldn't fix.

As for JIIWF, I am tempted to agree with Joel, but the truth is I never experienced the original ride or the Millennium 'incident', so I can't really compare. I'll just say that whatever went before it must have been better.


Well-Known Member
Haunted Mansion, no question about it. It's about 40 years old and has had minimal changes made to it. Despite that, it doesn't rely on sentimental value for its attendance. It's still as dazzling and entertaining as ever.


Well-Known Member
HM is definately a great answer. On the negative side, Sounds Dangerous is something that can never even equal its predecessor. A story about a stupid person who covers a camera really isn't very Hollywood or even interesting! Bring back the Monster Sound Show!!!


New Member
Some of my favorites which to me never age after 15 trips to DisneyWorld are Great Movie Ride, Indiana Jones, Splash Mountain, and SpaceShip Earth.

Others rank up there as well including Maelstrom and even the Mexico ride as classics which are still enjoyable.

Other stinkers though which desperately need a makeover include Star Tours and Honey I Shrunk The Audience. For a true star wars fan like myself Star Tours is one of the disappointments Disney has yet to address.


Active Member
Haunted Mansion, no question about it. It's about 40 years old and has had minimal changes made to it. Despite that, it doesn't rely on sentimental value for its attendance. It's still as dazzling and entertaining as ever.
I agree completely. I am very disappointed that it will be closed when I go in August. I took 6 trips to WDW between 2000 and 2006 and both of my daughters (now 12 and 10) have yet to go through the complete ride with their eyes open. This trip was going to be the one where they kept their eyes open the entire time. It reminded me of when I went to WDW as a child (mid-70's) and I kept my eyes closed the first time I went through. I was a scaredy cat too!:lol:

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