So this trip really is happening!! August 14th, just a couple days after the Olympics end, we will arrive in Paris for 4 days in the city followed by 4 days at DLP. Staying 3 nights in the Hotel Cheyenne to free up a little money for other things on the trip! Surprisingly, the package deal we got is actually cheaper than the deal our DCP daughter could get (she would have gotten a hotel discount and free ticket for herself, but the package was still less).
Even though we have learned (as have we all) about all the changes coming, with her graduating from college and the future ability/timing for all three of us to travel together looking limited, we are going for it.
We haven't booked any table service meals, but based on most of the reviews we've read/heard, most of them are not worth it. And, the one that might have been was not available. Still might try to walk up to Walt's and get a table, but also might not!
We haven't made any actual plans, so I welcome suggestions and recommendations from anyone/everyone!
Also, anyone had issues with making payments via the DLP website? For three weeks now, the Visa link on the payment page hasn't worked - we get an error every time (tried multiple browsers with every setting adjusted that we could adjust). We could use PayPal, but would rather get the better cash back with our Disney Visa!!!