Adult Film Star Visited WDW?


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I just recalled seeing a blurb on the local (Orlando) news about a week ago mentioning an upcoming segment on what famous "adult film" star was at WDW and why. I wasn't able to catch the story and forgot about it until now.

Did anyone hear anything about this? I tried a search but nothing came up because I don't know who it was they were referring to.

I'm sure it's not that big of a story, but if the local news felt the need to mention it, I'd like to know why.



Well-Known Member
Wow... glad to see someone else up too. Anyways, tried a search on our paper (Jacksonvilles) Times Union. Didn't see any mention. Lots of articles on Disney though.


Well-Known Member
The media was short on stories that day, so they had to run a story that "Ron Jeremy" visited the Magic Kingdom.

Disney then had to issue a statement stating that he did not receive any special "perks", nor did Mr. Jeremey ask for any.

Since he is not "too recognizable" to cause a stir they would not have honored any request. But if someone like a Michael Jordan, who people would bum rush and cause a distraction, would be eligiable


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by tigsmom
I wonder how many other "famous" people walk thru the gates on a daily basis & go unrecognized?

I wouldn't doubt that many go unrecognized...especially the international celebs, that most Americans wouldn't even recognize on the news...

If you think about it, even the smelly people in the queues could be celebs and you wouldn't even know it...

:lol: :lookaroun

Anyone seen any at WDW trying to hide???


Well-Known Member
lots of celebrity visitors

I'm certain that there are plenty of low-profile visits to WDW by celebrities who do not want fanfare about the visit. I saw Christoper Reves and family at AK - because of his special needs, I'm sure it's tough for him to go unnoticed.


Naturally Grumpy
Two Words: Sweeps Week

It's sweeps week and if the TV/Radio/Print news wasn't sensationalistic enough, they always seem to ratchet it up.
Making a big deal about Ron Jeremy being there seems to imply that Disney condones (just a BIT of a reach). Just like some media tries to imply that Disney promotes homosexuality by having Gay Day and benefits for partners (but homosexuality bashing is no longer PC in the general media so they downplay on that front...but still make mention of it)

What better to be sensationalistic about than attacking icons and institutions, and suing Disney is like suing God. While Disney probably has the best food service record per volume, the media makes a big deal out of 6 food poisioning complaints over a year and points to sub optimal hold temperatures for prepared food.
What a bunch of :hurl:

Florida media is particularly good at this...kind of like the kid thumbing their nose at their parent. If they didn't have Disney news, the'd have no news at all.


New Member
Well you know the industry is on moratorium right now due to an HIV outbreak. Maybe they were trying some angle there?


New Member
You know, I'm not opposed to and like many men, enjoy it, :D but it just doesn't seem right talking about it on a Disney forum. :lookaroun I almost feel guilty...Almost .

I will continue to watch this post though :lol: :p


New Member
Originally posted by Mickifan17
You know, I'm not opposed to and like many men, enjoy it, :D but it just doesn't seem right talking about it on a Disney forum. :lookaroun I almost feel guilty...Almost .

I will continue to watch this post though :lol: :p

I agree, It brings a whole new meaning to fantasy land :lol: .

I can see it now, for the adults we are building a real fantasy in the 20k area of fantasy land :lol:


New Member
Originally posted by JackSkellington
My word I hope not. Disney should clean up its image. I wish it would go back to family values like when Walt was alive.

Jebus. Are you saying he should have been barred from entry?


I'm sorry, but this isn't news.


New Member
Speaking of Celebrities..........

I was trying to leave the MK, and I had a CM with some people pass by me real quickly. When I looked at the guest in back of the CM, it was Montel Williams and his family.

COOL! There are probably many actors and actresses that go to Disney, and people don't recognize them.

I also thought I saw that actor from the Fast and the Furious movies, his name (umm..) Paul something? (I can't remember.)


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by tigsmom
Only to his fans, I guess; and only "in costume".

I wonder how many other "famous" people walk thru the gates on a daily basis & go unrecognized?

Your a Mom, you should have not replied to this post :drevil:

And I assume you mean his "Hedgehog" outfit? :lol: :lol: :lol:

I saw that old crow from The View, Meriedith Vierra at Epcot last year, without any escort, jsut standing by Mexico sipping a drink with friends. She was even wearing a jacket that said "The View" on the back of it.

Talk about screaming for attention. But then again, who gives a rats patoot about her :wave:

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